A lot of politicians and other figures, including voters, have been asked what they would do on day 1 should their preferred candidate lose this election.

The answer, for everyone, is found in 1st Timothy, chapter 2, verses 1-6.

This in addition to all the sound advice that Erick offers.

God Bless these United States.

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",,,of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh." Ecclesiastes 12:12 KJV

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And this is the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. . . ". See Ecclesiastes 12:13. KJV

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Once upon a time, we had elections where by midnight we knew the winner. You may or may not have liked the results, but at least you knew who won. You either grumbled or rejoiced. Then you went to bed. That didn't change when you woke up in the morning, and you had accepted the results. Then you went to work.

The reason we're in such a horrid mess with distrust of elections and division these days?

I put the blame on Albert Gore Jr., and his recounts in the 2000 election.

He just insisted on dragging the country through the muck and putting us through hell for weeks after the election. He wrecked the trust the voters had in the system, so much so that every election afterward, we saw large portions of the population making claims of fraud.

Thank you Algore.

Just my two cents.

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I wrote a piece today that I think is relevant to Christians. It's on my Substack, Defaulting to Grace and I will share it to Notes momentarily. Like you, I don't know who will win, but the next four years aren't even a blip in the span of eternity. King Jesus will reign supreme.


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I’ve always believed in God. But, I’ve always seen him as like a movie watcher. He produced and directed a film but didn’t edit out anything. So, he is watching what he created. Gets happy or sad by the stupid or great things his creations do. And only every once in a while does he step in to change the direction to keep his creation from extinction.

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I like your commentary for the most part. But, your election prognostication is too poll driven and sounds like you're cya. Go with your gut and take a leap...Trump will win by a 7-10 point margin. There I said it...It's quite painless...try it!

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Erick’s commentary today is meaningless. He’s said it before. We know he doesn’t know and understand that but the way he covers himself has always irritated me.

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No matter who wins, America is in deep trouble.

The trouble will begin almost immediately if Trump wins, as protests will start almost as soon as he is declared the winner.

There will be a tsunami of illegal immigrants trying to get in and disappear before Trump tames office.

Again, Dems in Congress will do whatever they can to thwart his agenda, much of which he will have to accomplish via Executive Orders (which, as we have seen, can be undone by the next President.)

If Kamala wins, the damage will be inflicted over a longer period of time, be detrimentally transformative and will last much much longer than anyone can imagine.

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I don't think God asks who you voted for when you stand before the throne. I do think you will be judged on whether you recognized right from wrong and made the effort to do the right thing. I think that this outlook of "it is just 4 years" no matter who wins is myopic. That is the outlook that has gotten us where we are. Seemingly, once upon a time, most people of both parties had a similar vision and goals for the country. Maybe that wasn't really true, but it seemed so. It is no longer true. Which the "it is only four years" statement is the equivalent of hiding ones head in the sand. The democrat party was not kidding with the "fundamental transformation" plan and they have proceeded apace. Meanwhile, republicans have stuck to the idea that we "have more in common than we have differences" mantra and have consistently given up ground to the fundamental transformation. It is clear to those whose eyes are open. I am calm, I am not anxious. We have free will. We can see or not see. We can act or not act. Which way it goes is the way it is supposed to go. And that includes the consequences of which way we choose.

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During WWII, Republicans and Democrats fought alongside each other in Europe, Africa and the Pacific. Republicans and Democrats worked together on the home front.

As such, they both loved the country, they just had different ideas about running it. But at least they both loved the country.

Sadly, that is long-gone.

Many of today's Democrats, unfortunately, simply hate the country.

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You could have gone with, "It has begun"


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I wish I could hike off into the wilderness, just have faith in God's control, and come back when its all said and done. I did my part voting and encouraging all the folks I could to do likewise. All voting early and being proactive.

Now all that remains is the handwringing and freakouts from the left. I'm sure Antifa is out staging their bricks and instruments of mayhem to prep for the resistance effort.

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Matthew 6:34 my friends!

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This election has brought on the biggest devide in this country since the civil war. It has been brought to us by the elites and their media sycophants who seek to control the worker bees while they create their " ideal" world. When this election is decided, I will focus on God, family, and country and use my own mind as to how I vote next time but politics will not be on my radar daily because as a law abiding American and retired worker bee, I am so sick of this sh"tshow! God Bless and Keep the USA.

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Harris is a weak leader in a party that have policies that are proven weak. Trump is a strong leader in a party with polies prove to work. While my local government taxes my business, they do not really impact me. The Republican states have sound economic foundations. The Democrat states do not. The Federal Government fiscal position is weak and will weaken much more under Harris--higher taxes, more regulations, more spending, lower growth. Can Trump lower spending? Generate higher growth and thus higher tax receipts?

All depends on the Senate. I am more interested in the Senate elections. 51-49 Republican is different than a 54-46 Republican.

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Here's another reason why Trump must win this: The Supreme Court.

Roberts is 69. Thomas is 76. Alito is 74. Sotomayor is 70.

There's a really good chance that Trump will be appointing at least two new justices. We simply cannot afford to have SCOTUS flip liberal.

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Good comments from you Erick. I would only say this. God allows us to make choices in this life. Some are good, some aren’t. We have to live with the consequences of either decision. It is God’s will for us to choose rightly-let us do that today.!

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Romans 13:1 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.

America and other free countries are unusual in that we can influence our gov't with votes. Scripture doesn't say, "Vote XYZ" - wasn't relevant at the time (actually, not until last few centuries). We as Americans love our freedom of choices and (somewhat) self-actualization. Never lose sight of who has final say regardless of my choice/vote.

God is working on my character, not my comfort. Hoping He can work both together ;-) but His Will Be Done.

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I stand amazed at the foresight of the WISDOM and KNOWLEDGE our founding Fathers had while writing the Constitution and Bill of Rights to give us 3 branches of Government. The House of Rep is our saving grace . Those men's future sight saw us in the situation we are in 2024. The reconciliation that the House Chamber will have to do some difficult task from what the White House requests. That was what they were elected for!!!

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I contend it does matter who you vote for Erick, as no vote is a vote, and its protest displays vividly. But do we really mean it, ie., do we really mean neither choice is good enough for my Christian world view? And what would that choice look like, to be good enough? I believe our choices are given and merited because of our unrighteousness. “What’d’ya have?! Ilk #1 or ilk #2?” By His great mercies we have been blessed with these choices, rather than what we deserve.

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Agree, no decision is still a decision. Believers in the free world today are in a position Bible authors could not conceive. There was no "electing the King/Emperor/Caesar" to address to the Body of Believers. We rely on what He does give us in Scripture, as Erick succinctly says, "Love God, love neighbors". Our nation is under God. Every nation is under God, willingly or otherwise. Jesus is our Saviour, unelected by any human institution. Whether God wants to revive America or not, our election will not impede His plan.

That said, God provided us a unique privilege and responsibility to vote for fallen men and women to govern in the here and now. Vote knowing He knows best what makes me more like Christ while here, not because a candidate is the secret but trusting my character will be His focus. Because/despite - His plan transcends our feelings and our candidates.

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