I'm sorry I missed this when you first wrote it. A beautiful piece.

I think sometimes we save our deepest hate for the people we believe think the same way we do. Just the same, down the line, no deviation. And when it turns out that someone has nuanced beliefs, or simply disagrees, we freak out and lash out. I'm not sure why that is but it seems to be part of the human condition.

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Erick, please hang in there and keep doing what you do best. Tell the truth. I would like to believe some of the other so called facts and have a very good friend who can not wait to tell me the latest theory but I keep coming back to you to get the right answer. So please again hang in there I need to hear someone with a sane response to this absolute craziness we have to endure. Just hang in there brother.

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Reading your book.

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I really appreciate reading this today. Thank you.

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Wow! This is the best piece you've ever written! It moved me. While I've never subscribed before I decided to also pull the trigger now (while there is still time ha, ha) and become a subscriber. Seriously, your love for Jesus really shows and your conclusions are spot on. If at least one of your GOP candidates wins we will save the Senate and be in a great position to take the House in two years. With the ineptitude of the Left and their ability to alienate large bunches of Americans we should be able to take the Presidency back in four years. What I have worried about with all these empty cheating allegations (where's the beef, Sydney?) is that many Georgia voters would give up and we'd loose the Senate. I've donated to both candidates and pray that the GOP does not screw the pooch and destroy both candidate's chances.

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As you said a nationally syndicated talk show told you to trust your audience-they will back you!

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Thank you Erick! I am a new scriber ! Gutzy article. Enlight of eternity.......

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I was and am a diehard NeverTrumper. I was nearly as angry with you when you followed your conscience [in my view capitulated] and decided to support Trump, but I never felt the hostility or vehemence towards you that you are experiencing now. I know you are an honest man and doing what you feel is right. I hope we get through this without violence, and I pray for you and your family.

Victor Davis Hanson said he thought Trump reminded him of Shane, from the 1950's movie. To me Trump is more like Dathan, the villain in The Ten Commandments, always bamboozling the MAGA masses with his demagoguery.

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I sort of sat on the fencepost about subscribing to your writings and finally pulled the trigger for at least a year’s subscription. I mean, I’ll drop five times the amount of your subscription cost on a “better” piece of SCUBA gear without thinking. I am so very thankful for your insight, your commentary and your boldness of commitment. I felt in the back of my mind that the screaming and bloodletting followed by myriads of emails looking for donations to save the election was a warning flag that demanded deeper evaluation.

I too was frustrated with God’s inability to save this country through a successful election. In retrospect, He was no doubt frustrated my dependence upon an election of government rather than His election of grace. Thank you for pointing that out.

My best wishes to you and your wife on your health.

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@Deebers.........you wrote “I too was frustrated with God’s inability to save this country through a successful election.”................what a telling statement!!.......The only God of the universe, the one who sent His Son as atonement for all of mankind’s sins, can do anything! He has no inabilities.......no limitations. God has His plan. For the USA and the whole world. Fraud in the election or not or otherwise......Romans 13:1 still is true. Our job is to follow Him and try to determine His will in the election result (in this instance)

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"reality-based conservatives who are people of faith who just want to really know what is going on and just understand the world from their faith perspective....." This is why I subscribe. Thanks and keep it up.

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Thank you!

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Thank you Erick for what you do!!! Keep up the good work and good fight. Your brother in Christ.

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Thank you and continued prayers for your good health and your wife's.

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Erick, God's providence put you through those experiences, so that your faith in him might be all the stronger. Sorry that some have increased the burden on you. I am mindful that Jesus said, "if they have hated (persecuted) me, they will hate you as well." Hopefully, there will be enough people who know the truth when they hear it, that your voice will not be silenced. Even though I do not reside in Georgia anymore, I still value your insight and need your explanations of what is happening. Don't give up the fight, as your race is still ongoing, and we know there is a finish line approaching. My greatest desire, I suspect, is yours as well. To hear those words, from the only one that truly matters, "Well done, my good and faithful servant". That is the only crown or glory that has any true value. Grace and Peace, Charles

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