I don't see how conservatives could be very surprised by Trump's new position on abortion. He's clearly been very transactional in his approach to politics. Help him, and he'll help you.

Write his campaign a big check, for example, and your industry has his support. Make him President and he'll give you judges who will overturn Roe. Reelect him now and (fill in the blank). I mean, did you really not know whom you were dealing with?

For those who think Trump is God's chosen instrument in working His will, you might consider the possibility that sometimes, doing God's will and the cynical pursuit of one's own self interest may just happen to coincide. You might also consider the further possibility that character matters.

And if it does to God, why not to you?

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I am pissed about the abortion issue.

I know enough Christian conservatives that are completely gaslit into what I consider to be a terrible, authoritarian and disgusting position that would fore a raped young girl to carry the fetus to full term and delivery. I get their moral position and support their right to hold it... but for them and their family, not everyone else. Not to force their extremist view on others. It is no different than the authoritarian left attempting to force their absurd and disgusting gender ideology on everyone else. It is anti libertarian and at odds with all the principles of true conservatism and Republicanism.

And most importantly, it is causing the Republicans to lose elections and then the moral extremists holding these views end up with legal abortion up to birth and beyond because Democrats keep winning.

Just drop it. Abortion isn't a winning topic. The nation does not support the life at conception authoritarian view. We should demand that everyone have the freedom to hold their own views about abortion, but not to be able to shove them down everyone else's throats. The states can figure it out... what is right for the states.

Frankly with the state of humanity in this country... the human crisis of drugs and homelessness... if you really are a good moral Christian, you would work on that... the sea of unwanted children that are going to grow into self-destructive adults... essentially aborting themselves eventually. Show progress fixing that with your Church congregations and Christian values, and then get back to us on the abortion issue.

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Erick, et. al.

I'm convinced President Trump doesn't have the ability to remain on focus. I'm disappointed, but I understand he's a flawed human as WE ALL ARE. I'm concerned about our once great nation for several reasons which I hope people will discuss with their friends on the other side of the aisle.

My first concern is for our country's lack of a free press. My 2nd concern relates to the number of low information voters who will be fooled (again) by the complicit press. The lack of a "free press" is exactly what led to President Trump's rise to the presidency in 2016. He was willing to push back and his message caught wind and since the other side had a poor candidate for president he won. Fast forward to 2020 and the Nancy Pelosi comment, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." Our inexperienced politician of a president, Trump, in 2020 fell hook, line, and sinker for the Fauci alarmism about Covid 19. I'm not discounting Covid as a real disease, but I would like to point out that a better statesman as leader may have responded differently instead of falling into the brilliant trap set by the other side to not only get him out of power, but at the same time to fast-track their socialist policies. Instead, the media, kept Covid on everyone's mind. The Spanish Flu in 1918 killed 675,000 Americans and an estimated 50 million worldwide. There were no shut downs, social distancing mandates, or other directives that I know of. (I know 1918 was a different time.) I can't help but wonder how things might have turned out if we'd had a different leader at the time of Covid.

The democratic party very effectively used Covid, and the complicit press, to help usher in the first Biden-Harris administration. Remember the basement campaign? Then candidate Biden was already suffering decline, but it hadn't reached the level that it was too difficult to hide. As the Biden-Harris first term progressed it became clear to those who were close to him that his decline was going to be a problem. The media covered for him as did Vice President Harris. Only when he was exposed in the first debate did the fear of losing power become a greater concern for the democrat leaders than was continuing to cover for him. Vice President Harris AND the national media covered for him.

So the obvious donkey in the room is this: The basement campaign worked to get Biden elected, why wouldn't a similar duck and cover campaign to get Harris elected work? It appears it is working and I fear we are helpless to stop it. Media, social tech media, and print media, as well as Fortune 500 companies are all making it sound as though Harris MUST be the next president. If I had to bet I'd bet the left wins. It is very sad for our country. I hope I'm wrong.

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I voted for Trump in 2016; in 2020, I did not vote for the office of president believing both candidates completely unsuited for the job. Now, in 2024 I look around and find that the world has become a lot less safe place under the Biden/Harris administration with wars raging in the mid-east and the Ukraine. I returned from the grocery store this morning, still reeling from the bill only to learn from GMA that grocery prices have come down. Say what? I don't like Trump, and resent the way Republicans have allowed him to hijack the party. However, I will vote for Trump in 2024 because the alternative is too dangerous.

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Were a giant meteor to fall to earth tomorrow, killing hundreds of thousands, would you vote for the good old days when meteors stayed in the heavens? My point here is that believe it or not, some things are actually beyond presidential control. Although I think it unlikely, I will allow for the possibility that Trump may have had some influence with Putin. However, the notion that Trump could have somehow kept Hamas from committing the atrocities that have inflamed the Middle East is absurd.

