I am a scientist. I am a nurse practitioner with 2 Master’s degrees. One from Emory. In 2022 I shall have been a scientist for 40 years. There has always been climate change. The climate always changes. That is the definition of climate change.

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Here is a bit stupid from the left....


Paul deLespinasse: We may need to discontinue nearly all air travel

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The irony is that 'renewable energy' can be just as devastating to the environment as fossil fuels. Perhaps the Left should educate themselves on the dangers of mining lithium - China dominates that market.

When I was a child we all wanted to 'save the trees', which wasn't a particularly bad thing but products produced from trees are biodegradable and trees are renewable. Industry saw dollar signs and sold the world on plastic bags instead of paper. Yay! Our trees are saved; except now our oceans and beaches are knee deep in plastic bags - plastic everything. Plastic is not biodegradable it is actually toxic from the start of its production to the not-an-end disposal. Paper bags (dumped in the ocean) would get soggy and degrade leaving the sea life unthreatened and our beaches clean.

The point is, humanity has a habit of trading one 'evil' for another - usually a worse evil.

The 'green' industries are not being forthcoming with their supporters any more than the fossil fuels industry has been. They both have a bottom line and that is where most of their concern is concentrated.

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Good article Erick!

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What happened to the daily show notes? They seem to have stopped a week ago.

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Just like with all the liberal causes it's in your face. Nothing can just be, you have to care and care the way they want you to care. For the MSM there is no news, there are events that either support a narrative, or there is nothing to see here.

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If global warming is real and the oceans are rising with impending doom, why are all the elite politicians, "Obama" buying beachfront property?????

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I grew up in Illinois. In the early 20th century, a tornado "swarm" killed over 600 people in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky. In the Illinois state museum, there were pieces of fence post with straw driven through it by the force of the wind and a tree stump with a broken board through it.

No mention of Global Climate change then either.

In the late 1960's, snow was so deep across Illinois Rt. 29 toward Springfield, it was higher than a school bus.

In the seventies, we had multiple blizzards in central and northern Illinois. Before I moved to South Carolina (you can't play tennis with snow on the courts in Illinois) we had 31 straight days of below zero weather in central Illinois.

Nope. Not a word of climate change. Extremes, whether arguments, positions in politics or weather, are for the lazy. The arguments are so prevalent is because they are easily promoted.

And as you have continually stated, they are all too easily believed.....

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When all these alarmists start living like climate change is really the apocalypse they claim it is, maybe then I will start listening. But these same alarmists, outside of maybe an electric car, are not giving up any of their lifestyle while telling us all how to live our lives! Yeah right! They really don't believe the crap they are telling any of us! I believe in conservation and do my part to recycle what I can, but I'm not one for living like a peasant from the past! I worked too hard all my life to live the way I do and it isn't as extravagant as these alarmists do! How arrogant they are!

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Climate has been changing since the beginning of time. What we have more of at the moment is media coverage. Climate alarmist like Al Gore have made millions with their propaganda. It's amazing how the left only follows the science when it fits their narrative.

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Climate isn't caused by humans but affected by solar activity, gravitational influences, and orbital considerations...Our sun, a star, has a specific life cycle.

Yes, pollution should be controlled, but there are forces greater than us humans controlling earth's climate.

How many ice ages have we had?

Bonus question: what is the name of the ice age...that we are currently in?

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Scientists are skilled in measuring temperatures

Scientists are less able to accurately predict the effects of rising temperatures on global and local scales. There will be positive and negative effects over time. Changes in farming patterns is one likely change which may result in opening up new cultivatable land while rendering other land unsuitable for farming as traditionally practiced

Adaptation to the changes is the best practice IMO

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I believe that climate change happens. It is a fact that at one time most if not all the U.S. was underwater. Fossils of fish are routinely found in across the country. There is evidence of an ice age...as well as evidence that the entire U.S. was a hot humid tropical environment at one time. However, there is no way that mankind could have caused these changes. There is also no way (in my opinion) that mankind can make a significant difference in future changes. Climate activists like to point out their belief that we can eliminate massive amounts C02 and other greenhouse gasses and save the planet. I remember reading that when Mt. Saint Helens erupted more C02 and greenhouse gasses were released than anything man created in the history of the planet. The use of electric cars will not prevent this type of release.

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Two things: We should not be taking our orders from the U.N. and secondly, Follow the Money!

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For the climate change advocates, fear, not facts or substantive data seems to be the motivational invitation to get aboard. It’s the same worn out strategy the left relies upon to garner support for their power grab.

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Most definitely! Well-put.

If humans have caused every bad weather event, haven't we also caused every beautiful and temperate day?

I'm so old I remember the Nuclear Winter hype that was designed to get us to disarm most of our nukes (allegedly the world would end from the smoke and debris from a nuclear attack blocking out the sun; thus Soviet nukes would end humanity anyway; thus no need for a massive nuclear deterrent). [Funny how Democrat policies always demand capitulation to the Russian or Chinese communists.]

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