I like your PS. There are very few presidents who leave a legacy for their party. Reagan was an exception because he was tied to conservative principles and looked to them rather than to political need for guidance. What legacy did George W. Bush leave? Or Barack Obama? The Democratic Party has been living on the fumes of Franklin Roosevelt who did have an ideology as the Republican Party has been living on Reagan's ideas.

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"For all his faults, Donald Trump was authentically Trump...." The conservative movement needs leaders with the cajones to be authentically conservative and the CONVICTION to stand up for those conservative values. Trump was the first president since Reagan to possess that quality, albeit his delivery needed a complete overhaul. If conservatism doesn't want to see Trump V2 in 2024 then they need to find a leader with backbone that will doggedly pursue conservative values and stand firm no matter which direction - or how hard - the wind blows. It will give conservatives a better choice than Trump, which is the only way Trump doesn't return to office IMO.

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I haven’t even opened the cover of the latest National Review, and I have read three paragraphs about what conservatism means and should look like moving forward.

Additionally, the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) has a new president. He is young, energetic, and will hopefully be great at communicating conservatism to college students.

My goal is to support and champion the conservative institutions that aren’t reactionary to the craziness of the Left. I will continue to pray and try to live right/raise my family/be a good citizen, but otherwise I am ignoring the hyper-modern (ie, beyond post-modern, if that makes sense...many progressives are doubling down on an incorrect view of human nature!) ideals being put forth by the extreme side of the also-fractured Democratic Party.

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Alternate title: Trump and a minor mention of Amazon.... People who proclaim a politician "the greatest", or an election "the most important" are simply blowing hot air. I vote for the person who I believe will do more of what I want than don't want. Personality means nothing in my decision making. The Trump forced retooling was/is mostly driven by the hatred against him, by both Ds and also a large number of Rs (some might call the swamp). I don't see Trumpism, but I do see many folks overly enamored with him, which happens with politicians and famous people alike...for no other reason than...being famous.

Conservatism needs to be strong here, not letting the left demoralize because of what some idiots did.

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A healthy conservatism? What about the United States of America? We need to work ourselves back to a healthy America. Now is the time for all men and women to come to the aid of our country.

Now is the time for founding a Center Party.

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I absolutely agree. Our nation is so polarized, and most people are defending "their side". Politicians, and the public at large, can not see or acknowledge the positive attributes of the other side. We have become enemies of our own America. This breaks my heart. Both sides, imo, are much too radical. Where is the party of moderation and common sense?

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Good read.

I think both parties are lost right now. Republican Party is splintered into multiple groups with very little leadership. The Democratic Party has been taken over by it's loudest voices, who hate the thought of compromising. There is a 3rd party coming. I do not know how or when. But a 3rd party will be part of the system within the next 10 years that actually affects elections. What that does to the country remains to be seen.

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