To your point, I ask this: How do progressives feel about Jinchao "Patrick" Wei, the Navy sailor who was recently arrested for selling defense secrets to the Chinese? Because if Wei should be prosecuted in the eyes of progressives, then supporting Biden is pure hypocrisy.
To your point, I ask this: How do progressives feel about Jinchao "Patrick" Wei, the Navy sailor who was recently arrested for selling defense secrets to the Chinese? Because if Wei should be prosecuted in the eyes of progressives, then supporting Biden is pure hypocrisy.
Tucker, your desire for the Left to use logic and fair reasoning is laudable but not realistic. None of what is happening and being revealed on Hunter and Joe is seen as problematic by any of them and they were all screaming about the same things for Trump tilting at windmills for four years. They refuse to even acknowledge the WuFlu origins were actually from the Wuhan lab, the Steel dosier was BS, and Hunter's laptop was real. How can you expect them to be rational about any serious issue? Perhaps I'm misreading you and you don't expect that but that's what I took away from your comment. I apologize in advance if I misunderstood you.
I should've been clearer. I'm attempting to pose a real question because I don't factually know where progressives stand on Wei. If what Wei did is no big deal to progressives, then I understand their support of Biden. But if they see Wei as a traitor, how can they POSSIBLY show support to the Biden syndicate?? Of course, you do a fantastic job of illustrating their willingness to live in that rare ether of belief over substance, which kind of dismantles any attempt on my behalf to give them credit for logic!
They can hold both that Wei is a spy and Biden is just fine. I promise. How you might ask? Because they are (D)ifferent. I promise that is the answer. The mental gymnastics are such that "it's all partisan and made up skewing reality" is one such way. If you want to understand it better/more look at Biden admitting on video using his power and position to get the Ukrainian prosecutor fired and compare that to Trump's phone call to Ukraine that got an impeachment for abuse of power rolling. I'm certain you had conversations around those two events. The reasons behind why Biden's actions were pure as the wind-driven snow but Trumps were abuse of power and impeachable still hold true to Wei and Biden. Promise.
To your point, I ask this: How do progressives feel about Jinchao "Patrick" Wei, the Navy sailor who was recently arrested for selling defense secrets to the Chinese? Because if Wei should be prosecuted in the eyes of progressives, then supporting Biden is pure hypocrisy.
Tucker, your desire for the Left to use logic and fair reasoning is laudable but not realistic. None of what is happening and being revealed on Hunter and Joe is seen as problematic by any of them and they were all screaming about the same things for Trump tilting at windmills for four years. They refuse to even acknowledge the WuFlu origins were actually from the Wuhan lab, the Steel dosier was BS, and Hunter's laptop was real. How can you expect them to be rational about any serious issue? Perhaps I'm misreading you and you don't expect that but that's what I took away from your comment. I apologize in advance if I misunderstood you.
I should've been clearer. I'm attempting to pose a real question because I don't factually know where progressives stand on Wei. If what Wei did is no big deal to progressives, then I understand their support of Biden. But if they see Wei as a traitor, how can they POSSIBLY show support to the Biden syndicate?? Of course, you do a fantastic job of illustrating their willingness to live in that rare ether of belief over substance, which kind of dismantles any attempt on my behalf to give them credit for logic!
They can hold both that Wei is a spy and Biden is just fine. I promise. How you might ask? Because they are (D)ifferent. I promise that is the answer. The mental gymnastics are such that "it's all partisan and made up skewing reality" is one such way. If you want to understand it better/more look at Biden admitting on video using his power and position to get the Ukrainian prosecutor fired and compare that to Trump's phone call to Ukraine that got an impeachment for abuse of power rolling. I'm certain you had conversations around those two events. The reasons behind why Biden's actions were pure as the wind-driven snow but Trumps were abuse of power and impeachable still hold true to Wei and Biden. Promise.
Well said!
To be a successful modern left-wing progressive requires a high belief in "situational ethics".... i.e., pure hypocrisy.