The words and sentiments of Bob Gates continue to ring true…the President’s mishandling of our relationship with Israel undermine a Nation that has been a key ally since its founding in 1948 and for which Richard Nixon deserves full credit for saving in 1973. Our commitment to Israel has been and must remain strong.

This is also displays great political ineptitude. Had President Biden practiced unequivocal, vocal, steadfast support for Israel he would have garnered considerable support and respect from Democrats, Republicans and Independents and made the very small yet vocal supporters of terrorism appear to be the very small minority that they are.

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Will JEWS continue to support the Democrats??

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We were promised normalcy and adults with Biden. Instead, we have gotten dementia, chaos, and children.

Yep, that about sums it up

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Another day, another betrayal of everything good that this country stands for.

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Kind of embarrassing - at least I hope he’s self aware enough to be embarrassed - for former Lt Gov Duncan.

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Just one of many impeachable Biden offenses.

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Impeachment is a political process not a legal process. The impeachment of Trump was a campaign promise and payback for Bill Clinton, the second impeachment of Trump was the weaponization of impeachment. Like the word racist, it is debased.

You are absolutely correct, the fact pattern is the same. However, there was a proper and effectual avenue with Trump, Congress should have simply reasserted it's authority as the first branch of Government and force Trump's hand.

That is what Congress, Republicans, should do, act properly and responsibility, not act like the vindictive Democrat children throwing a temper tantrum.

That is all both impeachments of Trump were if only for the fact that conviction in the Senate was never going to happen. Impeaching Biden would do nothing but add a foot note in the history books.

Don't let MTG's single digit emotional IQ become the GOP's.

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Very well said. Now if congress will do something and get the weapons and supplies to Israel so they can finish the job!

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Okay - no one likes Trump, because they are told NOT TO LIKE TRUMP. He is a businessman and thought process is different and he does get what he wants and what he PROMISES. Media and lefties will lie about him and try and destroy him, period. He sees things differently, maybe with the truth in the background. Biden corruption - let's go after it and how can we do it. Check out his message at the U.N. it was no apology tour like Obama's. He withheld funds to Ukraine - first UKRAINE WAS NOT IN A WAR - funds were held to get more money from the other nations to support Ukraine and to investigate Hunter Biden and the corruption - IN 2019. IT IS NOW 2024 AND WE ARE READING ABOUT WHAT TRUMP ALREADY KNEW - the Biden family corruption. Politicians do or don't do things because it affects their political future. Not Trump, he sees things differently and how they should be handled, and he doesn't care about the repercussions because he is doing it for America and not for himself, otherwise he wouldn't put himself in this position to take the crap being thrown at him. Too bad people don't look a little deeper and ask, "how would I handle this?" I think the majority of politicians are cowards.

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The cannibals ate the wrong Biden.

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Joe Biden is a despicable human being. If Congress and the American electorate don’t judge him fairly, there is another more just judgement in his near future.

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From your mouth to God's ear....despicable is too nice of a word! This clown should have NEVER been elected President! Biden supports Hamas and terrorists...no words to describe the anger!

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Lots to unpack here.

But first.

"On October 7, 2023, Hamas sneaked into Israel and murdered a greater percentage of Israelis than the percentage of Americans killed on September 11, 2001."

That's a great point on what is American lives worth over Jewish lives? 9/11 happened and for the next 20 years America hunted down and destroyed terrorists including invading two countries known to be bastions of them.

Oct 7th happened and they expect Israel to back off and do nothing.

Impeachable, absolutely. Should they? No. What good would it do and it would be a waist. Instead maybe a vote of condemnation.

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One correction, Erick, if I may: This is not Joe Biden's impeachable "moment". You need to use the plural form of that noun. Biden's disregard of both our nation's laws and his Constitutional oath to protect and defend the citizenry from the daily crimes being committed at our southern border is another, earlier "moment". I could provide more, but readers here likely maintain their own lists of these "moments".

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Biden was put in power by democrats to destroy America.They won’t impeach him because he is only coherent when his doctors give him that special shot.

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I fully agree

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The goal of Hamas/Iran on October 7th was to kill as many as possible and take hostages. They wanted Israel to react and attack so that any peace between Israel and other mid eastern countries would be shattered . Their plan for the whole mid east to turn against Israel didn’t happen.

When you think of tunnels you imagine the four foot tall tunnels leading out of Stalag 17. What we see is an engineering project that required materials and professionalism. Tunnels you could walk through standing up and covered with concrete. I saw one that was tiled. A project that was planned years ago.

In the 1960’s we had the American-Cong protesting the war in Vietnam. Now we have the Ameri-Hamas protesting the war in Gaza.

There was a two state system in place before Oct 17, Israel and Gaza and the West Bank. How did that work out?

As I keep stating, the fight is against radical Islam and the non Muslim world. They want the mid east to be free of Jews and Christians.

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Impeachable based on the Trump standard. And militarily absurd. The best defense is a good offense. The United States would never accept the idea that they could only use defensive measures to fight an enemy that seeks their total destruction.

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In his attempt to appease the anti semite vote Biden will sacrifice an ally of the US. All for the sake of votes so he can stay in office. There is no depth a man with no morals will not sink to to hold on to the ring of power. For this reason alone Biden demonstrates he has never been worthy of holding public office. Jewish in the US who still support Biden really need to look in the mirror and reflect .

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