Erick, I am planning to come, and hopefully it meshes with my travel up from Florida. Just let us all know when it is happening. Thanks Charles

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Great news - looking forward to it! Thanks, Erick for all you do!

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Sounds great! Just what we need to unite and clarify!

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Excellent! See you there!

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I'm in! This is great news. Interested in sponsoring.

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That is a welcome and Iong overdue idea. Count me in.

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Erick. Disinvite Trump.

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Hard for me to envision any kind of forward look with some of the folks on your short list (DJT chiefly). It’s hard for me to take Hawley and Cruz seriously given their J6 activities. For that matter, anyone unable or unwilling to acknowledge the 2020 election was lost not stolen doesn’t have the integrity or competence to be of any value to the discussion.

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Thought we are supposed to be open-minded and look at a fresh start, not start eliminating different view points off the bat.. they could have changed their minds.

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That’s my point - there are people on that list who haven’t (publicly, at least) “changed their minds.” I don’t think they ever believed the election was stolen - any more than Bill Barr or Ivanka Trump did - they’re just afraid of arousing the ire of their “Precious.” As long as they continue to actively propagate the lie or passively appease Trump, I for one, find ZERO credibility in anything else they have to say.

BTW, my ire is not directed towards people who voted for Trump and still have (unwarranted, though *real to them*) concerns over election integrity. I’m talking about politicians who are supposed to be thought leaders but grifters and wimps.

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You want to "move on from the Trump era", but you're trying to get him to come the event? Also moving on from the Trump era requires you to not invite about half the list of the people you named.

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Off topic - check out the temps tires in London and the forecast.

I guess global warming was solved - since London was permanently on fire just a couple of days ago.

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Good news on the Gathering. Hope I can get away from work to attend. I know we shoudl pray for our leaders, but dang sometime it sure is hard. Just my 2 cents.

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Good deal!

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Excellent news. Hubby and I are newbies who will be excited to attend!

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Wonderful news Erick!

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Please also consider Senator John Kennedy. I didn't see him on your short list, but his humor while talking about serious matters is unmatched. Is this a one day event or an evening followed by a day? I'll watch for more information and look forward to attending if able.

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