Mark, you're funny. Do I really need to cite everything in the Bible about helping the poor for you?

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I am not at all sure it is all ineptitude. I think some of it is, but I also believe they are trying to destroy our current republic (what is left of it). They are very World Government/Marxist in their thinking, and they have to rip this country down to make it happen.

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This was a very good analysis of what is going in the Biden government. It is ineptitude or maybe just plain ignorance. Thank you for the many excellent articles you write and I especially was blest by your ones concerning Easter.

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At some point, you have to question whether this ineptitude or intentional. Obama campaigned on a promise to "transform America." If Joe is Obama's 3rd term, is here merely trying to finish the job his former boss started?

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A consequence of darkened minds who disdain biblical understanding of human nature and natural laws. This is what happens when neo-Marxist activists direct policy-making.

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Erick, I have tremendous respect for you as a man of God and a richly experienced commentator, but if you believe what is happening to our country is the result of "ineptitude," I am forced to wonder if all that experience of looking at the political trees has blinded you to the dark, malevolent forest that is threatening to engulf our country . . . and perhaps already has. If these people were merely "inept," they would get SOMETHING right once in a while, like the proverbial stopped clock that gives the correct time twice a day. Virtually everything that Biden has done since he took office has ranged from bad to disastrous. This can be nothing more than the deliberate, planned destruction of the United States of America. I don't pretend to understand how these globalists believe they will benefit from the collapse of America, but it's obvious that they do, because they are all working together to bring it about. Are you paying any attention to what is going on at the World Economic Forum? Folks, this isn't "conspiracy theory," these folks are talking about a "Great Reset" right out in the open! Go to their website and see for yourselves. Erick, do you REALLY believe that Joe Biden is anything more than a sock puppet? The poor man can't even find his way from a podium! To call this "ineptitude" is to be way too kind or willfully, blissfully unaware. Erick, people are paying money for your website because we are counting on you to tell us the truth. Again, I respect you, and you are my brother in Christ, but this article was tremendously disappointing and discouraging. Cicero said, "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious, but it cannot survive treason from within." THAT is what is happening to our country, Erick, and people need to stand up and shout "STOP!" while there is, Lord willing, still time.

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It’s not ineptitude, it’s humanitarian. You may call them illegal aliens, but, be honest, aren’t they really just poor people looking for a better life?

“when you give a banquet, invite the poor”, Jesus Christ

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It's because they are as stupid as their voters.

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Given Biden’s past ineptitude’s, this should come as a surprise to nobody. If the corrupt corporate media did its job in the summer and fall of 2020, we wouldn’t be here. Trump, for all his faults, should have and would have won in a landslide. Other than the hysterical news media that distorted everything Trump said snd did during the height of the pandemic, history will prove he actually handled the pandemic quite well while balancing the economic needs of the country. Biden and his entire administration is just horrible.

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The bigger question may be, “How are voters so inept?” Everyone knew he was too old, too confused, and too disconnected to lead anything. Trump may have had good policies and good people around him, but his temperament, ego, and words rendered him toxic to many people. Between the MSM and left leanings of corporatism, there just aren’t many people willing to take on the job for the right reasons. It seems that only the corrupt and corruptible run for high office and so the downward spiral continues, faster with every turn.

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This is a great piece. They just are that inept. Tom Greene

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I had someone try to tell me inflation today is because of the 2008 financial crisis. It's not Biden's fault.

It is amazing that Democrats are victims of circumstances, outside forces they have no control over including the actions of the previous Republican President, be it 1 year ago or 8. If not for all these outside forces we would have the greatest economy ever with peace in our time.

Oh, but Republican Presidents are fully capable of controlling the world and causing damage, and Democrats, when Republicans control the White House or the Senate or the House, can do better... except when they win they are haples victims, nothing bad is their doing.

I remember Barbara Corcoran on Shark Tank bowling out telling a contestant the difference between success and failure is how long you feel sorry for yourself after something goes wrong.

Liberalism is a mental illness. Projecting failures of your own design on to others. Talking about what happens to you and not talking about your own behavior.

Money quote...

"They are... clowns in bumper cars colliding with crises of their own creation."

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When they appear to be this dumb, perhaps their actions deserve to be scrutinized a little harder? What I mean is there may be a subtlety or nuance to their actions we are missing. I have thought for some time that Biden wouldn't make it out of the first 18 months of his term due to "health issues" of unspecified origin. I fully expected articles calling his cognitive abilities to first begin from the right, then hints from a few sources on the left, and then finally full-on attacks on his mental state. What I didn't forsee was DiFi's situation being used as a trial balloon to vet all the pitfalls before they go this route with Biden. I also forgot about the two year limitation on the VP serving a term. Now, I expect to see DiFi fully gone after, the articles about Biden's mental state to either pick up or tail off depending on how DiFi goes, and then he's out at the 24 month mark. Kamala Harris then gets to try and have ten years to push progressivism down our throats.

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From this distance the ongoing party disputes and electoral battles are, strictly speaking, something to be viewed objectively, since we have our own version of party politics with which to deal in the UK. And it has always been difficult for Englishmen to gain some perspective on American domestic politics, though not necessarily impossible. And this would be why, if somebody like the President in charge now did manage to reach approximately the right conclusion about an issue in Europe eventually, we would have to be thankful that he did, and let his voters decide later whether he could have done a better job of it!! The southern border of the US clearly has been a problem since the new president made dismantling controls his policy to distinguish from his main opponent in the election. Events may force his hand in this.

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