Let me perhaps save Erick the trouble and, as a Democrat and an admirer of John Lewis, say that he was wrong for that.
At the core of this compact among us (called the Constitution) is the implicit agreement that when the other side wins an election, those of us who lost accept and abide by that result. Then, when our side wins, the othe…
Let me perhaps save Erick the trouble and, as a Democrat and an admirer of John Lewis, say that he was wrong for that.
At the core of this compact among us (called the Constitution) is the implicit agreement that when the other side wins an election, those of us who lost accept and abide by that result. Then, when our side wins, the other side is obliged to do the same. That is how this democracy has worked for more than 200 years. When we stop doing that, democracy will stop working.
In addition to accepting electoral defeat, it is our way as Americans to accept the role of our courts as the means by which we resolve our disputes. (In John Lewis' defense, when he refused to accept Mr. Trump as a legitimate President, multiple courts - including now the Supreme Court - had not considered and rejected his reasons.) The courts having now spoken. repeatedly and quite clearly on the question of this election's legitimacy, what other stones, within our democratic tradition, remain unturned?
I personally have accepted the loss of the Presidency. We can also agree that the democrats deserve to have everything thrown at them in this heated and contested time. The Democrats have had almost everyone with a microphone and keys to the social media sites on their side. The number 3 helper the Democrats have had is home field advantage with a very liberal bureaucracy in DC. These unelected policy makers have hurt American more than any recent foreign adversary. Without China releasing a deadly virus that has caused a world wide pandemic and killed thousands we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Widespread sit on your ass, sign your name on this line, I’ll fill in the selections for you, and take your ballot to the drop box voting system has tarnished this election. The last 4 years of the Trump Presidency has been a chaotic one due to the media, and liberal bureaucrats near the President’s people who told everything with leaks and lies. Russia, Russia, Russia was a lie. Well now we really know who interfered in this 2020 election. China, China, China. and states who allowed untethered absentee ballots. Joe Biden is compromised and I expect Kamala “Sleep around Joe Brown” Harris to soon take the reigns of our nation. Joe Biden’s lies were 50 times larger and more dangerous the any of Trumps. Now the question is, will the liberal leaning leadership in the DOJ, FBI, and the John Durham investigation do the right thing and tell us the truth about Joe Biden/Ukraine/China and the Obama administration that spied on an incoming and eventual President without any real evidence and lied to a FISA court? We should have had another Trump victory. The deck was staked against us at the start. Nearly 74 million said he did his job and Washington insiders are swamp creatures. China could not afford another 4 years of President Trump and they unleashed COVID-19 on the world to stop him.
Yeah thanks China and W.H.O. That is who’s to blame truly for the 300,000 deaths in American? What would you have done differently had the President said the virus is serious business, and a lot of people are going to die? You would have criticized him for causing a panic. The President did everything Fauci asked him to do. The biggest lies; Obama/Biden administration if you like your insurance you can keep it. Your insurance will decrease not increase. Working Americans all now pay thousands $ more every year for the same or less coverage than before. Our deductibles went up from $500 to $1500 causing more people to not seek medical help due to that cost. Biden said he and Hunter Biden never discussed his son’s business dealings ever. That we now know is a lie. Anyone who believed that was a fool. In the debates Biden lied when he said, “over 50 intelligence officials said the Hunter Biden laptop information was Russian disinformation.” That was a lie. The FBI & DOJ had Hunter and Joe’s brother under investigation. The regular media along with social media covered it up until after the election. Tony Bobilinski is a credible witness and they covered it up. Biden said he was against fossil fuels and specifically fracking in the Democratic debates. It was all on video as plan as day. Then Biden debates Trump and Biden says he never said he was against fracking and in the process blames Trump and said he’s the one lying about what Biden said. That my friend is so pathetic. To tell a lie, be confronted about it and you don’t take responsibility for it, and then turn around and blame your opponent saying he’s the one telling a lie. tBiden lied about unmasking General Michael Flynn also, because Biden said he knew nothing about Flynn. If you know nothing about Flynn then why did you multiple times ask for his unmasking?
Anyone who voted for Biden is a pathetic human being. When the media was truly impartial the media held Biden accountable. That’s why his previous bids to become President failed and this one didn’t. Thanks lying China and lying media for giving us lying Biden.
