I may be naive here but after reading the latest round of information about where our economy and subsidies are headed many people are going to suddenly realize we’re headed right back to 2008. Their pockets were empty then and the economy was like sludge. This combined with what you’ve just described is going go to make for a whole lot of buyers remorse. We shouldn’t ignore the opportunity to get out there with a strong message (I haven’t figured out what that is yet...where do we start). But people are doin going to realize we’re in the hands of lunatics and leftover Obamaclones.

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2008 was a crash. With an already strong economy that is about to be juiced by a Covid-justified stimulus, how do the wheels come off by 2024?

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It is important to realize that the battle is morphing from the left versus the right to the elites versus the people. Fight the battle based upon where it is going rather than where it has been the last forty years. Start referring to the opposition as "elites" and our team as "the people". Donald Trump was massively popular because he was for "the people" and against the elites and the people sensed this. While most of his opponents were from the Democrat left many were RINOS. Their common bond was that they were all elites and they spent four years destroying Trump to preserve their elite status. Many centrist Democrats find the elites in their party intolerable but they have been conditioned to not like Republicans because they always thought of the GOP as the party of big business, money, etc. The elites have been very successful by using pejorative terms to define the opposition. We can turn the tables on them by calling them elites and then defining what we mean by the word "elite".

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Mocking and ridiculing may have some clout, but I'm a big believer in creating different options to things I don't believe in or support. I did this by creating different income streams when I could no longer stomach Corporate America's stress, politics and back-stabbing (after 25 years). Creating different school options, media/film industries, food / drink sources, technology, etc. is my hope where moderates and conservatives and just common sense people can turn to and have a life in. It may not be seen and glorified on MSM and Big Tech platforms, but like the ant farm it will be massive underground.

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Excellent commentary, Erick....lots of wisdom in your words. I'm just wondering, based on some of the comments below, where do moderates go for their news? There seems to be little truth anywhere in media. Of course, the left lies and, thanks to Erick, my eyes have been opened to some of the lying on the right. So where does one go to get the truth to stand on while navigating the 'middle road'? I hated Trump's words and how he said them, but I LOVED what he did for my country. I LOVED that he stood up for the little guy- black, white, yellow and brown. I LOVED that he did things other pols had promised and never followed through on....immigration, jail reform, funding black colleges, moving our embassy to Jerusalem, standing up against Iran and China.....Those are conservative values I vote for. Please explain to me how to inform myself, in the maze of information, on what the moderates stand for. I know...."I done opened up a can of worms"......

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Broccoli is good for me. But if I eat only broccoli, I'll die. I have to consume a balanced diet.

Same with news. I am a paying subscriber to Erick, NY Times, WaPo, WSJ, National Review, the Bulwark, and my local daily, the Columbus Dispatch.

Remember, if I'm not a paying customer, then I'm not the consumer; I'm the product they're selling.

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Thank you, Dan...well said. Anybody else?

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I agree with Dan. I subscribe to the all of the publications he lists (except the Columbus Dispatch), plus The Washington Examiner, The Wall Street Journal, The Daily Beast, the Dispatch, The Spectator, and the Atlantic. I also check out Ann Colter's site, Right Wisconsin, The Hill, The Guardian, The Volokh Conspiracy and others. (Did I mention I'm retired?) I rarely, if ever, watch TV news and I don't follow Fox News, CNN, MSNBC or any of the major networks online. Since I consider myself a moderate-liberal, I actually read less liberal media and more conservative media. I despise echo chambers. I have a Twitter account, but never check it and am following no one.

The problem is that we assume so much with labels. The truth is, there is no defined moderate position. As I mentioned in another post, I refuse to accept that there are always only two possible solutions. But I also don't accept that there are only three (conservative, moderate, liberal), because things are so much more complicated than that. Even if you make more labels (far-right conservative, conservative, moderate conservative, non-aligned moderate, moderate-liberal, liberal, far-left progressive), I will still sometimes find agreement and disagreement on specific topics among all of these, including sometimes the far right and the far left.

Broaden your reading. Read with an open mind. Love and accept your friends and relatives even if you vehemently disagree with them on politics. Listen to people with whom you disagree without feeling the need to correct them. Question yourself, constantly. It may not change your political position, but it will definitely change you. It certainly changed me.

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Wow, Mary Jo, thanks!!!

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Okay, I was gonna' add my two-cents' worth, but you guys all NAILED IT! Well said everyone.

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Wait, you mean treat people the way Jesus did? As individuals? Even he rolled his eyes at the pharisaical elite. Sounds like a good plan to me.

