It's 1980 again. Reagan fixed the economy in 4 years, but he had a functional GOP and Democrats recognized their constituents were benefitting and they could take credit.

Trump is no Reagan, the GOP is dysfunctional, and the progressive's have captured the Democrats. Sure, traditional Democrat constituents are moving to the GOP but the elected Democrat are mostly progressives that have the backing of their progressive enclaves.

Trump can't fix this in 4 years and the left/media will engage in 4 year presidential campaign to ensure everyone knows the clif we have been falling off of for the last 4 years was really the Republicans fault, so elect a Democrat in '28.

If that happens any gains Trump and the disfuncional GOP are able to make will be undone in spades.

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It is and will be the economy. The high paid Gov't workers and the Rich Penthouse pundits are immune. It is approaching 4-15-2024 and Tax filing deadline. Millions of gals of water will flow under the bridge, and the tides will ebb and flow many times until Nov 5, 2024. The economy will tank big time by OCT. DT will win, the Dems will go ballistic, attempt to remove the Electoral College and bring in majority rule ( Their Democracy). Much chaos karma will be wrought, and bring Un-Civil W II> Selah.

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I'm closer to 64 than 63. I've been retired since August of 2020 (at age 60) after working full-time since age 22. (Had I still been working during the period of highest gas prices,I wouldn't have been able to afford to commute.)

My wife draws Social Security, as does our Special Needs daughter. We made a concious decision to use some of my retirement to pay off our credit cards, so we have no credit card debt. I used a bit more of my retirement to set up a monthly annuity payment and started drawing Social Security early to give us some breathing room.

Luckily, our vehicles (average age: 18+) are paid off. Due to my wife's age, we are exempt from school taxes, which dropped our property tax bill by 2/3 and our mortgage payment (@ 3.125%) by nearly $150/month.

My pension has a COLA adjustment every six months.. Social Security adjusts (I think) once a year. But that just catches us back to even. We saved, did without, planned and made difficult decisions and still can't get ahead in today's Biden economy.

So when I hear Biden saying "We've got the best economy in the world" I think, "The economies of the world must REALLY suck."

Biden often says, "Don't compare me to the Almighty. Compare me to the alternative." For all his (numerous) faults and flaws, the 'Alternative' looks pretty dang good.

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What I resent most is having to choose to do without. Sure, I can pay off my credit cards every month, pay may car and mortgage, utilities, buy gas and food.

A beer on the deck has replaced going out.

It's literally the bottom of Maslow's hierarchy. We mourning America.

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The abortion issue is way over played. Just ask those of us who have aborted. No one is really interested in this issue and as a woman I am offended I am reduced to a uterus. Abortion is a private delicate matter. The procedure is barbaric, no anesthesia is used etc etc. The mental anguish never leaves. I wish I had my son who would be 42 today. If abortion is all you have got, then just stay away from me because I am in no mood to hear it.

As far as the economy, daddy made me go to nursing school. I am a few months from 65. Still working and not planning to stop working any time soon. My second husband is 7 years younger than me. We also have a plan. I think it’s a good one. Nurse practitioners can make gross 1000$ a day if they work 10 hours and are a fee for service such as myself. We do have some inherited wealth. My hobby is work, gardening, shopping and travel. I do have empathy for those less fortunate than myself. I don’t take any thing for granted and it can all blow up in an instant. I worked everyday during the pandemic. I shopped, traveled, went to bars and restaurants and went to Catholic Church. Nothing changed for me. We would not be in this rotten lot had our country stayed open and people not falsely panicked. Those of us in health care know the truth. We just don’t admit it. I’m glad I live in Georgia. Carry on and do vote.

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The platforming of Fauci and the shutdown is on Trump. The politicization of of our institutions like the CDC is on progressive Democrats.

We know the shutdown, the masks, the social distancing made no statistical difference.

I took the "vaccine" and 1 booster, and had 1 confirmed case of COVID anyway. I have all the childhood vaccines and re-uped tetanus and shingles. Before COVID I got sick maybe once every 5 years. Since 2022 I have been sick about 5 times.

I want Trump to go away but I am stuck with him or Biden who has overseen the rise of war across the world, literally, Europe, Middle East, Africa, the invasion of America and impending terrorism here.

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you are right

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Abortion and racism are traps. We can’t fall into them. Call the race baiters what they are - racists. Punch them in the face with it. Attack Attack Attack! Killing babies is a state issue. Our goal should be fewer, but the decision is for a women to make in consultation with her doctor…and her maker.

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Erick did not learn from the 2022 election... he blames Trump. When the voting stats clearly prove that Dodd caused a mass of raging young females that tend to not vote, to vote a straight Dem ticket.

That is the problem... the young female vote is like a reserve tank for the out-of-gas Democrats. Republicans keep filling that reserve tank with their extreme abortion restriction policies. Florida and Arizona are now at more risk for Republicans.

The economy and inflation are pragmatic issues. Abortion is emotional. Emotional wins with young voters... especially females.

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I agree that the Dobbs decision hurt Republican candidates in the 2022 election, but I also think Republicans nominated some poor candidates. Here in Georgia, we had a number of very credible, very smart (mostly young) Republicans who ran for the US Senate, but Herschel Walker was nominated. Although a well-known former UGA football star, Walker had too much baggage and not enough knowledge of how our government works to be a good candidate. Dr. Oz was also not a good candidate. Voters in Pennsylvania saw him as an outsider who came into their state to run for office. In Arizona Kari Lake, running for the first time for public office, wasn’t a great candidate—especially when she told Republicans that she didn’t want their votes if they had previously supported John McCain. I also think Kari Lake spent too much time talking about the “stolen 2020 election” instead of talking about the future of Arizona. Republicans need to be wiser in choosing candidates this time.

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Without Dodd, Walker, Oz and Lake would have won. In consideration of the quality of candidates, look at who they lost to. Quality of candidates is not a good argument because when a candidate loses it is always just point of hindsight.

I agree that Walker was a mistake, but Lake and Oz were solid choices for Republicans.

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1- Economy, 2-Safety and security, 3-other stuff.

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Yeah, the dems lead with abortion, their strongest cause…how pathetic. They really got nothing, except the media.

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But the media is very attentive to their needs...

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It’s the stupid Climate Emergency Spending which is causing inflation and which makes having a baby very expensive. Biden needs to have his drivers license revoked because he has lost his way.

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We have over spent for a very long time with stupid wars and government programs that don’t work pork in the budget etc.etc. So now a trillion dollar debt is nothing we have to have two trillion. The only way out is to cut government and the stupid spending like high speed rail. Solar,wind,EV cars and trucks and in general all the bs

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Glenn Beck was considered nuts for predicting this outcome. But he was on point. The desire by the DNC is to make us a broke 3rd world country.

USA total Debt 98 trillion 84 billion.

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Wish Erick's title were true, but can't help thinking, "It's the ballot harvesting, stupid."

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