Joe's three cup monte.

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Erick, Christians should never be outraged. The root is rage, which means violent, uncontrolled anger. (I know sometimes we are. We are human.) Let's use better words to express our dissatisfaction with people and events.

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The thing is there can be more than one stupid policy going on at a time. With Biden, it’s multiples. Yes, the FBI did a stupid thing. It looks bad without context. Good work Erick.

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Curious these two events coincide.

Trolling the Left is Trump's gift. But the Left invented trolling. Is this manufactured coincidence? Feed the grifters on the Right the search warrant so the likes of MTG and Carlson go apoplectic and then further deplete the SPR.

Maybe I am giving them to much credit.

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I goofed. The math is wrong. 100,000,000 vehicles getting 42,000,000 gallons of gas evenly will only get .42 gals. I still stand by my previous comment that Bidenism is a really bad ism.

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We are fully aware of the release of oil from the reserves. And are thoroughly ticked off about that too. It doesn't have to be one or the other. Stop making excuses for outrageous behavior by the Biden administration and its henchmen.

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I understand Erick’s point regarding pro forms language during the raid. Of greater significance is that the DOJ and FBI were raiding the home of a former President of the United States. A President who was working with these agencies and NARA on which documents he would return. The government wanted the Trump team to padlock a room? They padlocked the room. The raid was totally uncalled for. And as Judge Cannon orders documents to be un-redacted, it really appears that the government tampered with evidence and that the Biden WH was behind the raid. It’s all a sham and the Republicans playing the SOP tape is why the American people and the Republicans grassroots are done with the party. After 40 years of losing wars, complicity in increasing our debt, and generally being controlled opposition for big government, who can blame the grassroots for their distrust and disdain. It was well earned by the DC establishment. Now it’s time for them to go.

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Let’s use 100,000,000 in this example as the number of vehicles in this country that use gasoline. Prez JRB is releasing 1,000,000 barrels each holding 42 gallons. That’s 42,000,000 gallons. Let’s give each vehicle an even amount of gas. 100,000,000 vehicles/ 42,000,000 gallons of gas gives you 2.38 gallons per vehicle. I bet you can’t wait for the trivial effect of that gas. The bad news is you won’t even get that much because there’s more than 100,000,000 vehicles, certainly more than twice that number. Bidenism is a really bad ism.

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Absolutely brilliant.

Give away American oil to drive down inflation for an election, yet have no intention of ever refilling the reserve, which is there for American safety.

Artificially drop inflation, making Greta pee her carbon neutral shorts.

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If the language in the search warrant is proforma, then it would be easy to prove. Just pull a large random sample of search warrants and check to see how many used the language and if used, was it required for the search warrant where it appeared. It would be interesting to hear the results of such a simple check on the defensive claim.

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The trouble with supplying the police with Imperial Star Trooper equipment and training is that they get psyched up and want to use the stuff and training. Mistakes get made (people killed or terrorized ) and no one is accountable.

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A Georgian story just broke this morning when an officer serving a civil eviction notice knocked on a door. An 8-year-old boy with his dog answered. The dog barked and got out the door. The cop got scared and shot both the dog and the child. The story was buried until the family's ring camera video surfaced.

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You are so wrong. Firstly there are numerous news accounts and posts about depleting the oil reserves.

As far as the FBI raid! If the roles were reversed they would have Trump in handcuffs and his entire DOJ behind bars. It’s becoming increasingly clear you have no interest in playing in the trenches and would prefer to pander to the RINOs in the room.

In this situation do not allow a great crisis to go to waste, whether or not it pro forma procedure.

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In terms of what helps Trump and the Republicans, there is already plenty of economic reality against Biden. Most voters are not informed enough to understand the dirty moves of Biden to again release strategic oil reserves for political reasons. So I disagree here. I think the reporting on this deep state weaponization of the FBI for politics moves the needle more to Trump and the anti-establishment Republicans. You tend to be more establishment minded so that explains why you think it is not wise.

“The DOJ coordinated with the Secret Service to only enter the property when Trump was not present and planned to use the same language in the search warrant for Biden’s property before the President’s team invited them inside.”

“Planned to use the same language”? Right… and I have some crypto futures I can sell you.

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