Hmm Iran has been silent this week..

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It's not a conspiracy theory, it's common sense.

When the media all patriot the same message "walls closing in", "weird" it is neither collusion nor conspiracy. They all just live in the same bubble and read and listen to the same people.

Lois Lerne did not need a phone call or memo from Obama to target conservative groups, she knew what was expected by virtu of both her and her biases.

The Iranians do not need Kamala's team to tell them what is good, bad, or indifferent to her to campaign, they know the American Left for they are all cut from the same cloth.

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Surely that's a rhetorical question!!! OTH the ayotollahs know the power of an intelligent, well-educated woman as they try to impose a hardline Shia theocracy on a relatively worldly population which is half female. The Iranian religious leadership is in a difficult situation. Do they want to deal with the unrepentant devil they have dealt with before or the unknown devil who represents by proxy the fervant hopes of the womanhood of Iran?

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Iran and China are helping Harris.

Erick, listened to your radio show today during a drive, and suggest a correction in your narrative for why millennials and other generations are failing to achieve the American dream. You said is was 9-11 that changed everything. I don't think that is the source of the problem. I think it is the decision to allow China into the WTO, then NAFTA and unchecked immigration, combined with Bill Clinton being the first President to tell bald faced lies to the world clearly telegraphing that any behavior is fine if you can get away with it.

We exported working class opportunity to other countries while importing other country's poverty... and at the same time we told everyone that morality and civility were not needed... just go get yours and to hell with the country.

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Perhaps you are actually stating the obvious. Why wouldn't Iran desire Harris as President and why would they do anything that could possibly impede that?

Obama, Kerry, Biden have all been great friends to and enablers of the chief supporter of terrorism, Iran.....treasonous all. Harris fills the bill as a stooge to do their bidding.

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Iran's government may consider sotto voce support for Democrats as an investment, which will pay them radioactive dividends.

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I'm not a conspiracy theorist . . . but here's a conspiracy theory.


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It's not a "conspiracy theory" to suggest Iran will not want to do anything to impede Harris' path to the Presidency. That's common sense.

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Point taken (I must confess to not having viewed Erick's video presentation), although competency in that office would not necessarily be to Iran's advantage.

(Today, Trump basically said that more than 100 percent of the new jobs created during the Biden administration benefitted immigrants. More than 100 percent!)

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Welcome to the dark side. lol. What the tragedy here is that this conspiracy is probably not a theory. Right now I would not trust absolutely anyone in this administration or Obama’s. They and that includes Harris hate Israel and this country as well and would like nothing better than to see both decimated. Washington is so much more than a swamp. Trump just has to win.

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This wouldn’t be a problem if we didn’t have stupid gullible voters. It should be obvious this is the deal and that Harris does NOT support Israel and will upon being elected call for a cease fire.

Same as the Chinese who will try to help Harris as well.

Iran will nuke Israel if Harris is elected.

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Like so many Americans, Harris supports the State of Israel (she will not change Israel's status as the most significant recipient of US taxpayer dollars since 1979 when the Camp David accords were signed.) but is against the current Zionist* regime using a US-financed sledge hammer to destroy Hamas while at the same time killing more than 40,000 Palestinians since last October. https://www.thejc.com/news/features/who-is-doug-emhoff-kamala-harriss-jewish-husband-and-potential-first-gentleman-q3qnhpar

We also know the Israelis can pinpoint the assassination of specific Hamas human targets as witnessed be the recent assassinations of a senior Hamas and Hezbollah leader.

* Zionism's primary goal is to assure not just the political and military control of the territory from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea which was achieved in 1967 but total physical occupancy, driving out all non-Jews. Hamas' continued belligerence against the Israeli State gives the Zionists a convenient reason to both kill Palestinians and to make life in the Strip so unbearable that they will emigrate of their own volition rather than the POW camp Ariel Sharon created in Gaza in 2007.

Remember Donald Trump has a son-in-law whose family is not merely Jewish but also strongly support the goals of Zionism as well as partnering with major Israeli real estate developers and insurance companies w/ joint ventures in both the US and Israel.

There's also the other son-in-law who is a Christian Arab. It's too early to know where he and his family will fit into the scheme of things since Tiffany had the least Trumpian upbringing of the five.

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I agree with that and just really know that with Trump, NO WAY.

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When Trump debates Kamala he should ask her why she permitted these Iranian operatives to become imbedded in her administration. Was she too blind not to know about it? This stinking carcass needs to hang heavy around her neck like every other bad thing about the Biden Harris regime.

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The Vice President's only job is to preside over the Senate and cast tie-breaking votes. She had no control over who became a part of President Biden's administration.

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Lol! It’s the Biden-Harris admin. Therefore, she gets to have that tied to her as being complicit.

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Not to mention Biden is a brain dead corpse who is completely MIA and most certainly hasn’t been in control of this presidency for the entire last 3 years, so Harris most likely has had a much larger role behind the scenes than we realize.

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Likely true for anyone who is ignorant of what a Vice President actually does . . . which is not much.

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I’m well aware of what the official requirements of the VP are, however:

When Biden picked Harris as his running mate, he said he "asked Kamala to be the last voice in the room," to "[c]hallenge [his] assumptions if she disagrees," and to "[a]sk the hard questions."

VPs today act very much in an advisory role too.

She was the “last in the room” on Afghanistan, she was handed border control as her task. There is a reason her campaign so trying to Obama her and rise her above the current admin despite her being a part of it-because she is inexplicably tied to it’s failures as she should be.

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On a much lighter note, were I ever VP, I would rarely even get out of bed. Just call me it you need me to break a tie in the Senate.

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Not to insult you and merely to make a point, were I to advise you to shut up, would you do it? Were you to keep posting anyway, would it be my fault?

One who can only give advice bears no responsibility for decisions that were not hers.

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That would entirely depend on the situation. Sometimes shutting up is the answer. However she has stood beside all of the policies that have come out from her and Biden’s administration, so I’m going to assume there has been no case of her contradicting Biden.

Nobody is saying the decisions have solely been hers-however, she previously had no problem tying herself to what they’ve seen as admin successes and thus should also be tied to it’s failures- again, it’s the Biden/Harris administration, not the Biden admin.

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I read a x post that indicated that Israel communicated to a 3rd party country to inform Iran if they attack, that IDF would take out their nuclear facilities.

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I have thought this since the second I heard about the latest Iranian threat. I am not sure that much else could be concluded when knowing about the implanted operatives. I think the real issue is that the press and other Harris supporters, who probably knows it’s real and true, remain silent, because they care more about holding power for their far left candidate, than they do about the affront to democracy and republicanism.

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We are in the throes of the greatest psy-op in U.S. history.

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Why would they NOT try to get her in office? She fits right into their way of thinking. And IF you hear that they are trying to get into Bidens mail, or some other such story, know that it was planned so they could say, NO we would not do that.

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Interesting thought!

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