Maybe Congress should investigate how Iranian operatives got into the Biden Administration and how much they influenced policy. This could be tied into the elites in government supporting Anti semitism. These anti semites support Iran because the terrorist thugs in charge support killing Jews. If we continue to support schools that teach anti demotic ideas we are fools.

In WWII the Arabs supported Hitler because Hitler exterminated Jews. Today, many of our elite schools allow support of the idea of Hamas killing Jews. Not a lot has changed!

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Mark Levin stated the Boyhood friend of Blinken and President Obama’s Iran planner was wholeheartedly embraced by President Biden. I don’t remember his name. But here some history on Blinken.


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When politicians (R or D!) treat Iran as a diplomatic challenge rather than as a determined player in a religious effort to establish Islam as 'the' world religion, they are doomed to fail. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad--famous for his speech to the united nations on 22 Sep 2011 (look it up) is still an advisor to the religious leadership of Iran. In his U.N. speech, he said: ""We are approaching the end of time. The signs of the Mahdi's reappearance are becoming more and more evident. The world is in need of a savior. The Mahdi will come to establish justice and peace on Earth. We must all prepare for his arrival." Spoiler alert: Many--not all, but many--Muslims believe that the Mahdi can and will use force to convert the world to Islam. Expecting Iran to negotiate 'in good faith' is 'unwise,' imho.

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True, what part of those in charge of Iran want to destroy the west starting w Israel do they still don’t get? Not like they have been hiding it over the year. Press at State dept now going on about deaths in GAZA finally guy said Hamas is using innocent civilians as shields. Amazing how press refuses to admit that the only people who can stop the civilian deaths is Hamas.

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Today I read where the Gazan’s were running out of fuel. Maybe they could borrow some from Hamas who has a fuel farm near the Gate into Egypt. 12 large white tanks. Easily seen by air.

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I totally agree with you, The Biden Administration has the blood of Israelis and Americans all over their hands. All the people in this country supporting Hamas and their horrific cruelty should be sent to Iran for several months to see how they like Islam in person.

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Learn who the Twelvers are in Iran. They are the puppeteers. The world must be awash in blood.

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The timing is no coincidence. While China, Russia, and Iran are the new axis of evil they are not equals. Iran is the bit€#. China and Russia need more distraction, setting Africa on fire was just the start. While I hope a U.S. vs Iran conflict goes better for us than going into Ukraine worked out for Russia, I see China and Russia testing us. Both militarily and politically.

Sure we can blanket every square inch of the region with various calibers of rounds and assorted explosives at the end of the day the army is the queen of battle. You can't win if you don't put boots on the ground. And then what? What's the Marshall Plan? Afghanistan, Iraq? Are our politicians willing, are American's willing? Are the Iraqi people willing?

Between Obama's apology tour and Biden's dementia and leftist world view driven weakness the timing is no coincidence.

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Funny, no one in the media is mentioning prosecuting the Palestinians responsible for the blatant war crimes. They are just contorting themselves over the possibility that the Israelis will effectively respond and there might be some collateral damage.

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A few weeks ago an arrogant, condescending surgical oncologist barely addressed my recurrent cancer; he instead homed in on my ethnicity and said, "Once a Jew, always a Jew". (For the record, his scalpel won't be anywhere near me.) A week later, a fellow volunteer whom I don't know from Eve said to me, "I could tell you were Jewish right away. It's your aura...dark eyes, dark hair... I mean it in a positive way -- really!" Then Hamas struck...and ALL the anti-Semites are crawling out of the woodwork.

"In every generation, they rise up to destroy us..."

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Pretty sure the surgical oncologist who fixed me up very skillfully last December is Jewish, but it didn’t come up and why would it?

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Neville Chamberlain was the same kind of useful idiot as Joe Biden and, I fear, will cause a significant amount of harm to world at large.

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It is shameful, narcissistic, evil, and a required part of The One's fundamental transformation of every worthy quality of western societies ... because equity and racism.

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NO ONE, and I mean no one is going to hold this administration accountable. The progressives all make excuses for why this is (D)ifferent willfully ignoring Iranian blood-money in the form of the Biden administration turning a blind eye to the selling oil to China. This all happened on Biden's watch. The state of the world is directly his administration's responsibility. It is an inarguable fact that we didn't have these problems under Trump and we do now. All of you who voted for Biden are accessories to our current situation and I mean that.

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Where are the prominent Jews in this country? Why are they silent? Spielberg, Ovitz, Sorkin, Lauder and Borne where are you. And you , Anthony Blinken, you’re a disgrace. Turn in your Yarmulke!

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If Joe Biden really responsible, or is it the people that voted for a cognitive deficient president and his handlers that are responsible?

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A valid point.

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Biden gives military aid to Israel while allowing Iran to sell oil, which allows it to make billions and funnel it to terror organizations that kill Israelis.

It gives military aid to Ukraine, while allowing Iran to sell weapons to Russia that kill Ukrainians.

Compared to Biden, the 'merchant of death' we traded for Brittney Griner was an amatuer. Biden's basically a double-agent.

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