Yes, it is hilarious. But pity is not mine to feel towards a man who would spit on his mother’s grave were she a Republican. Karma, Erick, karma.

And Chuckie? Embrace the suck, buddy.

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I don't believe in karma.

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What are some of the filthy hobbitts of the GOP> At 81 years of age I never seen viscerial hatred as is the hate for DT> I have never seen corruption like the Dems have promoted and produced. There again that's jsut my opinion and seems everone has one. "If he manages the Senate as he should, they would primary him and might just defeat him. So he has to manage the Senate like he is part of the Squad and it is about to cost him the Majority Leader position he coveted. He’ll lose his precious to the filthy hobbits of the GOP because he cannot manage the Senate responsibly and run for re-election."

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Mitch McConnell has run circles around the likes of Chuck Schumer and for that matter Donald Trump. He practically manufactured out of whole cloth at least one and probably two Supreme Court seats. Everybody on both sides loves to hate the guy and that tells you he's doing his job right.

McConnell seems to be playing 3-D chess while those around him are struggling with little kid's checkers.

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My Latin is weak, but doesn't "Schumer" translate to that body part that restrains fecal matter??

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A great example of the Peter Principal

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Key up Jeremiah Wright's chickens

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Schumer is a rank political animal. He goes where the pack takes him. I've lived my whole life in NY and cannot think of an original idea that ever came from him.

He's also a glory-hound and grand standard who basks in the attention he gets. There's a saying that the most dangerous place in DC is between Chuck Schumer and a TV camera.

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Cannot stand the guy. He's been a liar and a cheat (like many are on both sides) for as long as I can remember. He brought this misery on himself. But it does tell you just how bad things are when I would have to pull for this guy to win his job, just to keep AOC out of the Senate. The is the nightmare's of nightmare's. A zealot that over estimates her intelligence, underestimates her ignorance, with a vocal following of zealots and zero concept of how the real world works.

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"...coveted with gollumesque zeal." That, folks, is simply brilliant writing.

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Ha. I have no such empathy, Erick. A mere 20 minutes after Trump announced Gorsuch as a nominee, Chuckie was already stating publicly he would oppose the nomination. That's not enough time to gather a single fact about Gorsuch, much less confer with your own party and ask them to be reasonable. Chuckie wasn't drug kicking and screaming to the left by the Squad as you imply - what he did there shows he was leading the charge, willingly!

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The Bible has many references to ego and none end well.

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An old Spanish proverb....."Take what you want", God says, "and pay for it."

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Buck up Erick. This is not politics as usual. The Left is out to destroy the Republic. Do you have pity for the devil? Of course not. And likewise none whatsoever for Schumer and his evil minions running about sowing chaos, confusion and dissent.

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He made his bed he gets to sleep in it.

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Please save your pity Erick for a deserving soul. Schumer has been obnoxious and grandstanding and so deserves his self created mess. He deserves to be miserable!

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