I'm a pessimist too. I must have detected that when I signed up.

I'm sorry for the 24 lost souls. If I can stay considering your religiosity, you'd think they could handle a bit of anti-Trumpism. Geez.

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Appreciated the article and the idea of Hope! So needed today. Also appreciated the fact that you mentioned our governor in Arizona, but his name is spelled Ducey, not Doocey, unless that's the Southern spelling of it? Just a friendly "heads-up" - love reading your articles even if I don't always agree with you, I feel safe with my own opinion.

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Erick, welcome back from vacation. I agree with all your sentiments yesterday. We are living in a new Civil War age, only this time it’s liberals verses conservatives. Our president has seemed to lost his focus on his re-election. As Dr. Spencer Johnson could note, his cheese got moved, and he can’t adjust to finding a new play book. COVID has created a “lose/lose” environment. No one can make the right decisions with the information seemingly doing a 180 turn every week. The press and Democrats are going to unite and cease on this opportunity to bury the president. By his nature, he can’t help but take them on in arguments he can’t win. He still has my vote and I believe in the heart of this country. Thanks for your voice!

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I have this Southern curse in that I spell like I speak. “Cease” should be “seize” y’all.

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I note who's not on your horizon, Erick, such as Cruz, Rubio, Sasse, Will Hurd, etc.

When Trump is gone (and the odds are increasing that it'll be this January), there's going to be a major reassessment of this party, and it's not going to be favorable toward Trump and his most loyal followers. There's also going to be a reckoning on who biggest Trump suck-ups were, and one of them is DeSantis. I see no future for him in higher office. He's lucky that the mortality rate in his state is only 3.2%.

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I specifically mentioned Cruz, Rubio and Sasse.

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My bad.

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You started this correctly. For the last few months you have gone from being a realist to being an extreme pessimist. We all realize President Trump (like every other Human Being - Except one since you are a Christian) is not perfect. But we also realize WE ALL have to make a choice. Not voting is a choice and you know what you are choosing if you go that route. I will not cancel my subscription but I have turned the channel several times when you start spiraling down into the extreme negative hole you are digging for yourself. I just do not want to go down with you.

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Thank you for today's list of people who are out there doing good things. There will always be the Elijah's and Elisha's who are standing for what is right in a culture that is anything but right, and it is good to see them recognized. It's easy to feel like no one cares, or is doing anything; having those who do care, and are doing something, named is encouraging.

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Howdy Erick; just wanted to thank you for your posts yesterday and today. I've been reading your work since before Trump came along, and I deeply appreciate your drive to stick to higher principles, truth, and rationality, despite the tides of tribalism that seem to wash everyone else away. Thank you!

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I just subscribed BECAUSE I don't agree with everything that you say! I love to hear more than one opinion or a side to a story. Carry on!!

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I agree Erick with the hard truths yesterday and the hope today. And I don't agree with you on every issue but appreciate hearing your views and why you feel that way. It's silly to cancel other opinions. Thank you!

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You have no right to complain if you do not exercise your citizen's duty and vote.

This election isn't about the candidates as much as it is about the direction of our country. The vote is either socialism or capitalism. . It is that stark a reality."

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Erick, there are many of us like yourself. I do not agree with you on every issue, but I respect your tenacity at standing firm on what you do believe. I will vote for Trump in 2020 not because I support his personality but because he is the best option in the Trump-Biden contest. Hopefully in the future I will have the opportunity to vote "for" someone and not simply "against" someone else. We have had very poor choices the last two elections. If the president would ever loose the "I, I, I, Me, Me, Me" approach and become a bit more humbled by the responsibility he bears, he would go a long way in earning my vote. Right now he is getting it not because of who he is, but based on what will happen if Joe Bidden wins. Sorry that your stance is costing you subscribers, but as you know when you are a truth seeker and teller, the world will hate you. Thanks Charles

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You captured my feelings exactly!

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Erick, as far as I am concerned, you can talk about all the other wonderful conservatives you want (and I agree with most of your assessments), but right now, Trump is the guy running, and he is the thin line standing between us and being overrun by the darkness of the very left dems. If you think we will ever have a chance to win another election if Biden is elected, you are sadly mistaken. Our "good" conservatives can pick up all the pieces they want--pieces are the only thing the Republican party will ever have again. Biden (or his handlers) will bring in amnesty for all illegal immigrants--mostly dem votes--voting by mail/complete corruption--never again will we be able to elect a Republican President or congress.

DMK and William Armstrong wrote much more eloquently than I can about sticking with Trump at this point.