The alternative to Trump may very well be high prices, but the alternative to Harris is January 6th and the possibility that the peaceful transfer of power (which was the rule for more than 230 years) is no more in America. One is a temporary situation that can be corrected with the next election. The other is a fundamental change in how our politics work going forward.

Frankly, I don't see how anyone can look past what Trump did on January 6th.

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I am and have been a very strong pro-life advocate for decades now, but I will vote for Trump because the alternative will ensure the enshrinement of legal infanticide. If Trump is elected, I will be watching carefully to see how his support for the unborn unfolds. And since he will be only for one-term we will have another opportunity to engage in 2028. And those who think that those of us who are pro-life starting from conception are fanatics who will destroy the Republican party - if the party walks away from the pro-life cause, then they will go the way of the Whigs.

But on a different note - why Erick have you said ZERO about the RFK endorsement which in my mind was the biggest political story of last week. You are always pointing to the news that we should be know about, but then miss this. Inconceivable in my mind.

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Is one man's 'Uniparty' is another's 'Big Tent'?

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Where to start?

When Jesus said, “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and unto God that which is God’s”, the subject he was speaking about was whether to pay taxes, and his answer was effectively yes, pay them. I’ve found this principle travels well to other areas of life, and none better than politics. Our founding fathers referred to politics as a human event, and in doing so made an important distinction. God doesn’t get involved in who wins and who loses. I invite correction if I’m wrong, But the closest I see God coming to speaking about politics is his admonition to obey all leaders, even the harsh, I.e, He hates iniquity, anarchy, lawlessness. Obey your leaders, it doesn’t matter who they are. Almost sounds like he’s above that sort of thing like it only matters so much in the grand scheme of things. Doesn’t it?

Getting to much more subjective areas, how One draws on their faith to inform their politics is largely subjective, so I speak only for myself. As with any human event, I think character matters in politics. My chosen source for defining good character is the Christian faith. I found interesting. Eric’s distinction between the likely actions of a frustrated believer: Either tapping out of their faith or tapping out of politics. In my view to support Donald Trump ON THE BASIS OF FAITH, a believer must have already tapped out of his or her faith. He made his personal conviction clear in the 2016 campaign when he said he didn’t have anything to repent for. That told and believer all they needed to know, all that has followed, that is simply branding. Erick used an interesting term in this post: “Jesus the weapon.” as he has stated repeatedly in the past (I’m paraphrasing here) trying to use a secular government to advance the kingdom of God is afool’s errand. So it’s inherent that any believer who expects or hopes that if a government will be frustrated and on his way to “tapping out.”

So how does one apply their faith and allow it to inform their politics and ultimately their vote? Again I can only give my answer. Start by realizing that when you go to the voting booth you’re rendering unto Caesar that which is his. You’re making a hire for a secular position, not determining who the Godliest candidate is. This will help quite a bit when you realize that the choices you have are all Godless. That pretty much gets it down to policy choices for me. I’d consider anything else idolatry. And a word to my fellow Christians: It’s OK to vote for someone of a different faith. Obama got me over the fact that Romney was a Mormon, lickety-split! I hear that in 1960 my forebears faced the same angst over JFK being a Catholic.

I’ll end it where I started it: Always remember that when you engage in politics, you’re rendering unto Caesar that which is his. Personally I find it makes the bitter pills easier to swallow.

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Erick, your continued lazy approach to RFK falls flat again. You are wrong (again, lazy) about many of his positions, and you completely ignore his most important reason for endorsing Trump: healthcare. But again, that shouldn't surprise me, b/c you are pro Big Pharma and pro vaccine everything and continually mocked those who opposed the COVID vaccine and took other treatments. I get that your wife is being helped by chemo, and that is truly wonderful (my wife was too), but there is so much wrong with our healthcare system, our food supply, and our approach to treating disease. To ignore what RFK intends to do and instead just label him "anti-vaxx" and whatever else like the mainstream media does is just lazy.

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Kennedy's most important reason for endorsing Trump is that Harris wouldn't take his call.

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No it's not. Listen to what he says about that call and about her. He was never going to join up with her.

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Uh huh.

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Trump's feet are riddled with holes from his own weapon. I suspect there is no salvaging his campaign, so we should all prepare for more social and economic ills promoted by good vibes.

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Politics is strange. Trump went from probably winning in a landslide against Biden to this. Not only does he keep stepping on rakes as Erick has observed, but the geniuses in the Republican Party primaries insisted on putting the Orange Man back in as their candidate.

I can’t vote for Cackles and Trump isn’t that great either. I’m one of those who are tapping out and I used to be a political junkie. Best of luck to you as well 😁

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Shooting yourself in the feet helps deflect attention from those painful bone spurs.

