"I do not think, therefore, that it is a coincidence that Merrick Garland has decided to appoint a special counsel to see if Trump should be indicted."

You answered a question that was puzzling me all day yesterday...what the DNC/media would do to try to improve Trump's standing in the GOP. There is absolutely no way the DNC is not actively working to ensure Trump is the GOP nominee in 2023...they know they will crush him. Thry need Trump to be the nominee.

The numbers prove it, the majority of the GOP has moved on from Trump. In competitive areas Trump is a net negative, and those are the areas the GOP has to win to pick up the White House.

I will not be surprised to start to see the NYT CNN start to moderate their coverage in an effort to make it seem to GOP voters that Trump has a chance. I am not sure they will go so far as to write positive pieces about him, but they want him in control of the GOP in 2024.

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Erick, you seem to be right on point here. Garland's DOJ will likely indict Trump for something...anything they can come up with a toe-hold of legal credibility to 'stop' him from making a third run for the White House and setting a rather slippery slope precedent for how the federal government treats former presidents in the future. In reality, if Garland & Company are successful with their current efforts, they will likely be doing little more than clearing the proverbial 800-pound elephant in the room (no pun intended) for the 2024 GOP Primary: huge advantage Desantis. As much as the Left--especially the Leftist Mainstream Media & Political elites--despise the former president, they need their long-standing 'boogeyman' to generate their base. Without Trump, Team Blue will have to run on their own record and their own candidates rather than rallying their voters to simply be 'against' the other guy.

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I think his point is that the DOJ will indict, but not in an effort to prevent Trump from running. The DNC wants Trump to run. Garland's marching orders will be to indict so that the GOP rallies around Trump and makes him the nominee

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In my lifetime there has never been a bigger opportunity for conservatism than this election cycle, yet somehow Republicans barely made a ripple. You have to objectively ask yourself why. I was convinced that Republicans would control the Senate and OWN the House, not because talking heads and polls told me so, but because I was certain voters would clearly see and understand that this misery we're living through is the self-inflicted result of Joe Biden and Democrat far-left policies. I still believe people see that, but something turned them away from the Republican alternative at the ballot box. What could possibly be so repulsive?? The complete answer is likely many things, but the most prominent is certainly Donald Trump. I understand WHY Trump has an avid following, but his biggest fans need to understand that he is highly polarizing and huge blocs of the electorate will work hard to insure his brand of chaos does not become our 47th President. So why go that route when DeSantis has a similar pedigree without all the baggage?

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Based on my time spent on Twitter and reading conservative tweets, I suspect there is a large hardcore base of Trump voters across the country who will NOT vote for anyone except him. And if Trump is not on the ticket, they will refuse to vote. I hope I'm wrong but afraid I'm right.

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I don't care if that's the truth, it won't change how I vote. If Republicans lose because Trump runs as a third party candidate, so be it. Better to vote for a candidate with Integrity that loses than for a shit bag that wins. He wouldn't win anyway...even as the GOP nominee.

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I feared that in Georgia regarding Governor Kemp. It didn’t happen.

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I would gladly vote for someone other than Trump, if that someone had the energy, the toughness and the willingness to fight that Trump has. In 2016 I was a Ted Cruz fan. He couldn't stand up to Trump. We watched Jeb Bush just wither away. Let them duke it out. If Trump is still THE Alpha Male of the Republican party, he still gets my vote.

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Trump isn't tough or willing to fight, he's just an ass. He's an all-around dick head. He is a man child that calls people names. That isn't fighting For a Cause.

People have to get over this idea that somehow Trump was some sort of icon standing up for the little man. Trump was and is only in it for himself. He has a constituency of one, himself. And he has anything but an alpha male, he's an insecure turd. Real alpha males don't have to lash out at people that disagree with them. You have a warped idea of what an alpha male is

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Or maybe never Trumpers are the reason Trump is not president right now. And maybe never Trumpers are the reason the US and the world are having to suffer through the atrocities of the Biden/Obama/Clinton crime families. Never Trumpers influence may have been the difference in the close races. God knows. Those responsible will be held accountable.

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You mean maybe people with integrity are the reason Trump isn't president?

Sometimes winning isn't worth the cost. And the cost of Trump as president was too high for some of us

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Thank you making my point. I’ll pray for you.

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You claim to be a person that prays yet you are willing to sacrifice everything Christ stood for in order to win an election? I find that very curious. Do you think God cares if Democrats or Republicans win? He doesn't because he doesn't need either party to do his will.

