Erick - As a PCA Teaching Elder I say Amen! Thank you for speaking on this issue.

In His Service,

Thomas Eddy

Associate Director For State Capitols, Ministry to State

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There’s already a Presbyterian branch for anyone who does not subscribe to the Biblical view of this. It’s called the PCUSA. Those who disagree with the PCA stated position on this are free to go there.

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Keep pushing Erick. You’ll get morality into law soon.

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When did he mention the law?

Project much?

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We left the UMC 20 years ago because of its drift 'left' away from sound doctrine. (In 50+ years, we had never left a fellowship for any other reason than changes in jobs. It was an emotionally intense decision.) We found a home in a rural Southern Baptist fellowship where sound doctrine still dominates. Your article is a reminder of the admonitions of Matthew 24. Very well written, imho.

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The UMC is in a schism right now: my little, rural Methodist church left the UMC in February: we are now Global Methodists.

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It is both interesting and frightening that many within our country are making God in their own image. They except no truth but what they themselves have created. As you have said many times, we will be made to care if they have their way. Believers in Christ and the Bible must stand up for the truth of Jesus today. It is obviously getting harder to do in our present day culture.

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As an Elder at a local PCA Church, I am not pleased with the direction of our Church. I have voiced my concerns. It appears the " woke agenda " , from attacking Israel as an Apartied State to pushing exactly what your article outlines. We should welcome everyone, we should glorify no one .

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Thank you for your willingness to speak the truth in love. Reminds me of the watchman on the wall.

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Same thing happening in the UMC, many churches are disaffiliating due to similar issues. There is a “pastor” out west who preaches in drag as “Miss Penny Cost”, Duke Divinity students now refer to God as The Queer One, and many pastors have stopped using Father in reference to God. It’s so messed up.

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we lifetime Presbyterians members have moved to EOC Presbyterians. I feel vindicated by my move after reading about PCA. Come join us at EOC!!!

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Best move ever!

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Thank you Erick for reminding us of what is going on today. But as in the days of Lot we find ourselves today and so get ready and help those that do not know Him, we need to show them who He is and why they need Him now, as tomorrow may be to late.

Blessings on you and your family.

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Thanks for drawing attention to this. I am in the PCA and had hoped Revoice had died down. Apparently it’s exactly the opposite and the anti-slippery-slope folks have been proven dead wrong. This needs to be dealt with by the denomination.

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