Biden won’t be stepping aside with backers comparing him to Jesus because of tragedies and hardships he has suffered.

The tragedies and hardships are designed to test you that you will stand up for his laws and values not that you will make-up the values that you think Jesus will accept.

Rep Don Beyer should put more time into reading the Bible.

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Side note: When I watched Erick’s YouTube video, I got the Obama ad asking for everyday folks to send in even $5 to help the Democratic campaign. Ironic that their ad is benefiting Erick!

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He and "Dr" Jill and Hunter will not step down. This is all they have and will not let go.

I still marvel at the audacity of blaming the debate fiasco on a cold and jet lag. If he had a cold he wouldn't have been shaking hands at the Waffle House, at least with those who turned their backs on him. And how can one have jet lag after being holed up in the same east coast location for a week? The flight from Camp David to the ATL can't be that long.

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The media is in panic mode because they got caught in a lie and can’t spin there way out the public has seen Joe go down hill from the start and know he is not up to the job and George Stepanopolus just showed his hand

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This is very entertaining to watch. The propaganda nature of the progressive media in America created this problem. The democrat voters who let it happen are now dealing with the "unintended consequences" of their complicate silence. Reap what you have sown democrats, and someone pass the popcorn.

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If I could I would bet someone. Biden will NOT drop out. And if Dems feel that’s a way to win this they have a huge problem. That won’t happen.

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If this has been going on since at least 2020 or 2021, I just don't understand why the Democrats did not try to have an open primary last year. Biden too powerful etc. I guess. We get to choose from the Trumpster and some great unknown this November? I hate politics.

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Biden will step aside as Nov Candidate, but not from office as some apparently believe. More pressure will be placed on JB very soon when theses Border Crossing terrorists begin to attack. In addition big recession begins very soon and that will put another anvil on JBs casket. Regardless of the Dem candidate DT will win Nov election. Dems will bring big chaos and encounter Un-Civil W II. Selah

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You know what Gerald? I hate it when someone is right about this. If DT wins, we get civil war because the Left will not let this go until the cities are burning. If the generic Democrat wins, we are well and truly screwed. And we will have done it to ourselves

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Ted Cruz believes Biden will be replaced at the convention by Michelle Obama who according to one poll beats Donald Trump 50-39. By picking Michelle Obama over V.P. Harris the democrats replace a black woman with another black woman there by preventing the democratic party from fracturing if they were to pick someone else other than V.P. Harris.

I alo believe that in order to prevent another Trump presidency you will see a trial for the Jan 6th riot start in September. Also the Judge in New York will sentence Donald Trump to prison and have him taken into custody right away to cause an upheaval in the republican party

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What Biden should do and will do are two entirely different things. Joe Biden has been an emperor with no clothes his entire career. There have been legions of people blowing sunshine up Biden’s hind-end for so long, he no doubt believes what the press has said to fluff him up. Same for Hillary, Pelosi, and new noted political brain trusts like MTG, AOC, etc. Why self reflect when you always have a sycophant in tow to tell you how wonderful you are?

The question that should be asked is what does Biden think of Kamala? If he thinks of her like we think of her, he is going nowhere.

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If you look at Biden's history, his refusal to step aside is perfectly predictable. In 1988 the uproar over his plagiarism became so great he was forced to withdraw from the race.

First, he blamed his staff, then he blamed his speechwriter. Unfortunately, the speech writer knew nothing about his stealing from a British politician. Then, finally, with his back against the wall he maintained that it was all an "honest mistake." (How do you make an honest mistake by stealing 100% of what someone else wrote?) He went on to say, "that honest mistake was overshadowing his candidacy." It was garbage then and its garbage now. Thirty-six years he's back, hoping Americans have short memories and can be gaslit again.

He has always been a liar. He has always been a fabulist, and he NEVER reacts unless forced to do so. It's simply ingrained in his DNA.

To quote Michael Douglas in THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT, "Being President is all about character."

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If the 25th Amendment is activated and Ruth Bader Biden refuses to leave the White House, who will physically remove him ?

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One more time. The Democrats and the media deceived the American people. They lied. Plain and simple. Anyone individual that trusts any candidate the Democrats and the media try to foist on us really needs to look in the mirror and admit they too are part of the problem. This entire episode is unacceptable. The Biden administration is in fact The Big Lie.

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Is Biden stepping aside? Ask James Clyburn and The Lightbringer. I suggest they know, as they contrived to install Biden in the first place.

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