Most of the MSM are not neutral. Most have chosen a side and they have chosen not to side with Israel but instead they openly side with Hamas. In my opinion CNN has chosen to side with Hamas. MSNBC has chosen to side with Hamas. Politico has chosen to side with Hamas. Nearly all of the MSM has chosen to side with Hamas. They are not news organizations. They are a media wing of the Progressive left and the Progressive left advocates for and stands by Hamas. At this point have I nothing but contempt for most media in the US. They are a blight on civilized discourse in the US. They report propaganda. When called out they give a meek denial. They have become part of the problem in today's political discussion. If the New York Times went under tomorrow, I may not openly rejoice but there would be a spring in my step for the day.

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I wouldn't watch it. I also have no need to watch it to believe it. I have spent years reading first person accounts from survivors of the holocaust, and I know what people are capable of doing. I have read these accounts and stories told by others, and have come out of the books shaking, crying and sweating. I don't need to see anything to know how evil man can be. If it takes leaving the entirety of Palestine a wasteland, so be it. Anyone who questions if it is true should be forced to see the footage. Anyone who supports Hamas should be expelled from this country.

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You know, Erick, this, as with everything, highlights, how truly awesome God is. You, and me, have both refused to watch the full extent of the horror of Hamas, because we just couldn’t handle it. God, on the other hand, not only Is paying attention and watching, but is also yet willing to forgive such horrors when we commit them. As Corey ten Boom said, there is no evil in the world where God’s love is no greater.

P.S. I am not inferring that we should forgive Hamas and let them be; I am only trying to highlight how truly awesome the infinite love of God is.

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As Major Payne said, “somebody going to need some killin.”

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Erick, I will continue to pray for you. I am glad you did not watch more of these horrors. I want congress to watch this. I want Biden to watch. I want Obama to watch. I want the college students, professors, and presidents to watch. Let them be exposed to this depravity and then lecture us on why we should allow Hamas to survive.

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Where are all the liberals calling for arrests of the those at our Capital for Hate crimes, for disrupting democracy for trying to attack the White House and defacing Public property? All the alphabets in Govt, Congress and those in all major media outlets should be "forced" to see those videos. Our Govt & Major media need to see what they are supporting! You have already tried but you are already mostly speaking to the choir, no need to traumatize yourself anymore than have. That people choose not to believe, won't watch and support it ...........and we pay many of them with our tax dollars to boot.......

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I agree. I can support Israel without seeing the horrors put upon the innocent. How anyone can deny the atrocities is beyond my comprehension. We know how this story ends, just give us strength to endure.

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If Hamas had parachuted into one of our football stadiums during a major game and started slaughtering everyone in sight these people crying for a ceasefire would have an entirely different attitude. I Don believe there’s any way to reason with a group who would do what Hamas has done.

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Erick, I pray for you and what you have relayed to us about what happened and that you did NOT watch all of it. Thank you for sharing.

But I do want to say that we have some of those right here in the US today that have come across the boarder and will start a war when they are told to getter done.

We just need to keep praying for Israel and the US for safety and the Lords hand be on all of us.

Blessings to you Erick

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In the early 80's, I dated a young lady whose father was a WWII vet and mother was a German officer (more a clerk). The mother, to her dying day, did not believe the Holocaust really happened.

Refusal to believe makes no difference to the plight of those that experienced such horrors. We insist on self-delusion, usually because we mistakenly think people are basically good (humanism), cannot imagine such monstrosities, when incontrovertible truth is presented, the excuses and rationales take over.

Romans 1:22-23:

"Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles."

... and politicians, and philosophers and various humanistic crusades I might add...

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Peace and comfort my friend. My eyes burn, my ears scream and my heart throbs for the Israeli victims.

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The horrors of war will (and should) haunt those who have a God fearing conscious. This is not some video games where one can just push the “reset” button!

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I watched the video of ISIS setting a caged prisoner on fire. I watched the video of Daniel Pearl being beheaded.

The savagery of intentionally inflicting such brutality - while repeatedly and gleefully chanting "Allahu Akbar" - still haunts me.

If what Hamas did is worse than that - and I have no doubt it is - I don't blame Erick for not watching.

Babies in ovens? A woman's womb cut open and her baby killed in front of the mother's eyes? Babies beheaded (not just losing their heads - they were beheaded.)

Kill Hamas quickly. Kill them completely.

Then go after Hezbollah.

Then go after any and every Islamic terror group that can be identified.

Like the old saying goes, 'kill 'em all and let God sort them out.'

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The fact that many people miss in their anger with Hamas is that a Muslim can find all the justification they need in the Quran for killing Jews or anyone who does not submit to Allah. Islam itself is a challenge that requires more focus, that many are missing and about which we need to be praying. Some may claim that there are more conciliatory statements towards Jews in the Quran, but these were written earlier in Muhammad's life before he gave up on trying to get support of Jews in his region. Muslim scholars have an interpretation standard that says that suras (chapters) written down later supersede ones written earlier. Since suras are organized in the Quran by size and not chronologically, it takes a serious scholar to try to organize suras (and parts of suras) chronologically. Therefore, though "ordinary" Muslims can be confused in trying to interpret contradictions in the Quran on their own, their imams can still easily point them to the suras that say to kill Jews. One more note - Rep. Rashida Tlaib or another Muslim could actually condemn Hamas's atrocities without having to deny their Muslim faith because justification may also be found in the Quran for telling lies.

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Agreed - saw links to the videos and chose not to watch. There are monsters amongst us -

those committing the evil acts and those excusing them or supporting them.

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Dear Mr. Erickson,

I am glad you have declined to see more horror. You have already seen enough. I could not read all of what you posted. May God richly bless you and yours.

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