He needs you and I to do his will. It has nothing to do with politics

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Your self righteousness is scary. You apparently haven’t read the Bible. God used imperfect humans throughout the Bible to bring about his will. Trump did more for Christian issues than any president in our lifetime. The world was a much kinder place while Trump was in office than it is now. We are all sinners. But you seem to perfectly exemplify the type of so-called Christian that’s proud of playing a deciding role in allowing evil to propel unabated. God help you.

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Wow, you're the type of hypocrite the Bible talked about. I never once questioned your faith or your understanding of the Bible. I simply asked you a question.

And in response you dump all over my faith. Just leave this here for everyone to see the type of people we are dealing with that claim to be religious and support Trump.

Do you remember what Timothy did in the first few verses of Acts chapter 16 when Paul and Barnabas had parted ways and Paul was going to continue his missionary journey with Timothy?

The unwavering support many Christians have for Trump is doing very real damage to the image of the Church many non-believers have. Which makes evangelism that much more difficult. So whatever good you think Trump did for Christians (I am not sure he did much), it is outweighed by how the reputation of the Church has been tarnished for the devotion so many Christians have for him.

It is sad when people are more vocal of their support for Trump than their commitment to Christ.

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Hey dude, you’re now lying. I’m throwing the challenge flag. Go back and read what you said to me. Can you even consider the damage you’re doing to suffering Christians all over the world.

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That is playing a good game of chess. The Democrats tactic of spending money to get Trump candidates on the ballot has paid off, they keep the Senate and mitigated the House.

When your opponent is drowning, stick a live hose in their mouth.

Trump is the Democrat's stooge.

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It all makes sense now Erick. I wish these fraudulent GOP PAC's would heed your insights, instead of wasting million$ they raised by using the Trump name, which was passed around like a big Donald collection plate. You are spot on--that is why the Democrat strategists are smarter than Republican counterpart's. Here is a wild theory--maybe the GOP elites believe the culture is going in the Progressive direction and there is no stopping it. So, just act like you care about Conservatism and keep raking in the $$$$.

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Thank you, this puts the acts of DOJ in prespective. I was moving on from Trump as I voted for him twice, but Garland's remarks stating that is was political (Trump declaring his candidacy) made me think. Appreciate you helping in understanding the true picture.

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I don't think the GOP can move on without defenestrating the quisling "leadership" in the House, starting with McCarthy and Stefanik. A handful of Reps have said they won't support him, and there is no Constitutional rule that the Speaker has to be a member of the House. Maybe the problem solvers caucus could start a movement to draft someone like Will Hurd or Mitch Daniels to come in for reform?

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Mitch Daniels should be president.

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“ No, Garland is not non-partisan. He has refused to enforce laws against protestors outside Supreme Court Justices’ homes. He has refused to investigate the firebombings of pro-life pregnancy centers. He has started rounding up pro-life activists to jail them. He is a partisan guided by partisans. They want the GOP to circle the wagons around Trump. They need Trump.

So they’ll indict Trump and watch the GOP make him their 2024 nominee. They need to stop DeSantis.”

Welcome to a world where this behavior is normalized by the mainstream press, but complaining about election irregularities and ineffective vaccines is justification for cancelation. Garland should be impeached along with Biden for these abuses of power for only politics.

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I sense many former Trump supporters I know are burned out on him, and they are ready to move on. As you wrote, the last election showed it. I don’t think he will win the next primary.

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I agree he won't win the next primary, but my concern is he will introduce so much chaos that the Republican party is guilty by association and he burns the whole house down.

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Truthfully, Trump could play spoiler and run as an independent when he doesn’t win the primary. He’d go down in history hated by the Dems and many Republicans if it plays out that way.

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Of course, the Dems would still hate him. But they would also be silently thankful for helping them win the election. He would perform the same function Ross Perot did in 1992.

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Pretty Machiavellian. You know what else is? Announcing your candidacy extra early to get ahead of DoJ indictments. And figuring they would have to appoint an independent counsel now that you’re a candidate knowing full well that will rally the base.

Just a theory of course.

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Spot on again, young man!

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Democrats need Trump to get their base excited and cover up their inability to govern. With 1/6 committee going away, they will use a partisan special prosecutor to keep it going for another two years. It is hard to believe independents and moderate democrats fall for this but they do.

BTW people are also sick of the never Trumpers, they are holding the country down from getting things done.

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I just have a quick question. Other than asking someone who they voted for when they come out of the voting booth, how in the heck do they know if your a republican, democrat, or independent and who the heck you voted for.? I always thought that was private. Just sayin.

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They record when you vote in a Republican or Democratic primary. And those lists are public info and made available

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Sir, I understand that. I'm talking about the general election. I could be a registered republican and vote democrat and unless they asked me that when I exited the voting booth how would the know. And how would the know I was being truthful? I believe it's all pretty much speculation.

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Exit polls and voodoo statistics.

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