You wrote:

“ The consumer price index is up and industrial inflation is actually at a record high. It's not just consumer prices. Inflation is off the chain.”

As James Carville noted, “Its the economy, stupid.” People look in their increasingly empty wallets after the trip to their increasingly empty grocery store, realize that they can’t even afford good used car (uo 37.2 percent), dread filling up their present one (gas prices up over $1.00), and get righteously angry. Then throw in the border, crime, and Xi and Putin salivating over their soon to come conquests, and you can see the disaster to come - hopefully only the left’s electoral one.

And yes, Biden has checked out, leaving the Democrats with Kamala “word salad” Harris.

If it weren’t all so catastrophic, I could be happy about this.

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I can't figure out how there is anyone even questioning that he has dementia in some form or degree. I have to assume that anyone who is not certain that he does, has never been around anyone suffering from some form of dementia. And the people who keep sending him out to say insane things are simply determined to ensure that no one but approved democrats ever have control of the government.

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Yes, the Democrats are doing a good job of setting the Republicans up for a major win. Then I look at the Republicans and fear washes over me. In Georgia we have an incumbent governor with a strong record who has proven to be a consistent conservative building a strong economy. Yet he will be facing a Trump supported former Senator who as an incumbent could not beat Jon Ossoff but will have the power of Trump. We also have an incumbent Democrat Senator who has gone too far left for Georgia and is being challenged by a couple of strong Georgia Republicans. But they will have to face a Trump supported former Georgia football star with no political resume who is returning from out of state. These disruptions of strong state political positions could potentially hand the victories right back to the Democrats. The Republicans need to get their act together quickly and harness the strength of Trump in a very few areas to keep him out of places like Georgia. He handed us 2 Democrat Senators in 2020. Many of us spent weeks knocking doors trying to overcome the destruction he brought then. He needs to leave us alone now.

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Bush was damned if he visited after Katrina and damned if he didn't. Katrina was something we could have never been prepared enough for. Joe's screw ups are all self imposed and he has no one to blame but himself. He and Jill worshiped the idol of the Presidency....sold his soul to the devil....and look at what his legacy will be. He deserves every bit of it....has always been a narcissistic a'hole....arrogant and often very mean. Karma's a bitch, Joey.

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What did you expect Bush to do during Katrina? Go there and fill sandbags? Going there is a photo op that ties up local people who have more important things to do. He had people down there advising him. Harris had the same on the border problem if she cared to ask any of them there on what was happening and what resources they needed from the government.

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If Inflation continues on a pace like it has in the last year, I suspect that the Democrats will lose congress. At the end of the day; it matters little.

Win the House and that's the end of his Presidency. House writes the legislation, which means Biden HAS to compromise on anything that he and the Democrats want to do.

Lose the Senate and everything is now dictated by the Republicans. And wait until that happens. The hard left will LOSE their collective minds and will show their back side early and often. And that is good for the Republicans.

You can see the White House very much in play next time around.

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Is it just me or does anyone else think that Michelle O. will be the next Dem candidate?

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It's interesting to see that Biden has reached this low point this early in his term. Compare that to how long it took others to hit comparatively low approval ratings.

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An honest and objective media would cure most of our country's ills. I deeply despise their blatant biases and the bold-faced lies they zealously tell to prop up their false gods. Special place in hell for these people.

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Lets hope the Republicans can get decent candidates for the fall. I hope the Senate will not go nuclear on the filibuster, Schumer has alot of tricks up his sleave and I am sure he will try and trick some Senators to vote to end filibuster.

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Jan 13, 2022·edited Jan 13, 2022

And if Joe's incompetent (which he is) I guess that means the people whispering in his ear (Obama, Rice, etc.) are even more so...but we knew that from living through the Obama presidency.

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