Let me perhaps save Erick the trouble and, as a Democrat and an admirer of John Lewis, say that he was wrong for that.
At the core of this compact among us (called the Constitution) is the implicit agreement that when the other side wins an election, those of us who lost accept and abide by that result. Then, when our side wins, the other side is obliged to do the same. That is how this democracy has worked for more than 200 years. When we stop doing that, democracy will stop working.
In addition to accepting electoral defeat, it is our way as Americans to accept the role of our courts as the means by which we resolve our disputes. (In John Lewis' defense, when he refused to accept Mr. Trump as a legitimate President, multiple courts - including now the Supreme Court - had not considered and rejected his reasons.) The courts having now spoken. repeatedly and quite clearly on the question of this election's legitimacy, what other stones, within our democratic tradition, remain unturned?
I personally have accepted the loss of the Presidency. We can also agree that the democrats deserve to have everything thrown at them in this heated and contested time. The Democrats have had almost everyone with a microphone and keys to the social media sites on their side. The number 3 helper the Democrats have had is home field advantage with a very liberal bureaucracy in DC. These unelected policy makers have hurt American more than any recent foreign adversary. Without China releasing a deadly virus that has caused a world wide pandemic and killed thousands we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Widespread sit on your ass, sign your name on this line, I’ll fill in the selections for you, and take your ballot to the drop box voting system has tarnished this election. The last 4 years of the Trump Presidency has been a chaotic one due to the media, and liberal bureaucrats near the President’s people who told everything with leaks and lies. Russia, Russia, Russia was a lie. Well now we really know who interfered in this 2020 election. China, China, China. and states who allowed untethered absentee ballots. Joe Biden is compromised and I expect Kamala “Sleep around Joe Brown” Harris to soon take the reigns of our nation. Joe Biden’s lies were 50 times larger and more dangerous the any of Trumps. Now the question is, will the liberal leaning leadership in the DOJ, FBI, and the John Durham investigation do the right thing and tell us the truth about Joe Biden/Ukraine/China and the Obama administration that spied on an incoming and eventual President without any real evidence and lied to a FISA court? We should have had another Trump victory. The deck was staked against us at the start. Nearly 74 million said he did his job and Washington insiders are swamp creatures. China could not afford another 4 years of President Trump and they unleashed COVID-19 on the world to stop him.
Which of Joe Biden's lies are more dangerous than (admittedly) downplaying a virus that has already killed almost 300,000 Americans?
Yeah thanks China and W.H.O. That is who’s to blame truly for the 300,000 deaths in American? What would you have done differently had the President said the virus is serious business, and a lot of people are going to die? You would have criticized him for causing a panic. The President did everything Fauci asked him to do. The biggest lies; Obama/Biden administration if you like your insurance you can keep it. Your insurance will decrease not increase. Working Americans all now pay thousands $ more every year for the same or less coverage than before. Our deductibles went up from $500 to $1500 causing more people to not seek medical help due to that cost. Biden said he and Hunter Biden never discussed his son’s business dealings ever. That we now know is a lie. Anyone who believed that was a fool. In the debates Biden lied when he said, “over 50 intelligence officials said the Hunter Biden laptop information was Russian disinformation.” That was a lie. The FBI & DOJ had Hunter and Joe’s brother under investigation. The regular media along with social media covered it up until after the election. Tony Bobilinski is a credible witness and they covered it up. Biden said he was against fossil fuels and specifically fracking in the Democratic debates. It was all on video as plan as day. Then Biden debates Trump and Biden says he never said he was against fracking and in the process blames Trump and said he’s the one lying about what Biden said. That my friend is so pathetic. To tell a lie, be confronted about it and you don’t take responsibility for it, and then turn around and blame your opponent saying he’s the one telling a lie. tBiden lied about unmasking General Michael Flynn also, because Biden said he knew nothing about Flynn. If you know nothing about Flynn then why did you multiple times ask for his unmasking?
Anyone who voted for Biden is a pathetic human being. When the media was truly impartial the media held Biden accountable. That’s why his previous bids to become President failed and this one didn’t. Thanks lying China and lying media for giving us lying Biden.