My recommendation for Collins/Loeffler is that the one that doesn't become a GA Senator should move to PA to replace the retiring Senator Toomey in 2022. GA residents are fortunate to have the choice between two good Senatorial candidates. Quite often PA residents don't even have the choice of one good candidate and we are stuck with wha…
My recommendation for Collins/Loeffler is that the one that doesn't become a GA Senator should move to PA to replace the retiring Senator Toomey in 2022. GA residents are fortunate to have the choice between two good Senatorial candidates. Quite often PA residents don't even have the choice of one good candidate and we are stuck with whatever choice the PHL area GOP establishment pushes upon the rest of the state.
Doug Collins will not leave Georgia behind. But it will be a sad day for us if this little stunt by the Governor results in one of our most experienced advocates in Washington sitting out two years when we need all hands on deck.
Sandra, I think it is important to consider that both Collins/Loeffler have pro-Trump ratings above 90% and both get good conservative ratings. Consider Ted Cruz who lost a very nasty primary to Trump but still votes for Trump's policies over 90% of the time. Conservatives often have a tendency to tear each other apart, whether in politics or in church splits. Doctrinal purity is important to God, but so is unity among believers. In the political world, both are also important.
My recommendation for Collins/Loeffler is that the one that doesn't become a GA Senator should move to PA to replace the retiring Senator Toomey in 2022. GA residents are fortunate to have the choice between two good Senatorial candidates. Quite often PA residents don't even have the choice of one good candidate and we are stuck with whatever choice the PHL area GOP establishment pushes upon the rest of the state.
Doug Collins will not leave Georgia behind. But it will be a sad day for us if this little stunt by the Governor results in one of our most experienced advocates in Washington sitting out two years when we need all hands on deck.
Sandra, I think it is important to consider that both Collins/Loeffler have pro-Trump ratings above 90% and both get good conservative ratings. Consider Ted Cruz who lost a very nasty primary to Trump but still votes for Trump's policies over 90% of the time. Conservatives often have a tendency to tear each other apart, whether in politics or in church splits. Doctrinal purity is important to God, but so is unity among believers. In the political world, both are also important.