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Many times, when I have feelings of schadenfreude, I feel a tad guilty. Not today.

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I am not trying to defend Trump but it appears to me you have negated your own argument Erick. JD says Trump will veto a national pro abortyion bill even late term... Yes he will because it is not a federal government role per the Constitution. His position doesn't suggest to me that he is a "uni-party, or "winging it" candidate. At the end of your message you even state a response to democrats that "abortion is a state issue, what about the economy and the border?". I believe Trump is just fine if a state wants to legislate late term abortions, all abortions except rape and incest, etc. Is he ok if a state legislates no restrictions? I don't think he supports that position, he supports the Constitution clearly makes it a state issue. After Biden routinely ignores the Constitution and the Supreme Court guidance he doesn't like, I like the at least in this instance Trump is staying away from the topic as it is not the federal government's domain to legislate.

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During the pandemic, when bringing large numbers of people together in close proximity at his rallies would surely spread Covid to people (like Herman Cain) whom it could kill, Trump did what was best for Trump. In 2022, when Republicans were urging Trump to delay announcing for President until after the midterms, for fear that this might impede what was expected to be a "red wave," Trump did what was best for Trump. Now, Trump is once again doing what he thinks is best for Trump and you somehow find that his motivation lies in some kind of nuanced view of federalism?


If you were standing on 5th Avenue, got stabbed in the back and turned around to see Trump standing there, bloody knife in hand, this post makes me fairly certain that you would blame your impending death on someone . . . who just looks like Trump. Indeed in light of this comment, were you ever stabbed in the back, you probably wouldn't even know it.

The only thing Donald Trump truly believes in (and apparently for good reason) is your gullibility.

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This quote, "The upside for Trump is that a lot of evangelical voters are really Republican voters who talk Jesus without walking with him," is the best, saddest quote of this article. Once again, Erick, you say outloud what many only mumble about. Many of those you identify here may not even attend church. Those who do, attend a church that does not teach the Bible as the inerrant word of God. Great analysis even if the description of those professing Christ is so inimically sad.

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Yes. And the saddest part is if they don’t truly know Christ even though they think they do. We only have a few years in this like compared to eternity.

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On a totally different note, I do think embracing RFK will at least politically smart. It will ease the mind of the slightly more sane and moderate democrats and just maybe Trump isn't as hardcore conservative as the media makes him out to be. Policy wise I don't care for RFK at all, I think his cheese slid off his cracker years ago, but I do think the optics at least help win over or but at ease the left leaning centralists. Erick, even when this nation was founded they made sure to separate religion from government, even though it is indeed written through the lense of judeo-Christian values. My point is, if we as a nation didn't embrace religion and make it the fundamental substrate of the government back then, well then I doubt it ever could happen, especially considering religion is still dwindling in this country. We're far less religious now than then, and so those Republicans/Conservatives who want the laws and politics of our time to mirror their religious beliefs is a pipe dream. Also, and no offense, but if Christianity did regain some of its past prowess and became more dominant in government, I fear it wouldn't take long before it resembled Christian Nationalism and would become totalitarian inevitably. Power corrupts ultimately.

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Not only has RFK's cheese slid off his cracker, it fell onto the floor, causing him to slip and fall down, hitting his head on the floor repeatedly. The number of "sane and moderate" Democrats who view him in any other way is really quite small.

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Uh, well no. Erick, you and your abortion-obsessed conservative extremists pushed to end Roe v Wade. That Dodd decision prevented a Republican red wave in 2022. Trump has supported that decision and said abortion rights belong to the states. He has been consistent. It is you and your cohort of Handmaiden’s Tale authoritarians that have dug in your heels over abortion and now are disingenuously blaming Trump for not supporting a watered down federal ban.

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So now, rather than actually being pro-life, Trump is some kind of constitutional scholar and defender of federalism. Please.

Trump appointed judges that would overturn Roe in order to get elected. Now, he is abandoning the pro-life cause for exactly the same reason.

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A national abortion ban is no more Constitutional than a national right to abortion.

However, murder is a constitutional issue. Many states will also charge a person with infanticide if they kill a pregnant woman.

There a couple of proposed bills that involve unborn children with respect to the IRS.

Trump should propose very simple legislation, a mother can claim the child tax credit in the year they become pregnant even if the baby is not born in that year.

There is already a valid argument that unborn children are "persons" under the 14 amendment.

This is not about abortion, it's about murder. Murder and the right to self defense is well defined. The venn diagram of abortion and murder are 100% overlapping circles.

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"you might be in for a surprise on Election Day."

Right now, the only electoral result that would surprise me is if the Dems don't run the board and retake the House, expand their majority in the Senate and Kamala Harris is our President-elect.

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