If I'm not mistaken, the New York Times originally denied the Holocaust.

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Hamas is being whitewashed as a group of "freedom fighters" instead of who they really are--a group of murderous terrorists driven by a religious rage. Their sympathizers have bought into the idea that these people are really oppressed and fighting on behalf of the Palestinian people. The Palestinian people have allowed themselves to be represented by terrorists who continue the call for the destruction of Israel and America while actually doing nothing for their betterment and prosperity. I am not nearly as puzzled by the motives of these fanatics as I am by the strong support for them and their ideology with its actions of rape, murdering babies and elderly Holocaust survivors.

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If the residents of Gaza leave, Hamas loses its human shields; after all, it places its rocket launchers next to homes, schools, shopping centers, and hospitals. It even according to Israel and other observers has its Gaza headquarters in the main hospital in Gaza City. Yes, innocents will die in the incursion which as I write this has apparently begun. However, after a Hamas atrocity worthy of the SS at its worst, it’s impossible to see how Israel can do otherwise. The real danger now is that Hezbollah attacks in the north. With that, Iran is completely revealed as the string puller it obviously is. If and when Israel decides to take some action against Iran by say, destroying Iran’s oil loading facilities on the Persian Gulf, then God only knows how far the world will climb the escalation ladder.

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While this is what the Axis of Evil wants the timing, like that of Russia invading Ukraine, is not by chance.

The Soviets successfully demoralized us, destabilization came with the left's indoctrination of 2 generations. We are now seeing the left's normalization. When no one is capable of recognizing neither evil nor good and can't distinguish between unjustified and justified.

We had a President who was heavily influenced by Bill Ayers, and now his VP is President, a feeble and doddering old fool.

Iran and Hamas knew they would be supported and cheered and Israel would be vilified.

When the left wins the world becomes dystopian.

“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

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There are people who have been comparing the words and actions of a variety of people in this and other countries to Hitlers actions in the run up to the holocaust. And those people were excoriated for making such a comparison. However, it is becoming more and more apparent that they were correct. However, the targets are not only Jews, but Christians and anyone who does not bow down to them.

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Except for one thing the Jews have been suffering since the Egyptian Empire.The Palestinians have chosen to let someone else support them and to allow Hamas to govern them while complaining about their lives.

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It’s typical Islamofascism at its worst. Iran in particular is wedded to an apocalyptic form of Islamic theology, although similar beliefs are seen elsewhere. That belief system calls for the conversion of the world to Islam by any means necessary, including starting WWIII if necessary.

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As I watch the protest of the hamas in the streets and all the college kids, in my almost 90 years, I have never seen anything like this. But the Bible is very clear in the END TIMES. We will experience just exactly, what is happening right now. People have fallen away from going to Church and the Bible. People will be fighting among others and Countries will be fighting among each other, the world over. Come Quickly Lord Jesus.

Blessings to you Erick and all you do for us and keep your family healthy.

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While New Zealand wants to tax their farmers over cow burps and farts. Ahh the Climate Change lie.

Those who support Palestinians should go directly to Gaza and participate first hand as they need more human Shields. Here’s your chance AOC.

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Your love thy neighbor was exactly what I needed today on this Friday the 13th as a stressed out Christian. It’s tough watching the world fall apart from the sidelines thinking what the hell can I do? Well there isn’t much I can do worth more than a cup of coffee at the Waffle House but I can simmer the hate and love my neighbor while at the same time standing strong in my faith and ready to defend by that and my family but with discernment and gentleness and respect.....Even when every cell in my body wants to blow these frs off the face of the earth....

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I feel much the same, but that didn’t stop me from getting out today - with my pistol on my hip, of course.

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