This is a powerful article and it is far too easy to turn away to avoid seeing what is right in front of our faces. I grew up in the evangelical church, the son and grandson of evangelical pastors. We need to confront the skeletons in the closet in order to effectively spread the good news of Christ.

Reconciliation is a noble goal, something the Church should advocate, but not at the expense of the safety of wives and children.

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Thank you, Erick. Women in the church is the issue of our lifetime. As a 62 year old woman involved in counseling ministry all of my adult life, I have heard lots of stories. Leadership hasn't listened and addressed the problems within our body and now I believe God is allowing outside judgment to take place. Hang on! Lots of secrets are going to come out before its over. Very sad and heartbreaking that we are not doing what Paul said about loving one another. Thanks for writing about it.

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We all need a Nathan to tell us about our secret sin.

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I appreciate your comments Erick re John MacArthur and his teachings. I have been a fan of him for

years-have just about all of his commentaries on the New Testament- although more recently I have moved away from some reform teachings. If memory serves, these accusations go back about 20 years and were dealt with many years ago. There may have been other accusers that I am unaware of, but in this day and time, accusations can come from many people at any time and from many sources. The bottom is this-the world hates the gospel message and will do anything to discredit the message and the teachers as well. As others have brought out-it is about the message-not the messenger. Although some of these situations are not responded to perfectly-the body of Christ will always have it imperfections as the New Testament church proved on many an occasion.

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In this as well as the RZ scandal I find myself saying over and over…The message, not the man. The message, not the man.

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You have mentioned the need to have someone involved in your life who can hold you accountable. Someone who is trustworthy and can not easily be fired. Someone who is paid to challenge you.

You are correct.

When it is 3 days before the election and he tells you that you need to take a day or too off "Now!" because your wife or family need you, listen to him.

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I’m not a fan of some of MacArthur’s theological positions regarding the gifts of the Spirit but I do believe he is a forthright and studied minister of God. How ministries deal with their own accountability is a problem all Christians are dealing with as the world becomes a harder place to hide sin (and the non-Christian world is proud of its own sin and happy to expose the people of God to discredit Christ).

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That is a good point and word on a very difficult problem that is happening in many different churches of all denominations! I believe that God is allowing these things to happen in order to purge the church and make it holy again for His return! A church without spot or wrinkle!!

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Amen, brother. Thank you for your voice. God bless you.

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Erick, in a day of quick and reactive condemnation and praise, I really appreciate your cautious and wise approach to these complicated matters. You rarely sell out for the quick applause but often play the well-reasoned long game. Keep up the great work.

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Mr. MacArthur on his worst day has more credibility than all Christian Pastors combined, and that includes that fraud Andy Stanley.

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The two of you should schedule a moment in Glory to discuss.

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That may be the boldest statement ever put forward in the comments here.

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"Just because we like a preacher and his theology does not mean he and his church are above reproach. We are too prone to put the saints of the church on pedestals and forget the dividing line for our faith must be Christ, not pastors." Well said, Eric.

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Unfortunately, this is not a surprising revelation. May God be with the victims. And may this open the eyes of elders and pastors around the country to not repeat these same mistakes and sins.

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Agree but the problem with churches that are built around pastors that are larger-than-life is that nobody will stand up to them or sometimes even tell them the truth. We need churches that are built on missions and not on personalities.

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John MacArthur stood up one time and said he never was depressed, and never cried a single time in his life. At that point I remember thinking, “well I might be willing to have him as my teacher, but I’d never want him as my pastor.

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I am disappointed, but not shocked. I read the article myself and am struck by the lack of accountability and grace exhibited by the GCC counseling ministry. The exhortations in Matt 18 about church discipline are important, even if seldom followed...but to take them and execute them without Love and Grace is hard to read about. So often, these issues are swept under the rug because pastors and leaders believe that exposing them will harm their ministries. It is unfortunately exactly the opposite. Dealing with them rightly is hopeful for people who witness these abuses or are involved in similar situations. My prayer is for the sunlight of truth to shine on all the darkness, and for healing to take place.

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Erick: you’ve used great wisdom & constraint here. Unfortunately, your position in media and in your fealty to Christ does require you to “wade into muddy & gator filled waters” on occasion. I can hear your discomfort in this. I’ve had similar “discomforts” with Dr MacArthur. I honor his service & his thinking, yet no one is perfect. You did well in this—I mean this sincerely. Nothing you said directly tarnished John’s name or ministry. Asking for God’s will in this is all we can do—it is all we are supposed to do as believers. Blessings & grace on you & your work. God Will accomplish his sovereign purpose regardless of what we do. Deeply, thank you!

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Thanks very much for this comment. I appreciate it tremendously.

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