I distinctly recall Kamala saying she was going to sell her email list to pay $20 million dollar campaign debt.

Seems her constituents may be getting more email than they bargained for and that is the way with Kamala.

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Erick - you might be wrong on how the 2026 midterm elections may turn out, which you have stated in the previous couple of days before yesterday. How I can say this since the 2026 midterm elections are two years away? First, two years is a very long time in politics. Second, two years ago after many of the Republican candidates that Trump had endorsed when down to defeat and with the almost 20 pts re-election of Ron DeSantis, many thought that Trump's own political future looked almost gone and those thought Ron DeSantis would be on the ballot as president in 2024. What happen? With the legal indictments from GA, NY and the Biden DOJ and legal trial with a very novice legal charge in NY, in the left's number of attempts to prevent Trump to be nominated, let alone elected to a second term as president, had the opposite effect that the left was hoping for. It took a less than a month before yesterday's outcome, to come into focus. Plus, as you told us to be mindful that there was a chance that Trump may not come out on top months ago. Knowing that no one, expect for God himself, is prefect, anyone might be willing to wait and see if Trump along with both chambers of Congress can literally deliver what Trump had campaign on, to comes to reality and has the desired outcome to start to draw what could expect to happen in Nov 2026. In two events, one two weeks ago when the Harris campaign shifted 2 million in ad buys from NC to shore up VA and the second event- last Friday when the Harris campaign withdrew their entire ground operations from GA and redeployed it to WI, that I started to think or sense that the Harris campaign was in a much dire situation than the polls were showing. Also sense that Harris was conceding the electoral college votes of both NC and GA to shore up two states that should had been in the bag for Harris. Trump not only end up winning both NC and GA, but Trump ended up winning WI along with PA- which put him over the top for safe measure.

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Here's a small chunk of irony.... reviewing the state by state results, Mr. Trump's LARGEST margin came from the state of Wyoming! I'm wondering if I should ask Mr. Cheney and his daughter what that feels like....

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Thanks for providing all the election info that so laboriously put together.It was a great tool to follow.

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I think the happiest, most elated person on Earth right now is Joe Biden. In fact, Doktor Jill wore a GOP-red outfit when she went to vote... an obvious middle finger to Kamala.... I wonder if she actually voted for Trump?

But the biggest loser in all this is not Kamala Harris. It's the left-wing media.

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I couldn’t be happier! It’s a great victory, even better than 2016!

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It's morning in America.... or maybe mourning in America, depending...

I've been through enough election cycles to know this:

No, this will not be the beginning of some wonderful golden age. But it's not going to be the end of the world, either.

Isn't democracy grand?

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👍Thanks for keeping it REAL.

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So glad those phony D “moderates” in the senate lost. Casey, Brown, Tester. Our country could benefit from some actual D moderates like Scoop Jackson or Sam Nunn, but they’re about extinct.

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That last sentence! 😂😂

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Enjoy the victory. Heads up for the retribution. Pray for the country...and for the losers.

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Lol, Erick, TGIO!!! Buckle up folks, it's gonna be a bumpy ride...😉

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Second time in my life a major party candidate has been in the general election thrice. Both won twice and lost one - in different order.

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Woke up this morning and the Republic still stands! What a glorious day!

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Patience, Grasshopper, patience.

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After an hour long primordial scream of pain and utter anguish in the middle of the night I have spent the past several hours searching for flights out of the country and looking at real estate in Venezuela, but am too lazy to actually execute on my promise to leave. I've already called in for a mental health day from work this morning so that I can psychologically heal from the trauma of what has happened. I am now in tears curled up in a blanket in the back seat of my Prius, eating a tofu burger, drinking a soy latte, and listening to NPR desperately hoping that a whispered voice will soothe my butt-hurt about this with talk of "the resistance".

Well I guess my silver lining is getting to be right. As much as I appreciate democracy, I obviously care more about being correct on a prediction.

This is perfect timing as my subscription to this thread is already past due and I can just let it cancel on its own. As much as I like trolling this guy and his supporters on here, something about Trump's face just annoys me (like how Rob Riggle's character reacts to Will Farrell's in Step Brother's) and listening to him speak is like scratching a chalkboard. So I will be tuning out politics for the next several years, which includes reading and commenting on this thread - I may (unlikely) re-emerge to do some trolling if there is something really juicy pops up to warrant it but absent that I am hanging up the troll cleats.

It's been fun guys.

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Godspeed, Mr. Blair.

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I don’t believe a word of that. Thanks for the comedy Blaire.

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There's lots of joy in Trumpville, the mighty Kackleberry has struck out. For the first time in my life I am listening to MSNBC on Siriusxm and laughing my ass off! Oh the weeping and nashing of teeth. Kackleberry has brought me joy by being a LOSER! Also Joe WHO? There is one downside for the economy. The Tampon distribution manufacturers association has already announced slowdowns and layoffs. In all seriousness MSNBC is already pushing this as a victory based on lies. It will still be ugly. J D Vance better put his work clothes on and fight back for President Trump's agenda.

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If you take a "mental health day," rather than indulging your sorrow and self-pity, the best thing you can do is give yourself over to serving others. Seriously, it will reorder your mind to focus on those who are truly in need, which allows you to appreciate the blessings in your own life. Maybe go volunteer at a food pantry or (if you don't feel like interacting with others, clean out your closet and pantry and take the items to a donation center). It may also help you realize how truly hurting some people are because of this economy. I live in Appalachia (North Georgia) and see the need daily. The need for donations here is at an all-time high.

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Yes, yes go volunteer in WNC. They could sure use the help

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wow. get help, brother.

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See ya. Maybe you can get a permanent front row seat on the View.

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I am staying home to watch The View!

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He didn't just beat them, he chased them down the street with a stick! I am watching Good Morning America right now, first time in years! I may watch The View next. Thanks for all of your level-headedness and wonderful commentary.

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