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Rewriting History To Protect Kamala


After nearly a month of the American press corp doggedly covering President Biden, they have dutifully retreated to their partisan posts and resumed parroting Democratic talking points now that Harris has the nomination. When Republicans began pushing the failures of Harris’s time as Border Czar, USA Today, Time Magazine, CBS, and Axios (within hours of each other) quickly buried the story and published “fact checks” claiming that was never the role given to Harris.

Except it was. In fact, Axios was the same outlet in 2021 that explicitly claimed Harris was Biden’s Border Czar and only yesterday corrected the story from three years ago. The blatantly obvious coordination between members of the press and the Democratic Party is a reminder of what Republicans are up against this November. Now that Biden has stepped aside, the American press is quite literally willing to rewrite history to ensure their team wins. As Charles Cooke said in National Review, “It sure was fun having a press corp for a month.” Watch:

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Erick Erickson hosts the Erick Erickson Show every weekday from 12pm to 3pm ET, now in national syndication from his flagship station, WSB in Atlanta, GA.