Hi Erick, your vivid description of that "someday" man-cave shower was hilarious and just awesome. We don't have the real estate to go that big, but our son's a really good plumber. So when we remodel ours, I'm betting we'll put a few more spray heads here and there 😆

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Bolton wrote a tell-all book and thus has disqualified himself as deserving ongoing security clearance.

I agree with Trump that we should not be giving security clearance for life to these bureaucrats as they leverage it leaking information for cash.

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Or as the local news station in New Orleans after Katrina asked "How are black people going to find middle-class jobs if the public schools are not built back the way they were?" DEI has been around for a long time.

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Oh well maybe John Bolton shouldnt be an A-Hole…. Traitor

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It’s nice to have a real leader at the helm of our government. We’re no longer adrift and lost at sea.

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4 In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,

With a glory in his bosom that transfigures you and me;

As he died to make us holy, let us die that all be free!

While God is marching on. [Refrain]

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This was the favorite hymn of a dear aunt of mine.

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Ask any progressive if they would like a box checker to fly their plane or do their brain surgery or someone who got the job because of merit and see what they say.

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I did not know about the Iranian threat to Bolten. So I agree, that shouldn't be cancelled. But how about cancelling the security detail Fauci has? No reason he should ever have had one. But I am thrilled about all the DEI garbage being removed.

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Fauci probably needed one because there were threats upon his life. I wouldn't be surprised. People are unhinged.

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Fauci can hire his own. We, the taxpayers paid him far more than he was worth and still are. And he is a horrible human.

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Now that he's retired from government, he definitely should be paying for his own.

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