I am increasingly worried about the perpetual outrage that seems to be enveloping the right. The perfect example is this morning’s revelation of “use of force” language in the DOJ search warrant for Mar-a-Lago which has spawned countless people to claim this was an assassination attempt by Joe Biden against Donald Trump. As I wrote this morning, this is pro forma language included in every search warrant which the DOJ moronically forgot to remove.
This was dumb, but to claim it was an assassination attempt simply doesn’t hold water. The DOJ coordinated with the Secret Service to only enter the property when Trump was not present and planned to use the same language in the search warrant for Biden’s property before the President’s team invited them inside. But the outrage machine is spinning out of control on the right over it. Members of Congress and countless pundits are spilling vast amounts of ink to whip everyone into existential outrage.
While everyone on the right is distracted by a manufactured story, the truly outrageous story of the day is getting almost no attention. Joe Biden is attempting to buy his reelection by releasing gas reserves to lower fuel prices. Biden released 1 million barrels of gasoline from the Northeastern reserve which equates to about 42 million gallons. The reserve was created after Super Storm Sandy as a way of expediting fuel delivery to a region in the event of an emergency. Apparently, Joe Biden losing to a guy facing 91 criminal indictments is an emergency.
The absurdity of this decision in this geopolitical landscape is simply inexcusable. Ignoring the tension in the Middle East for a moment, Biden has clamped down on new drilling permits in Alaska while repeatedly proving to be incapable of swaying Saudi Arabia’s Mohammed Bin Salman to increase oil capacity for the United States. Instead, after draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to a 40-year low, Biden aims to do the same with other emergency reserves.
This should be the leading story that conservatives are talking about. Instead, let’s keep talking about assassination attempts that never happened.
In terms of what helps Trump and the Republicans, there is already plenty of economic reality against Biden. Most voters are not informed enough to understand the dirty moves of Biden to again release strategic oil reserves for political reasons. So I disagree here. I think the reporting on this deep state weaponization of the FBI for politics moves the needle more to Trump and the anti-establishment Republicans. You tend to be more establishment minded so that explains why you think it is not wise.
“The DOJ coordinated with the Secret Service to only enter the property when Trump was not present and planned to use the same language in the search warrant for Biden’s property before the President’s team invited them inside.”
“Planned to use the same language”? Right… and I have some crypto futures I can sell you.
Let’s use 100,000,000 in this example as the number of vehicles in this country that use gasoline. Prez JRB is releasing 1,000,000 barrels each holding 42 gallons. That’s 42,000,000 gallons. Let’s give each vehicle an even amount of gas. 100,000,000 vehicles/ 42,000,000 gallons of gas gives you 2.38 gallons per vehicle. I bet you can’t wait for the trivial effect of that gas. The bad news is you won’t even get that much because there’s more than 100,000,000 vehicles, certainly more than twice that number. Bidenism is a really bad ism.