For the record, Tim was the third UF player to win the Heisman (Steve Spurrier and Danny Wuerffel being the others). Go Gators!

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Apologies - I didn't notice you said first underclassman, which is absolutely correct.

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Again, I'm not a political analyst or can run a presidential campaign, but I just looked at the calendar and it's 28 July 2023. When are the Iowa caucuses? January? New Hampshire primary? February? I understand that political writers have to produce content each day to keep us all engaged...but it's a long ball game and anything can happen.

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This is true. However, it is sometimes surprising how long it takes for a message to 1) get out and 2) to sink in, especially if you are trying to supplant a previous message or perception.

For #1 I recall hearing about a startup that had spent $40 million on ads over 3 years to get their name and product out. This kind of spend is not normal for startups. I heard about them because another entrepreneur was telling me it takes time to get noticed. I still haven't seen a single ad.

For #2 what gets you traction out of the gate may not win in the end.

Segway scooters


Nike Duel Brand

Everyday every candidate has to ask, if every caucus and primary were held today who the candidate be?

If the answer is not me they have to change that, and that takes time.

DeSantis has to tell my center-left brother liveing out West why DeSantis, and overcome the steady stream of negative press and amplified unforced errors.

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No one on the right should minimize the influence and audience-span of Russell Brand. Like RFK, Jr., Brand is not the left-wing nut he's made out to be. He has more than 6.5 million subscribers on YouTube and more than a million on Rumble. Brand is actually quite intelligent and well informed. He's not uniformly left wing or right wing; he's anti-establishment and appeals to a broad political spectrum.

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Russell Brand condemned Israel over Gaza and supports legalizing drugs. Obama is quite intelligent and will informed too, he is not not a liberal.

"Like RFK, Jr"... RFK is a conspiracy nut.

6.5 million followers doesn't make him not left or a reasonable person.

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Tebow was hamstrung and run out of the league by the front office of the Broncos, especially John Elway. Look at his rookie season and record. He translated just fine but the Bronco's front office didn't like him. That doesn't change the analogy for our point. DeSantis is at a turning point. We'll see if he turns or is turned upon.

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All in all, a pretty depressing message. Voters are not bright enough to see that what DeSantis can do in Florida, he can do with the country. Voters aren't all that interested in stopping censorship, mutilating kids, saving babies from being aborted, preventing people from being forced to act against their own beliefs, and exposing their kids to porn. If that is really where we are, then what is the point?

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It feels like I am being played.

Stacking up indictments against President Trump hardens his loyal Republican base to the point his selection is almost guaranteed at this moment.

Biden’s team desperately wants to run against Trump because they are convinced the moderate middle will never vote for Trump.

Both candidates plan to hide in their basements and never have a primary debate.

AND… the best of all for the Dems, the RNC refuses to support any Presidential debates unless their revamped rules are agreed to.

There will never be a debate between Trump and Brandon, and the press will never expose Brandon to the scrutiny you would expect because they know how damaging it will be to their lib cause.

I simply don’t see anything that will change this inevitable outcome. Does anyone have any ideas?

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You may not be getting played but about a third of Republicans are given the Left knows for a fact attacking Trump rallies them around his flag regardless of how valid those attacks might be. DJT could strangle a bag of kittens in front of the White House on CNN and all he would have to do is scream "fake news" and that third would support him despite overwhelming evidence. I'm not saying that evidence exists yet. I'm saying you cannot reason with The Third.

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Wow you mean some people know how to text you? I haven’t figured that out.

But given how many people follow you and develop their decisions on what you say, I want to say this:

Despite your lack of bias toward, or endorsement of any one candidate your continued commentary on Trump’s apparent inevitability, and on Desantis’ likely collapse over messaging can sound like well informed predictions and can definitely influence people who listen to you or read your columns to line up behind one or other. I believe strongly that your commentary can predispose people to make their voting choices based on what you say because you are” in fact” an influencer. So stop it please.

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Hey Erick, I just read your"Thank You" note to all those readers correcting you on a mistake you made. I made the mistake once of noticing an error that really affected what you were trying to say, and commented on it in the comments in hopes you could correct and re-post your blog. I later received a probably less-than-sincere thank you, from you. I will never make that mistake again. Just to let you know , I value your voice, that's why I continue to pay you my small sum to get your blog and have defended you in comments on Facebook and on Daily Wire Wire, for I which I'm not looking for any thanks from you. But, I'm baffled by the people who have your phone number and can text you, and have your email so they can email you. I've no idea how they got that info. I am not someone who would ever barrage you with anything, but may send something once in a while. Would love to know how to get the ability to send you anything outside of this substack space.

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Oh, and I just read this piece and it is excellent. Never noticed any error, and anyone noticing the error is missing the big picture. Hope DeSantis reads this.

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let's hope either DeSantis has Erick's number to text, or vice versa. I'd sleep a lot better at night.

