Thank you for pointing this out, Erick! The incorporation of secular/woke agenda items into our foreign policy has been a killer for U.S. influence for some time now, probably starting with the Obama Admin. It is rarely discussed in the U.S., though, while Russian and Chinese propaganda runs wild with it. This is the worst of "Western Imperialism" that the left used to rail against and almost all of the world outside of Western Europe and North America resents it. At least we formerly used our influence to fight against evil---now, this admin. seems intent on propagating it.

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And in 30 years that conversation will be as impossible to have as Carter and the CRA being the roots of the 2008 housing crisis and Clinton's and Barney Frank's fingerprints years earlier on the final catastrophe.

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Good Morning Y’all


The sympathy which is reverent with what it cannot understand is worth its weight in gold.

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Victoria Nudelman and her portfolio manager, Barack Obama, are said to be very upset. These small insignificant nations, expressing anger at CIA-instigated coups and efforts to control their societies' internal behaviors ... have they dared to forget who is in charge of their futures?

Soon these nations, sitting on much of the world's strategic minerals needed to fuel the progressives' decarbonized battery-powered future ... they'll all be just another BRICS in the wall.

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The total complete ignorance and lack of leadership here is just mind blowing! Biden fiddles while Africa burns...

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Yet another failure....self inflicted ineptitude that will harm us dearly and cause untold suffering for others.

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Weakening us is the goal.

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I read something recently that presidential candidates are either policy, story or both. Clinton was both. So was Obama. So was Reagan. The Bushes were policy mostly. For the current Republican candidates, Haley is trying to be both. So is Vivek. DeSantis is policy. Christie is policy. Pence is trying to be both.

Now let’s do Trump and Biden.

Trump had little policy experience but put forth an agenda of things he would do. The problem is that lacking the policy experience he hit the brick wall of establishment resistance and instead of a cooperative horse trading approach, he just tried to browbeat everyone in the media. Trump was and is primarily a story candidate.

Biden, although he had decades in national politics as a US Senator and VP, is also primarily a story candidate. Joe has made his career telling “aw shucks” stories about himself… many fabricated and embellished. But Biden lacks really any executive experience until he was elected in 2020. In fact, Trump has much more executive experience from his private sector responsibilities than does old Joe. Biden has much more government policy experience, but his executive experience for leading and getting things done is missing.

That is not a small deficit in my experience… and the reason why the US feels like it is burning down and taking the rest of the world with it. Old Joe does not know how to get things done… and he is risk averse about taking action because of it. He just waits for someone else to tell him of a path to navigate his political fortunes and robots his decisions along that path. That is his muscle memory developed through his entire political career… which is really his only real work experience. And now on top of his inability to form a big-picture strategy and execute on that strategy, he is suffering age-related cognitive decline so he cannot even understand the path others put in front of him.

Joe Biden is a terrible President. I think the worst in my lifetime… much worse than Carter who did okay with the story side, had both policy and executive experience … but just terrible judgement. Joe Biden was never qualified for the job. He is damaging the country and the world possibly beyond repair.

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You missed one Aspect of President Biden. He hates the American People but loves their money. You can bet Foreign Aid will have more money after he is impeached..10 %


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I have to wonder if the US is still sending these rogue countries $$ aid ?

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As the BRICK are attempting take over of currency against the dollar, that would take a long time and some huge hurdles too be leaped. First the Ruble and Yuan are crashing, Russia, like the USA is undeclared bankrupt, China's economy is crashing, Brazil is digressing as we speak, India is waffeling big time.

Russia and China will end up raping these African countries via their natural resources, getting sloppy seconds as US has already done so. The new BRICK currency saying it is backed by Gold is a ruse as there isn't enough gold available from all sources to cover the necessary amount of currency required. I say the USA should stop all foreign aid to these and other countries and then US Taxpayers receive a great windfall in tax relief. All these welfare benefits are Constitutionally illegal. GO back and review what Congressperson Davey Crockett said about UnConstitutional to take from T/Ps and give to others.

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If there’s no money for Biden Inc then Biden doesn’t care.

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Does this mean Obama doesn't like his African heritage

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Xi Jinping must be laughing and celebrating. Everyday he’s adding more poor countries to their list of allies. Many African nations have been unstable for generations and I think it’s only going to get worse.

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Xi is in a Chinese fire drill at this time as his country's economy is imploding. He doesn't have a lot to laugh about just as most including the USA. You can believe things are not what they appear to be in most regards. Yes, unstable Africa will continued dystopian.

Only the upper echelon of African leaders will benefit, as their foreign accounts will grow in value via deposits. Those leaders are about as corrupt as USA leaders

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From the initial interwar period of 1921–1936, this country (via the State Dept and Dept of Defense) has failed to develop and implement effective interwar diplomacy focused on developed and undeveloped countries.

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"Is anyone here? Cujo??" Erick, do you even have to type anymore or is it just copy/paste from stories earlier in the week/month? Wow. I remember thinking Jimmy Carter must've quietly thanked Obama for taking over as worst president ever, but Obama looks downright competent compared to this jumping jackass.

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Agree and JImmy lived long enough to know he will no longer be considered the worst President in American history.

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