It is telling she cast the question about when life begins, when does equal protection apply, as a religious question not a legal question. She even started to say, "the Supreme Court..." then thought better of that tact.

What is a woman is very much a legal question with respect to Title IX. Not because of conservatives, because of liberals, because of Lia Thomas, Laurel Hubbard.

The abortion cases and mental illness cases will be heard by SCOTUS, and she will be there to render decisions not based on law but on liberal dogma.

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I am constantly amazed at the inability of progressives to define the word woman. When Matt Walsh from Daily Wire went on Dr. Phil he asked the same question to a trans-woman. The answer was a head-banging event. He answered some drivel about whoever feels that they are. Biology is a real science. A woman is a female human being who can bear children. Hard, right? Too difficult for the progs. This is the fundamental difference between males and females. The headlines claiming men can give birth are absurd and complete nonsense.

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I’ll never forget some program my wife and I were watching where a married couple was supposedly the first trans relationship where the “male” in the relationship was trans and pregnant. They portrayed it the whole time as if “he” was really a man that was going to have a child. Thankfully, I did not take the bait. However, my wife, who at one time believed in a genderless society, was nonetheless enraptured by the piece. Until, at the very end, they admitted that the pregnant “man” still had all of the female reproductive organs. She basically said, “Ok, then that is not really a man.” She is slowly changing her tune on the genderless society bit, especially with Lia Thomas now. She hasn’t made a full correction but is getting there due to the insanity that it has become.

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Someone should have asked her "Judge, President Biden said he would nominate the first Black woman to the Supreme Court. Are you that Black woman?"

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They should have asked her if her mother was a woman...and how did she know?

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