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You are a doom and gloom commentator. With all the anti-Trump articles in the main stream media, it's disappointing to hear your voice added on top of the rhetoric. I have considered canceling my subscription but haven't because you occasionally make some good points and provide some valuable information. I wish you'd tone it down on Trump because of the complete unacceptability of the alternative. Voters will have only two choices in the upcoming election, 'conservatism' in the form of the Republican ticket, or 'liberalism' in the form of the Democrat ticket. This liberalism has morphed into an ugly monster with so many objectionable appendages, it is difficult to defeat. It's anti-law and order, anti-life (abortion), and anti-american (cancel culture). Your voice is needed to support the Republican choices, including and especially the President. Don't let your pessimism subvert the will of those people who want to save this nation from socialism.

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I appreciate your candor Erick. I too have fits of despondant discord in my soul over our current political situation. At times I find myself using language that is not my habitual utterance. Thankfully I'm almost always alone where only God can hear. And I KNOW He understands because He is gracious to adjust me quickly. I'm grateful for your voice and pray it is ever increasingly empowered to shine light in this darkness.

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Eric. I too toyed with cancelling but not because of your hopeless tone but because of your sexual language (erections, humping his leg). You are a much better writer than that. I did get the symbolism intended, just think smart folks can find better words. After all, the left seems to have only one word to use (starts with F) for virtually anything!

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Erick, On 08/23/19 you wrote a post about how the Democratic policies are "bat-crap crazy" that listed your many reasons for tentatively supporting Trump despite your numerous objections to his personal behavior and your dislike of his tariffs. About the only thing that has changed since then is that the Democratic party policies have become even more insane with "cancel culture," "defund the police," and "statue destruction" now obtaining de facto support. In addition, there is a general failure of Trump's critics to condemn violent rioting, looting, and the mobs who have seized police stations and sections of major cities. If the half of our country that hates Trump votes for a political party that supports these policies, then it is quite possible that God will give them their choice. However, Trump's critics may be so focused on the depravity of his Twitter battles that they are unable to see the broad road of destruction the alternative depravity is headed down.

Perhaps Trump should be cancelled for an alleged affair he had with a porn star about 14 years ago, but I think that is not a good Biblical argument since he seems to have reconciled with his wife and his previous pattern of sexual immorality seems to have stopped. Perhaps Trump should be cancelled for his vicious tweets, but if we are going to permanently cancel everybody who posts vicious tweets or makes divisive comments, even God may run out of lightning bolts. Your post yesterday was very alarming to me even though you clearly have been sliding in that direction for a couple months now. It would be nice if we could just have a non-divisive country where everybody sought to obey the moral standards God has given us in the Bible. But one lesson from the history of the Nazi’s is that if you give them Czechoslovakia, they will only want more. Wars are ugly, and Trump’s battle against the policies of the progressive world has become more than verbal with the recent physical violence of Antifa, BLM, and mobs seizing property and declaring autonomous zones. We can choose to fight that battle, or we can try to appease the aggressors just as Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler.

As to your comments on the suburbs, they voted for Obama over McCain, because suburban women and recent college grads often support abortion and/or climate change insanity, along with other progressive policies. For example, Pew Research stated “Obama won at least half the votes of independents (52% vs. 49% for Kerry), suburban voters (50% vs. 47% for Kerry), Catholics (54% vs. 47% for Kerry), and other key swing groups in the electorate.” Trump won in 2016 by attracting voters who oppose “open borders” or “writing off American manufacturing jobs” or “unlimited abortion rights” or “O&G development” or “Constitutional-friendly judges.” But the flip side of that is that he outrages the half of America who hates all these policies because the media drilling into them Hillary would win in a landslide and install an “everlasting Reich” of progressive policies in America.

If you really feel Robert Jeffries is deserving of condemnation., perhaps you should focus on analyzing his sermons for your audience, I listened to a few of his sermons, and they seem pretty much standard Baptist theology to me. If Jeffries is guilty of supporting Trump rather than abstaining or voting for the Democratic alternative, then John McArthur bears a similar guilt based on his comments on the 2016 election: “At a recent forum for The Master’s University MacArthur said he’s not voting for Donald Trump, he’s voting for a worldview. "I’m voting for an ideology that is closer to Scripture,” MacArthur said. “Because [the Republican platform] is political responsibility, work, it has a place for the Bible, it has a place for God, it understands the necessity of a family, it understands the role of government is primarily to carry a sword to threaten evildoers and protect those who do well.”' Perfect politicians are like perfect churches in that they simply don’t exist. Christians can choose to fight over everything (Galatians 5:15) with their brothers (which is one reason the “church of Christ” is split in umpteen denominations) or they can apply Romans 14 with the understanding that not everybody shares the same level of Christian maturity.

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