I can agree with much of Erick's post. I would point out, however, that while falsification of business records may not be a felony, it does appear to be a crime in the State of New York. On that basis, one might argue that the case against him should have been barred by the applicable statute of limitations. What one cannot argue is that Trump didn't break the law.

Indeed, one often hears the accusation that the prosecution was politically motivated, or even that what Trump is accused of does not constitute a crime. What one never hears, however, is that Trump did not do exactly what he is accused of doing, whether it be falsifying his business records, grossly misrepresenting the value of his assets, or committing adultery with a porn star as his wife's sits home nursing their newly born baby. That is, setting aside the legal questions, his general dishonesty and lack of character are virtually beyond dispute.

I would also qualify Erick's assertion that "In Joe Biden's America . . . you can't get a fair trial." On one of the few occasions when I actually stayed awake during law school, a professor made perhaps the most profound observation regarding our legal system that I have heard to this day. He said, "Our system does not guarantee justice in any individual case. The best that can be said for it is that it tends toward justice."

Prosecutorial discretion is one of the imperfections in our justice system that is nevertheless there for good reason; it being virtually impossible to prosecute every legal transgression. Arguably, that discretion was abused in Trump's hush money case AND the prosecutor had the good fortune of the case landing before the right judge. In my view, however, partisan considerations are extremely hard to keep out of any criminal trial involving the presumptive presidential nominee of a major party. They likely played a role in Trump's conviction, and they are likely playing a role in the Supreme Court slow-walking Trump's trial for his role in the events of January 6th. However, that doesn't mean that ordinary citizens need fear that "you can't get a fair trial."

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Happy birthday!

I love your suggestion for an ad for Trump’s campaign. I hope they hear you!!!!

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Happy birthday!

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Happy Birthday, Erick, hope it's a good one for you.

Referring to the statement "Polling shows most Americans presume Trump got a fair trial." They must of only asked democrats if they though Trump received a fair trail, most people I talk to said he did not get a fair trail. This should have never even gone to trial. All the democrats have done in the last three years is to go after Trump. They have wasted time and tax payers money trying to discredit Trump. To be honest, I know Trump has a big mouth, he needs to not say some of the things he does, yes he is not lived the best moral life, none of us are perfect, but he does seem to care about our country. And what are we going to do this late in the game, there is no one else to vote for. And to me it seems, not voting is just like giving Biden a vote. It is so frustrating. We need to pray!!!!!

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Happy birthday! We share June 3rd as a birthday, although I am old enough to be your Mother (if I had been a floosey in Middle School).

You are appreciated. Keep fighting the good fight.

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The problem Erick is that so many of your acolytes DO NOT think Alito’s flag issue is impropriety whilst also thinking Trump’s judge acted with impropriety. I seem to be in the minority here, sadly.

If the GOP isn’t going to hold our own accountable and only cry foul when their Orange Jesus gets maligned, then my party has abandoned me and we are no better than / have become what we beheld.

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3

I don't know, Lanier, one man has a flag flying that torques the left, another man is indicted on a Frankenstein upgrade of misdemeanors that could land him in jail for 5 years, so these things are not equal. One is silly, the other is third world justice. No one should have law twisted beyond recognition in order to indict him/her. If you can't see this is lawfare, I can't help you. I would feel the same way if Biden were indicted on Frankenstein charges. This should not happen to any American.

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Happy Birthday, Erick! Hope your wife is feeling better. Congrats on the book--it sounds like it contains very timely information to help us navigate this present wilderness experience. By the way, I hope Lee Zeldin (NY) gets a consideration for the VP slot. I think he would be a good candidate and bring a lot to the table.

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All this is noise in the system. We need to keep moving forward with what appears to be our obvious nominee for President. I will hold my nose and ignore the huge amount of personal baggage he carries and vote for the man. Here's my short list of who I hope he DOESN'T pick for VP - Kristi Noem (a lightweight and beauty queen hopeful who likes to play funny plumber in her commercials); Tim Scott. (I like the guy but it just smacks of pandering to me, even though I realize some think it's strategic); Rick Scott (why?); Tulsi Gabbard (I like her straight talk and tough gal attitude but she ain't the one). As for who he does pick...I hope he's getting good advice and doesn't shoot from the hip. I believe this VP choice will be more important than ever considering it has to be someone who can cover for him in his worst moments plus add tremendous value to the ticket.. And it will show solid thinking on his part, which I still doubt he has.

I am hoping he is listening to advisors from the conservative sector and will actually take their advice rather than going off on his own to wreak his own special brand of havoc. I know the Heritage Foundation has a great policy document Project 2025 that is gaining traction and could be a solid foundation for a return to conservative values. So much to consider. Trying to tune out the noise in the system. Going through Hell? Keep on going!

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I have not seen you comment on this headline.

Illegal guns sales led to fatal ATF raid on airport director Malinowski’s home, affidavit says

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Happy birthday. In Portuguese, Para Bems, pronounced pata bings.

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Why do you think George Washington warned us against political parties? https://www.mountvernon.org/george-washington/the-first-president/political-parties/

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Whatever Democrats accuse Republicans of doing is just cover for what they are doing my first example of this was when I was in the seventh grade LBJ said if you vote for Goldwater we’ll be in war. My parents voted for Goldwater and guess what we were up to our eyeballs in Vietnam. So the moral is don’t vote for dems no matter what

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I don't follow your logic. Do you really think a Pres. Goldwater would not have expanded the conflict which was a proxy fight between the USSR/PRC Communist bloc and the "Free World"? Or would he have ordered American troops to withdraw from Vietnam as happened under LBJ's GOP successors, Nixon and Ford?

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All I’m saying is dems accuse republicans of ending democracy while they are busy stomping on the constitution and lying there asses off . We had to leave Vietnam because the American people and the press thought we could not win the congress pulled the funds for the war wip

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I remember being told that if I voted for Donald Trump in 2020 the economy would be ruined and we would be in WWIII... Well I voted for Trump and the economy is ruined and we have war in Europe, war in the middle East, and war in Africa.

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3

Another great campaign ad suggestion from Erick.

Happy birthday, Erick.

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And the Earth makes one more revolution and the Sun for Erick. Congratulations. It has been a treat to follow your growth over the past few years. Your statement about knowledge shows both truth and maturity. Here is a little factoid you probably never thought about: The Earth moves around the Sun in its elliptical orbit at an average speed of 18.5 miles per second! So in the time it has taken to read this the Earth has traveled about 200 miles. Happy Birthday.

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Cool astronomy reference.

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Happy birthday kind SIR. I almost think that the Trump trial was a diversion so the country wouldn’t notice all of the other crap that Biden is doing.. 350000 illegal immigrants granted immunity, tunnels from Rafa to Egypt where our weapons that we sold Egypt are being black marked to Hamas. Or a IRS contractor that sold 50 to 70 thousand tax return information of businesses and individuals. Please look over here at the shiny Trump object and not how I am screwing over the American people.

There is only one God and he is the Almighty and He has Son Jesus Christ. Absolutely No comparable to anyone. Enough said..

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