Having heard Vivek, from 20 feet away, and saw the passion in his eyes, neither Trump nor Brandon could win a debate with him on the merits.
He talked about putting forward a new radical progressive plan. A proven progressive plan. The progressive plan our Founding Fathers created with the Declaration of Independance.
I agree, just wondereing how they might pull it off. Best I heard was to convince Kammy to take Fiensteins seat and then it wold be easy to put Joe out to pasture. They are dying to annoint Newsome, but Im afraid Michelle might step in fron t of him.
Early days and we will surely see a "No Label's" candidate by January 1st.
I am still waiting for the Dems to dump Brandon. They have to get that done in the next 90 days if they have a prayer.
My guess is that the "No Labels" gambit is Trump's only chance in the general.
"Health" retirement?
Either octogenarian could be unfit in a year.
Having heard Vivek, from 20 feet away, and saw the passion in his eyes, neither Trump nor Brandon could win a debate with him on the merits.
He talked about putting forward a new radical progressive plan. A proven progressive plan. The progressive plan our Founding Fathers created with the Declaration of Independance.
I agree, just wondereing how they might pull it off. Best I heard was to convince Kammy to take Fiensteins seat and then it wold be easy to put Joe out to pasture. They are dying to annoint Newsome, but Im afraid Michelle might step in fron t of him.