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I am encouraged by the comments below and Erick's approach. I consider myself a former republican who is a centrist and independent that dislikes the right and left fringe (but willing to listen). Glad to hear their are others out there - i sometimes wonder if i am a minority

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Erick, you needn't worry about this. Now that conservatives have freed ourselves from the bellicose trumpian extremity, we can go back to common sense and moderate sensibility again.

The woked wicked extremities that you bring to the public eye will ultimately fizzle like a 4th-of-July sparkler. Their ridiculous worldview is not sustainable.

Don't worry about it.

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Always be a peaceful warrior.

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I'm a moderate leaning liberal Democrat voter. I subscribe to this newsletter among other conservative publications because I have learned that when you try to understand those with whom you believe you disagree, you often find that underneath the political positions and rhetoric, we have many of the same questions and concerns. I learned this when I stopped arguing with my very conservative brother and started listening to him. We have the parents and were raised with the same values, we just came to different conclusions about who best represents those values.

I jokingly define moderate as I agree somewhat with everyone, but no one agrees with me. I seriously define moderate as refusing to accept that in all instances there are only two choices.

I am as concerned about the radical progressive agenda as I am about the radical right agenda. I voted for Biden, but am glad I was not faced with having to vote for Sanders or Warren, which I would have done solely for the purpose of voting against Trump.

All of this is to say that I totally agree with Mr. Erickson both about the ridiculous (not to mention dangerous) actions of the progressives, but also about the need not to respond in kind.

I am looking forward to the time when Trump will no longer have the hold on the Republican Party that he currently has. Because I am ready to start being more ecumenical in my voting than I have been in the past. But I am not going to change my vote in order to vote for Republican jackasses so as to not have to vote for Democrat jackasses. I'm going to look for someone who shares my values. And that does not include jackassery.

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Yes, Mary Jo! You have stated the moderate view quite eloquently. I am with you. Keep up the good work.

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Three hundred years ago, essayist, master satirist, and cleric, Jonathan Swift observed, “I never wonder to see men wicked, but I often wonder to see them not ashamed.”

There is nothing new under the sun.

* * *

We watched Truth and Virtue vanish,

We watched conscience be defamed.

“Sin” we all but stripped of meaning,

Human pride then swallowed shame.

Once we shared in common values.

Once we placed our trust in God.

But now Deity’s demoted….

And Big Brother gets the nod.

Once upon a time we grimaced,

Some things we could not ignore...

Once upon a time we shuddered.

We don't shudder anymore.

Once we blushed at moral failure,

Once we flinched, and once we cried.

Once we recognized what sin was,

Sin itself is now denied.

Once we winced and asked forgiveness,

When God's Moral Law we broke.

Now we hide behind excuses,

And pretend God never spoke.

Friend,we’ve modified the scriptures

For a better feel and look.

Now our moral berth is wider.

And…,Voila!...We’re off the hook!

We just we shake off our transgressions

While pretending we’re “OK”.

Self-exoneration nation…

Still the deadly game we play.

* * *

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And so, in the spirit of jocularity, a poem:

My up-bringing made me do it.

I got sick and so I lied.

I was let down by the neighbors.

I was chronically denied.

Look, my Daddy gave me whuppin’s,

Mama made me clean my plate!

Plus, I never got that Barbie

(OR that pair of roller skates!)

No, I wasn’t praised enough, sir,

When I brought home passing “D’s.

So, that’s why I pulled the trigger…

My psychologist agrees!

Look, society’s the culprit.

Culture crushed my Inner child.

It inhibited my Virtues

My True Nature’s been defiled!

No, it really wasn’t my fault

That I did bad things today.

I’ve been programmed by unfairness.

Outside forces had their way.

Way down deep I’m still a “good guy” ….

Western culture isn’t fair!

We should burn it to the ground, sir,

Just to prove how much we care.

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Are you describing the MAGA rioters who sacked the Capitol? Because MAGA blames everyone else for their problems too.

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If the shoe fits.....yes. ...the rioters.

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The rioters on both political fringes must be roundly and soundly condemned and opposed. (They need to jailed and not bailed out.)

The Western Culture deniers should be mocked and made fun of for the ignorant fools (in the Biblical sense) that they are. Jonathan Swift IMHO had the right idea.

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I agree wholeheartedly. Proverbs 17:22

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If we are to win hearts and minds, we need to clean up our side of the street. We must stop embracing those who present lies as fact. We must reject those nihilists who refuse to tell the truth because they fear for their own political power. As long as we normalize lies and empower liars, we will continue to lose. Bigly.

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Sounds like a reasonable approach. Winning support surely won't be done by the elected elite. We'll need to keep our feet firmly planted in common sense and try to ignore the Republican Party for now.

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