Given most Democrats don't want Biden to run, if he does, it will be all about the VP. Give even fewer Democrats like Kamala it is a forgone conclusion that, if Democrats and Biden are serious about winning (unlike with Hillary) he has no choice. The only question is, will Kamala cooperate and bow out with an excuse, or does Biden have to fire her?

Then there is the question of, who does he pick? Another POC woman, a woman, are there any gender confused or gay candidates, POC man, or God forbid an old straight white male?

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Its my understanding that Black women like Kamala.

Biden’s approval rating is lower than whale crap. It remains to be seen how Democrats will spin this into anything positive.

Empathy for Americans would be good start for Biden and a reduction in Adderall.

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Erick: Yes, you are absolutely correct. Kamela needs to go. It will be remembered that FDR changed vp's at least once, and in his final election chose Harry Truman, who was not well-known.

Also, who was it who said, " Lyndon, the VP isn't worth a pitcher of warm spit." (But he did not say spit, and everyone knows what he (James Nance Garner) really said. And we know how that turned out.

But, as you said, Biden can't throw Kamela under the bus, because of the dems' inability to see beyond identity politics, So is Biden hoist on his own petard?

bill stead

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This is similar to switching Henry Wallace for Truman in 1944, because Roosevelt was in poor health, and the VP would very likely become president if Roosevelt won (also likely). Conservative Democrats were legitimately concerned that Wallace was a socialist leftist, as opposed to incompetent like Harris. Thankfully Truman was nominated at the 1944 Democrat convention.

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What a conundrum for poor old Joe. The good news is that if Trump is the GOP candidate in the general election, old Joe, woke and destructive as he is, can count on the establishment GOP vote. Personal hate of Trump trumps all other establishment GOP brain cells.

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I don’t *have* to vote. While I will *never* vote for any Democrat, I will also never vote for gun-grabbing, draft-dodging, dishonest, lying, idiotic Trump, either. I can just vote down ballot and leave the POTUS part blank.

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