First of all, fantastic news of the growth of your show. Very much deserved.

Secondly, I am not a dispensationalist or premillennialist in any way, but I must admit I have my eye on 2030 or thereabouts. Those 2000-year hurdles you mention seem worth noting. 2,000 from the Resurrection could be . . . But, as you mention, there's much to be accomplished -- such as all nations coming to Christ (although it could be said that all nations, even the overall evil ones, have been "discipled" to some degree). At any rate, the Judgement will be all to the good, so, if it's ready, Lord, bring it on. Eternal Joy.

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Thanks! Good reminder! 2 Timothy 1:7 "For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

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It may not be the end of the world, but I can see it from here.

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You are absolutely correct.

Pay attention, do what you can do and pray about what you can’t.

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Matthew 6:34---learn it, know it, live it as Brad Hamilton would say

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Thank you. This is exactly what I needed to read today. Your words are beautiful and heartfelt.

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I woke up this morning in my new home thinking I have an infestation of German cockroaches. That is what I worry about. I call my husband at work crying and he calms me down and later sends me a loving text. Trust him, he loves me. He doesn’t want me to worry. He’s like a Heavenly Father to me. I have a good career, money and health and faith. So much to be grateful for. Me? Worry. I worry about cockroaches. I worry about everything. Yes I think Jesus is coming soon! I hope he is always coming into my heart and informing all that I do.

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We all have innate capabilities and then we are molded by our lives. And the paths we take are sometimes uncontrollably tragic or fortuitous, but in general, in a system like we have had in the US where the pursuit of self-interest has been supported to allow each individual to discover their tendencies, has allowed each to optimize their path to a good life.

The system has been self-correcting in that someone with greater capabilities would come along to build the better mouse-trap or run the faster time.

The problem is that the system has been corrupted by its own success and progress. We have not stayed vigilant to apply the rules designed to keep the paths open, and hence they have been dominated and turned into an exclusive club that blocks the higher capability from access.

And our political system is the example. It is owned and controlled by an Ivy-League educated managerial & ruling class. Senior government officials and Wall Street CEOs are in control. They are never the smartest and most capable people, just skilled at sliming there way to the top where they enjoy the benefit of administration and wealth power to protect their exclusivity.

And that is why it seems like this is the end of times. Because they are not the most capable they are making mistake, after mistake after mistake. But they never suffer the consequences because they have devised a closed loop system that protects them. Upstarts cannot knock them out of their positions of power.

Joe Biden, at best, is capable of being a Walmart greeter. Yet we have elected him to be the leader of the free world.

Yes, it does seem like end of times because as voters we are sleepwalking to the media narrative, the one pushed by the very people that are in control and making a mess out of everything, to continue to keep them in power.

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"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference." Amen.

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EVERY generation for hundreds of years has seen the world going to hell in a handbasket and thought that they were in the "end times". Countless people have suffered and died over the centuries, many of them must have wondered why God had forsaken them...

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Erick, this is why I have been a fan of yours for years. You're not all politics and you have a way of putting things in proper perspective. Today's post was outstanding and although I don't wring my hands over the end, I needed to be reminded of some of your points in this post. Thanks my friend!

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Thank you and Amen, from another professional worrier!

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I had to laugh several times while reading. You sure have the pulse of most of your audience, and a maturity beyond your age. So thanks, this is the reason I subscribe!

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Just an FYI -- I put up an editor's note. The text is a transcript of a radio monologue and the transcriptionist clearly misunderstood my fine Southern accent in parts. I didn't catch them last night because I was having a bit of night and moved too quick.

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Erick, you could not have said it any better. Engage, and be an influencer in your neighborhood and local community where you can have an impact. The little things are important, and they serve as the foundation for building scale from the bottom-up. They represent the "real" in our lives. Mayby our acronym should be "BIMBY", Begin My Backyard, not in Washington.

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A little Stoicism Erick?

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