"But the United States will not act because of Republicans, Joe Manchin, and corporations."

And exactly which corporations would that be, progressives? The progressives in the Democrat Party has spent an amazing amount of time and money courting American corporations. The stats I have seen indicate that the largest corporations sent a majority of their campaign cash to the Democrats. Methinks the progs protest too much here.

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Erick asked: "When you have a group of people who believe they are the majority; their majority is being stymied by others and those others are both a threat to democracy and about to take power; and that if progressives cannot hold on to power we are all literally going to die, what do you think they will do?" My answer: They will do what they always do: double down. The real question is what are WE going to do when they do what they always do? The Left are like drug addicts. They are incapable to stop on their own. Sadly, we are reaching the point where we have to submit to the Left or take up arms and fight them.

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We should also shout loud and clear about the fentanyl coming across our OPEN BORDER and the Biden Administration has a blind eye to this. Do they not realize the annual drug overdose topped 100,000 and our leader seem oblivious to this. This should be a headline on every news network and coming out of the mouths of every politician on the left and on the right.

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My concern with extreme groups on both sides is that the FBI which should be watching and disrupting these groups has become a left leaning organization. Law enforcement should go after bad actors no matter what political side they may be on. Just my opinion.

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If the violent left starts a riot and burns down a city and the Media Industrial Complex doesn’t report it, did it actually happen?

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It's rich to read that MSNBC clowns were ranting about Gosar's dumb cartoon. Their colleague, the antisemite Joy Reid, photoshopped Saint John McCain's head onto the body of the monster who killed 32 at Virginia Tech. She did this 6 months after the killings. No Dem who voted to censure Gosar should ever appear on Concast-MSDNC again. https://web.archive.org/web/20090107235236/http://blog.reidreport.com/2007/10/baghdad-john-strikes-again.html

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We recently found ourselves working on a project in Alaska that had us traveling near the Trans Alaska Oil pipeline. It is clear that they have bee shoring up security and fully expect an attack. As well, lots of activity on the Army and Air Force bases with large training exercises. It makes you recognize there is quite a bit more going on than we are aware of and these are precarious times.

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The left has been itching for a fight and when they turn violent there are folks on the right that will defend themselves! What happens then when the left media lies about all this? Starts a war claiming the right is attacking democracy thereby justifying the murder of innocent people? Rounding up right wing voters? Is America going to stand for this when it comes? All totalitarian states have done this so why would the left not keep going? Just a thought! A scary one!

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And ultimately there is only one way to stop it. Aggressive “policing”. This won’t happen until ‘22 at the earliest, so hold on!

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Both extremes have gone totally insane. "Our side" used to be better than the Jan.6 Trump mob attack on the U.S. Capital; "F*ck Biden" flags and violent memes from Congressmen on stupid social media. The hatred and insanity on both sides is not American and not Christian.

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And then I read stuff like this. I am seeing more and more articles, that I could attribute to supporting the left's agenda but that would be conspiratorial; like a different article about how sex has little to do with behavior.


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I would really like to know where the right wing violence is, but other than that, I can't help but agree. The left is going to try to blow up anyone and anything that gets in their way. I just have yet to see anyone trying to stop it.

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And this is why you must hold your side accountable. I voted for Donald Trump twice, I am convinced every day it was the right vote. But he must go and not come back. Jan 6 should not have happened. They were free to gather outside the Capital. As soon as they passed the barriers they were trespassing, through the lot of them in jail, and for longer if they damaged anything or hurt someone.

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