
When Odysseus was sailing home from Troy, he knew he would encounter the siren songs of the harpies. He had the men on his ship tie himself to the mast and commanded all of the crew to put wax in their ears so they would not fall for the song of the harpies. Above all else, Odysseus ordered his men, no matter what he said, to not untie him.

The song of the harpies was a sweet, gentle song with an irresistible pull that beckoned ships to the shore where they crashed on the rocks and were eaten by the harpies.

The siren song of the harpies implores normally reasonable men and women to run for President only to have their campaigns bashed into pieces. Will Hurd is a respectable figure with an impressive resume. A former clandestine CIA intelligence officer, Hurd ran for Congress in the swingiest of swing districts and held the seat for three terms before retiring.

Now, spurred by a gang of MSNBC “conservative” contributors whose identity is wrapped in their hatred of Donald Trump, Hurd hears the siren’s song and is embarking on a doomed candidacy to defeat Donald Trump. Consultants will get rich and pseudo-conservatives will get “their man” while voters will laugh at the spectacle of another no-name candidate polling well below one percent.

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