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I, too, am perplexed at the RFK, Jr stuff. While I am more in tune with his views on Covid, he’s basically a nut job on everything else. I also wish DeSantis would get away from the woke stuff. We get it but for most average Americans, that would be a one-time issue before they move on to other stuff (like the economy). I was pulling for DeSantis but am starting to look more at Scott and Ramaswamy(though I’m not that keen on his wanting to get militarily involved with the drug cartels).

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"DeSantis now needs to offer up his vision of an America that works for the middle class, beyond the anti-woke." That entire paragraph describes what I've seen from Vivek Ramaswamy, a person I knew absolutely NOTHING about until he began his run for president, yet right now, he's my top pick. I'm beginning to see the same from Tim Scott as well. I think these two guys are gonna' run circles around DeSantis in the debates. And Trump? He's the Falcons version of Michael Vick, a one-trick pony whose speed and moves took him all the way to the Super Bowl. But the next year, every team in the NFL had figured out how to contain him and he never approached that level of success again.

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Vivek is my pick for 2024. Your analogy of Trump is spot on, too.

As an non-political aside, The Free Press's TGIF newsletter today linked to an unearthed video of Vivek rapping Eminem's "Lose Yourself." It only made me like him more. Vivek is a breath of fresh air in an establish-entrenched bureaucracy.


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DeSantis is fine. He should talk to EVERYONE. That might offend your Christian evangelical sensibilities, but it's good politics. Joe Rogan!! Your guy Tim Scott is toast now, he can't get away from the racialist politics that he has embraced in the past. Now he's siding with Kamala Harris? Lol 😂 Did you know Scott was black? You don't have to ask, he'll tell you.

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I live in FL and even some liberals I know like DeSantis, because in practice, he tends to do what's right. But doing what's right and wooing the masses with what he and his team thinks sounds right is having the opposite effect on most. It's too bad because I think he has the backbone to lead the country.

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Steve Spurrier won the 1966 Heisman at FL.

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I wish I could give the Governor a call and tell him that he needs to give you a call. I probably already doomed him by donating to his campaign.

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Great message. Agree wholeheartedly with one correction: Steve Spurrier was first Florida player to win the Heisman. 🐊🐊🐊

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Sorry folks. Joe won’t finish his term. Kamala will get the job for a while but the dems will roll out Michelle Obama and Pretty boy Gavin. We will never see another a republican president.

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Jul 28, 2023·edited Jul 28, 2023

I liked the comment that Trump is a one-trick pony. He can't win next year and I'm saying that as someone who is opposed to the Left in every way imaginable. I don't even think presidential politics is going to matter anymore. Yes, I know, elections have consequences etc. etc. But our side has put all our eggs in the Trump basket and they're about to get smashed by whatever the Dems put up next year as their candidate. I think almost anyone else besides Trump and DeSantis would do well enough next year, but even then I agree with @outsideandy :: we'd better get used to seeing Newsom The Slime Toad as the president and learn how to work around it...

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You have hit the nail right on the head and it will go in deep. The demorats will NOT allow a Republican victory. This will be our last one in the US before He comes with His Angeles and gets us.

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I'm not sure I agree with either of you. The election wasn't stolen, either in 2016 or 2020. I do believe the Dems will do everything they can think of to stop a Trump victory. We'll see how far they want to go. The Left and Establishment in this country want to make an example of Trump and are willing to go to any lengths to reach those ends.

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Slight correction. While I agree they wouldn't be happy with a Republican Victory, they will NOT allow a Trump victory. They want Trump as the nominee so they can justify all the improper voting practices they will implement. Up to and including Ballot Harvesting, which is legal in most states thanks to Covid, and unsolicited Mail in Ballots. Thankfully banned in most states but still in effect in the critical Swing States.

Now say a Desantis or Scott gets the nomination. Yes they will absolutely go after both of them just as hotly as Trump but wont be able to justify the rampant voting practices against them. The media won't put up with the same shenanigans with say a Desantis running as they would if Trump wins. The media would be all to happy to see Trump go down no matter if it was all a fraud. They wont be as likened to with more mainstream candidates.

I could be wrong. But I believe that yes, this is more about trump than republicans. They don't want trump. He can't be bought. He says what they don't want him to. Cant be controlled. So yes, I strongly believe that they will do anything short of assassination to make sure he never attains power again and that they only target him or whoever he endorses as such.

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While Trump may have that 'third' of the base that will support him no matter what, 2/3 of the Republican base want someone else. So do most independents, and some small percentage of Ds would be open to almost any GOP candidate not named Trump. I don't see how Trump has a path to winning the general election and unfortunately for 'the third' you have to do more than beat all the other Republicans in a primary. They'd rather win the battle but not the war and can't see the that that strategy gets them nothing that will stop the policies they hate most.

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I don’t like it, but, you *could* be right. Trump just got charged with trying to “erase” / “delete” evidence - which is the exact thing that HRC did. How will Trumpkins spin this? I see massive hypocrisy.

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