Re: Laken Riley's death.

Massive illegal immigration is part of the big plan being implemented by the Davos folks.

In Michigan, our Davos Darling Gretchen Whitmer and her Democrats are asking people to house illegal aliens in their homes for up to 90 days, find them jobs and get their kids enrolled in school. I really have to wonder if anyone is actually dumb enough to do this. Give it a week, and after their homes are trashed and their daughters assaulted, they will be screaming bloody murder to get them out. Good luck removing them once they've settled into a comfortable living space.

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Laken's death both saddened and infuriated me. It touched closer to home as I am also a UGA grad and know the innocence and safety once felt in Athens. Unfortunately this appears to no longer be the case in Athens or any other location where illegals seeking to do harm to others live. God bless Laken's family. I hope her death doesn't get too politicized, but I do hope people keep it in mind when they go to vote in November...especially the college students and younger voters who Biden is trying to cozy up to with his student loan forgiveness. I hope they choose having stronger borders over a government hand-out.

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My heart goes out to the parents and friends of this victim and all of the victims of this kind of senseless and brutal crime. You are so in my prayers.

Mr. Erickson this too should be in every republican campaign ad. Every governor in the country should be beating down the door of the white house demanding that the boarder be closed now and every illegal with so much of a jaywalking crime thrown out of this country. Joe Biden you have blood on your hands.

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I, too, sent emails to our senators and my representative. My grandchild was on that same path the day before the murder. Knowing that illegals were in an apartment so close to campus enrages me. Knowing Athens chose to become a sanctuary city with 40,000 students whose parents expect the college and city to keep them safe also disturbs me. I fear we will all feel this insanity of these millions of illegals roaming our country more and for a long time. It is easy to write or call our politicians. I hope more do it!

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Feb 25·edited Feb 25

Not that it will do any good, but I just sent the following to the two senators from GA. Feel free to use any or all of it to contact yours.

Dear Senator Warnock,

Dear Senator Ossoff,

Like a huge number of Georgians, I am shocked, disgusted and outraged by the murder of Laken Riley. Her murder is a direct result of President Biden's disasterous border policies.

They cannot be allowed to continue.

In May of 2023, the House passed HR 2, the Secure the Border Act of 2023. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but it is my understanding that the Senate has yet to even bring this legislation to the floor, while it has passed a horrible piece of legislation that glommed together a horrible border bill with aid for Ukraine, Taiwan and Israel.

I am urging you and your Democrat colleagues to pass HR 2. Put your political affiliations aside and vote in the best interests of those you serve - not just those who voted for you.

The life of Laken Riley, along with the lives of hundreds of thousands killed by Fentanyl, along with others murdered by other illegal immigants are literally in your hands.

Our current border policies constitute a clear and present danger to our country. Its only a matter of when - not if - another 9/11-style event (or worse) happens.

When it does, those lives lost will be the fault of every elected official who failed to put our country, our security and our lives ahead of partisan politics. Please, man up, and vote to secure OUR borders first, before worrying about the borders of other countries.

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Sir, A copy of your letter needs to go to EVERY senator. It needs to be posted in every sanctuary city hall, state capital and on the door of the White house . This is a humanitarian

crisis for the CITIZENS of THIS country.

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Feb 25·edited Feb 25

"illegal aliens, per capita, have a lower incarceration rate than Americans"

Might that be because illegal aliens tend to live in Sanctuary Cities that let them off scott free, rather than arrest them, prosecuting them and then locking them up to serve their sentences?

If the Redumblicans can come up with a coherent message on abortion, they have a chance for a massive win in November.

Despite the stock market reaching record highs, the economy sucks for most people. Food is still expensive. Gas is still expensive. Rents & mortgages are up. Crime is outrageous. Illegal immigration is destroying cities like NYC, San Fran, Oakland, Chicago and others.

If Dem turnout is supressed, much less shift even slightly towards Repubs, all bets are off in NY, IL, and MD, not to mention swing states like PA, AZ, GA and more. (I still think California is a lost cause.)

Trump holding a rally in Madison Square Garden? Never thought I'd even hear that mentioned, much less it being a possibility.

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Rick, I would posit that even if it's true, that illegals have a lower incarceration rate, the argument holds no water. People passing through our borders are supposed to be vetted. They should have a drastically lower incarceration rate compared to citizens who, of course, are not screened with the bad actors thrown out.

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True... They're 'supposed' to be screened, but they're not.

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Nikki Haley needs to go. If for some reason Trump didn’t or couldn't run, the America First base will never vote for her. She will hand Biden the election and do the exact opposite of what she claims she will be doing by staying in the race. She was a terrible ambassador, an average at best Governor and she undercut the GOP in 2018. In short, politically, she’s toast.

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Well. This mama bear is all in on taking them out of this country. It will be my number one issue. I am absolutely outraged. This could be anyone’s child.

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Joe Biden’s empathy is manipulation. Everything is a transaction.

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Great words Erick!

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Thank you for this commentary.

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Great commentary.

Thank you for being succinct!

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Here's a new Federal law for you: If you are an illegal alien and you kill someone in cold blood like Laken Riley was murdered, then you automatically get the death penalty, regardless of what state the murder took place. I'd be down with that. And the illegal aliens who are claiming a "disability" of not being able to understand the language of the country they are so anxious to invade don't get to claim the Americans With Disabilities Act -- because it's, duh, AMERICANS with disability.

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Well said. Couldn’t agree more.

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Absolutely tragic, heartbreaking, and inexcusable. Biden has no desire to put the cork back in the bottle. Since he can no longer recall how and where his son died, will he even care about this poor young ladie's demise?

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Has anyone ever considered encouraging the Mexican people to fight for their own country instead of escaping to ours? Certainly the CIA has a plan they can dust off somewhere..

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I'm not too worried about Mexicans. The ones that raise my eyebrow are all the Chinese that are coming across illegally.

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TD, even the Mexican military is out gunned by the cartels. Add in that AMLO is credibly on the take and the situation in Mexico is dire.

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Well, not to be Polly Ann-ish, but there has to be some way to change the culture for them to want a say in their own destiny. Tools can be procured any number of means, but you can’t substitute heart.

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Declare the cartels terrorist organizations? If somehow AMLO would agree..( think of the political fall-out there if he didn't?) A few drone strikes later, the cartels are on the run. Reprisals might be something to consider, but since they kill about 100k Americans each year and destroy untold numbers of families, might be worth the effort.

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It’s way more than Mexicans coming over.

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