Frederick Douglas in his 1860 speech gave the case that the Constitution is Anti Slavery. It is long, carefully reasoned and states the case most eloquently. His life, escape from slavery (twice) and his oratory are a wonder to behold. To bad he is not here today to shred the Left's ridiculous attacks on our Country and it's founding. The Constitution could not blatantly attack the southern states/colonies over slavery or we would have ended up with 2 countries. The British empire forbade us from outlawing slavery. Jefferson railed on King George in the draft over this, but it had to be removed to have a united front against Britain.

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When I was working for a limo company, I often picked up people at the international terminal for Philly Airport. When you come into the terminal, you see a representation of the whole Declaration of Independence, so large that it fills the room. Every once in while the City of Philadelphia does something right!

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These men and women did it right.

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