RINOs as, McConnel, McCaine, Romney, Dole, et als, just negotiate, compromise, and give it away. Dole was in the minority for so long he developed this nature.

The day DT became Repub candidate 2015, Obama the lying muslim, Biden, and all the 3 letter organizations ( CIA, DOJ, FBI, etc)began a coup against DT. If anyone would back off and assess just the attempt to crucify via progressive and abjectly lying the Russia Collusion accusations and even to impeach and remove DT with such, should render one egregiously angry.

Well as the Elvis songs states walk a mile in DTs shoes. From that day in 2015, DT was lied about, egregiously and I would be made as Hades (Hell) as he is, if I were in his position. If a Dem had been treated as DT has been, then the coming Un-Civil WII would have already began. JB will not be candidate by 11-2024. The UN-CIVIL war II will begin in Oct or Nov after a said election. I remember the 1968 Chicago rioting at the Dem convention and that will look kike a street dance comparable to what is coming later this year. The Dem and MSM and RINO hate is so deep to destroy DT.

When DT moved and installed the USA Embassy into Jerusalem, that was BIBLICAL prophecy fulfilled. You will see an attempt to assassinate DT this year I would predict. I personally hear blacks and latinos say they will vote for DT. I see reports which are indicative of same. Polls are saying DT beats JB and also beat the Repub candidates. That will chap badly all DT haters, Dems and RINOS. Selah

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Sadly it feels as though the left-leaning politicians are winning the political fight because they have only the goal of winning and gaining or keeping power. It's pretty incredible to watch it happening live. They compete with lies, damn lies, and more lies and the dumb-masses of Americans believe them. In the past it seemed we had power-turns more quickly; when one side messed up the other side took significant control quickly. Now we see the left keeping weak opponents in the lead in the primaries knowing they will crush them in the general election. Erick, your insight, knowledge and experience in all this is WASTED on the radio. You should work to save America! (We'd miss you though.)

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Reagan was right. We are just one generation from losing democracy. If Trump is not the nominee, we need a proven candidate who will serve the country and not the special interests.

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Im sorry, but stop blaming the Democrats for creating and promoting Trump. The Republican party has done nothing to propose a legitimate contender. Haley is a liberal draped in conservative cloth and DeSantis just does not have the "it" factor needed to get elected. Prior to the COVID scam of 2020 Trump had this country running on all cylinders. Low inflation, booming stock market, minimal geo political tensions, illegal immigration was being curtailed, regulatory restrictions lifted, domestic oil production was staring to boom. It took Biden less than 2 years to unwind all that was good. Face it; Right now Trump is our only hope.

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Neither one is popular - in his own party. The backlash will be instantaneous and crippling, enabling more chaos overseas

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Trump is a threat to the Democrats destruction of this country and the coming WEF.They are under an illusion that Biden can Win. We are supposed to be praying for our leadership. But come what May this is the end times and Biden is a Dictator.

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Biden is the puppet for the WEF.

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I've never suffered from depression, but I'm starting to viscerally understand what those that do, go through.

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And to ensure Trump is the nominee, people on the conservative side joined democrats in over the top vitriol against him, thus further rallying his supporters to never support anyone else. I fear we will get stuck with him.

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Biden did the exact same thing before the 2022 election. The democrats are not stupid. They will have you believe that things aren’t all that bad ( now that you have gotten used to all the inflation) and that Trump is the greatest threat to your democracy. Please just look at the other candidates. Maybe, just maybe they are a much better fit for this country.

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When people on both sides say “if the other guys win, there won’t be any future”, that’s a recipe for real trouble. I pray we haven’t decided to be one of those countries where no election ever settles anything, so “other means” are “necessary”? I’ll bet anyone there will be national elections in 2026, 2028, and 2030, etc. with similarly dire rhetoric.

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Thank you, Bill Brockman!

Please, everyone, watch this short Ben Shapiro clip beginning at 48 minutes. He's spot on!


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Thank you.

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All I have to say is 2022.

If trump is the nominee we lose. And if that happens there won’t be a 2028.

Glad to be wrong. But I doubt it.

Sure anything could happen. Right?

But I think at this point people need to enjoy the time we have left and trust in God. I got nothing else.

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If Biden wins you also lose.

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You took the words right out of my mind. I have had these feelings for over a year.

Blessings to you Erick for getting this out.

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I don't entirely disagree but then I also remember that Trump was given no chance of winning in 2016.

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Biden cannot run on the general feel of the economy because he owns the inflation which is hurting many Americans. BTW, someone needs to continually run an ad showing the catastrophe at the airport in Afghanistan during the Biden surrender.

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Jan 4, 2024Edited
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If Erick provided a dislike or thumbs down on comments, this would be one for me among several others.

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