Truth is truth. You were not hateful in speaking the truth. The offense was in the hearing of the truth. Why back down.

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Delete that one and rephrase without the name (flagged) and the word "man" (flagged). "A weightlifter from the country where LOTR was filmed has XY chromosomes regarding of personal identification" should do the trick.

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Regardless. Autocorrect. The game''s afoot.

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I will never understand why anyone who speaks truth would be on Twitter or Facebook. Please let them both go....your presence only lines their pockets and nothing will change until they feel financial pain. There are hundreds of other ways to get your message across.

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I'm laughing . I was just suspended for 3 days on FB. It seems a video of Dr. Fauci flip flopping is misleading info on Covid 19.

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And this is why I don't use, never have used, and will never use Tweeter. Farcebook's bad enough without that publisher, er, platform, getting in the way of my serenity and sanity.

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That's ok, we retweeted it for you.

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Stand firm sir. We are with you.

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I guess you can't tweet, "She's got man hands"?

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They made you stand in the corner for being a bad boy. The suspension is just about over now. I guess they showed you! LOL Keep it up, Erick. Don't fold.

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Illegitimi non carborundum, J. D.

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Why would you have to delete your Tweet? I see no reason to stay on Twitter "career-wise." You stated a fact. Get over Twitter and onto a different platform.

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I met the same Twitter fate for saying "Cuomo should be tarred, feathered and ridden out of town on a rail."

Suspended for promoting violence.

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Oh mercy.

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On the positive side, I think I just gained about 3 hours of my time each day, as I have been following your Twitter, without having an account, and now I won’t have to. Good luck with your decision.

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I’m always amazed how conservative sites seem to always have Twitter and Facebook links at the bottom, to get likes or share. Using these sites supports them. Perhaps at least include links to other social media that stands up for free speech for all opinions. Silos aren’t useful but sites where clean, respectful speech is enforced would be preferable. We need to ‘defund’ the social media giants.

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I'll never forget a Twitter Troll replying to a comment I made about, "Science says she will always be a he." The troll said something along the lines of, "What about hundreds of scientists who don't agree?" Ha, ha. I had the upper hand then with the closing argument: "Scientists are humans and some have agendas. Science is fact, and neutral to itself." Here's an idea for the Wokes who want to change the science. "Believe gravity is how you identify with it." Draw your own conclusions. Good luck Woke-o-Harem.

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I don’t do Twitter. I’m very relevant because my patients need their drugs. You are also relevant without Twitter.

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