You misspelled Putin.

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Government s only do three things well. Tax, Inflate and make War. Uncle Joe is betting on the trifecta! Probably thinks a war will interfere/delay/cancel the upcoming midterms.

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As I've written to you before Biden fancies himself as a Kennedy taking us back from the brink thereby saving his presidency. The difference is he's a fool, and Kennedy was not.

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And then Grandpa Dementia will inveigh against the "greed" of the oil companies for the mortal sin of daring to charge market prices for their product.

Robert Gates was right when he opined that Joe Biden has been "wrong on everything for the last 4 years."

Listen up, all you GOPers running for House and Senate seats in 31 days: If you haven't already done so (as you should have), link your Democrat opponent to Joe Biden EVERY CHANCE YOU GET. It's the "Warnock/Biden America", the "Kelly/Biden America" and so on. Strong Republican majorities in both houses of Congress are needed to thwart any further attempts by the radical Marxists who are pulling Biden's strings from further destruction of the country pending a return to adult leadership in the White House in two years. And whenever a Democrat raises "bodily autonomy", i.e., the right to end the lives of the preborn, reply that Biden's string pullers seem far less interested in defending the bodily autonomy of young, healthy people for whom taking the COVID "vaccine" jab is at best optional based on the science, and for whom the jab has the risk of very real - and permanent - damage to their future health.

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Biden & the Dems know what OPEC+ knows, that we must get off fossil fuels. Our economy is fine, inflation is expected when fuel supply is restricted which is a must. We’ve got to get serious about that. Trump buddied up to Putin, a contemptible and despicable act for a leader of the freedom loving United States of America! Death to Putin! Death to Putin! Keep your eyes on the ball Erickson!

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"Relying on wind and solar for 100 percent of electricity is a high risk gamble. Without adequate storage, which to date is impossible, the use of natural gas is required. My co-author of our 2020 book, A Hitchhikers Journey Through Climate Change, Terigi Ciccone and I have coined an electrical energy rule of thumb which simply states:

“ 'All wind and solar power on an electric grid must be backed up with an equal or greater amount of fossil fuel power running on standby 100% of the time in order to maintain grid equilibrium when the wind does not blow or the sun does not shine.'

"The Green New Deal rules do allow the use of natural gas if all the CO2 that is emitted from the combustion process is captured and sequestered. The burning of natural gas, which is methane (CH4), produces CO2. Unfortunately for the Green New Dealers, capturing CO2 from a fossil fuel power plant results in the derating of the plant by around one third. In other words, a plant rated to produce 300 megawatts (MW) becomes a plant able to produce only 200 MW.

" 'This is the result of having to use one third of the plant’s power output to run the equipment required to capture and compress the CO2 so it can be transported and sequestered underground. This is further complicated as even more power is required to capture the exhaust from the compression equipment because its exhaust stream contains less CO2 making it more difficult.'

"Strangely, were natural gas to be kept in the ground by eliminating hydraulic fracturing it would be impossible to reach any zero emission goal. Europe has considered using hydrogen fuel cells to replace natural gas but the problems brought forth were it to be tried, dwarf those we have discussed." https://www.cfact.org/2022/10/03/unscrambling-net-zero-deceptions/

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From your 2nd sentence, “to date”.

You’re clearly a bright guy, why so narrow minded on the possibilities held by the future?

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Love your stuff. But it must be said: One toes the line. One does not tow the line.

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joe b. sees dead people apparently....so maybe when he made comments he was seeing us all as dead already. wasnt Joe kicked out of college for cheating scandal as a kid?? and didnt that event lead him to return home and work for his dad and then the revelation that if you gonna lie son....be a politician

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