ALSO - Don't forget that the carbon foot print and CO2 emissions are far greater, in the long run, for the electric car than the gas only combustion engine alternative. That's because the generation of electricity needed by the electric car battery to recharge comes from predominantly coal, natural gas and oil using power plants. HYBRID autos are the best lower CO2 alternative. Their engines use much lower amounts of gasoline (getting two to three times the mileage results) to recharge their batteries while on the road not at a charging station. They are the best alternative to address the CO2 issue and a much more practical solution at this point in time. As usual, the federal government has dropped the logic ball.

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November 2022 - Do the Republican's gain enough seats to override a Biden Veto? Probably Not. What can the Republican's get done after January 2023? Probably stop Biden's program but likely not get any of theirs in. Do the Republican's have enough to impeach Biden? Yes. Enough to Convict No. (Unless they have enough to override a veto at which point they will not need to impeach.) Can the Republicans force the administration to drill more, make approvals easier, do anything to lower inflation...probably not. So I agree, there is a change coming but it is not enough of a change to change much of anything unless Biden changes...and if he leaves before his term is up, does anyone think Pamela (stand at attention) Harris is going to be any better? Will the Republican's be able to close the border, build the wall, fund more security without being able to blow past a veto? Unless enough radicals are thrown out and the remaining moderate Democrats come to their senses, we are in for a rough three years until 2024. And then what happens? The Democrats will say "The Republicans had the house and the senate and still got nothing done. Sorry to be a pessimist. The Republicans better start laying out what they can and will do, because other than a stalling game (and a stall is better than this outright lunacy we have right now) not a whole lot is going to change. Sad times for the country and for us. But the presidential election mattered, and for the worse...we put the worst president in history into office...one without morals, without convictions, without understanding. Here is hoping I am wrong. Fortunately...our future does not rest on either party. May God give us better than what we deserve. Charles

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Yes, but let’s get the Trump policies without the man and his endless shenanigans. Let’s nominate and elect Ron DeSantis. All of the policies we love and none of the drama.

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A huge pat on the back for saying these things on a national platform, Erick. But, as the saying goes, there is none so blind as he who will not see and climate change is nothing more than a religion of faith. This is fine. Just don't expect me to finance or endorse it any more than you would expect to finance or endorse my belief in Jesus Christ.

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This is as much a "Stockholm Syndrome" situation as a hostage situation. Dems have been co-opted by the "green machine", and now have come to love that captor.

One problem with long-term exposure to sweet-tasting anti-freeze is the poison in it becomes the daily dosage becoming the new normal for those ingesting it. The Dems have no will to reason, and now with Dems in power, no need to reason. Just push and bully.

"It's what scorpions do - they sting things"

Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

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The sky is falling---The sky is falling-----Bullshit!

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Biden is a corrupt-evil-career politician. Owned by Soros and the occult elite. INSTALLED AND NOT ELECTED. He needs to go! #TRUMP2024 #ULTRAMAGA #MAGAKING #DRAINTHESWAMP

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This sounds like an advert for The Libertarian Party. Oh, wait, the LP is the original political party cult, but its cult was adherence to the idea of a gold standard. They haven't been and won't ever be a factor in national or even local politics.

So, we've got the Democratic Party Cult as defined above and the MAGA Trumpist Republican Party Cult that has no problem with forcibly usurping the Constitution to keep an unelected man in power.

So, we find ourselves at a Morton's Fork with no third option. Hmm, maybe a gold standard wouldn't be that bad after all.

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There is an unelected man in power right this second. And I don't recall anything unconstitutional being done when Trump was in office.

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With all due respect, you should peek outside the information bubble you're in.

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I have to tell you that I am far from being in a "bubble". I read everything from everybody. It seems to be you who are in a bubble when I see you repeating nonsense.

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Electric cars and trucks will never be popular with the majority of U.S. citizens until they are affordable, desirable and relatively easy to maintain. I am not as critical of electricity replacing gas as I used to be. Over the last 20 years I have replaced many of my gas powered tools with battery operated tools. I love my battery operated weed whacker, chainsaw, leaf blower/sweeper and other tools that used to require gas or a long cord (skill saw, reciprocal saw etc.). The gas powered tools these battery operated replaced were always a pain for "weekend yard warriors" to use. Mixing oil with gas, getting gas all over your hands and clothes, smoking up the neighborhood with oil and gas smoke. Pulling the cord on chainsaws, weed whackers, and leaf blowers a hundred times until it cranked or your arm fell off. They also are so loud they can wake the dead and give you hearing loss. I imagine at some point, electric vehicles may also be seen and experienced as an improvement over gas that the public enjoys. But, Americans do not want to be forced into buying something they can't afford and is impractical due to lack of charging stations and mileage limitations. Also, I will never give up my gas powered Corvette. Something that gives me pure joy to drive and is an American icon can't be matched by an electric version.

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We have several battery powered tools too. But they are mainly for the easy jobs or for me to use since I can't handle the "real" tools. The battery powered stuff may be fine in an urban area where you don't have acres of property to mow, trees to cut up, projects to build and long distances to drive to get stuff, not to mention the need for a tractor of some kind. But in my world, without gas and diesel powered tools and vehicles, it would be really tough to get things done.

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I agree that electric technology has a long way to go before it is useful/efficient for farm work and larger jobs. I still have my gas powered zero turn mower for the yard. But, I imagine in 5-10 years there will be heavy duty electric options available.

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Not to mention the VAST amount of everyday products that contain petroleum! In a quick search I couldn't get a percentage, but I did stumble across a partial list of over 6,000 everyday products made from one barrel of oil AFTER distilling 19 gallons of gasoline. The ignorance of the American consumer is preyed upon every day by sharks like Al Gore, AOC, Biden and/or his puppeteers, and others who promulgate this "let's just switch to clean energy" fairytale. Remember: IF THERE'S A DOLLAR TO BE MADE, YOU SHOULD BE WARY, and the "fix" to climate change always involves money. It's just another redistribution of wealth scheme.

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Amen on the Corvette! Same my Dodge Challenger Scat-Pack. Nothing like it!

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This is so "right on!!" Scary, but on target.

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Mail in ballots will be sent out marked “Occupant”.

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You are so right on this. But also, this ALL electric is a bunch of horse manure as I have a degree in aeronautics and astronautics, Pilot in the USMC, plus I flew for Pan Am for over 20 years all around the world and KNOW that all of what they are saying is false from the word go. Just another excuse for them to take down this nation and make the Trilateral Commission the ONE WORLD GOV.

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Democrats have become extremists on every issue.

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