I wonder if those who celebrate this know anything about it’s origins? Does the VP know this story?

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If you celebrate it you don't care, it's a means to an end. Wilful ignorance.

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Thank you for addressing this again Erick. When you first addressed this a few years ago I have been on a tirade and “enlightening” anyone that brings up this subject from your exposure of this crap!

And it feels so good to do it!

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Ah yes, Kwanzaa. That holiday Kamala has fond memories of from her childhood...it’s as phony as she is.

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And the sad part is we teach that crap in schools

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I'm dreaming of a white kwanza

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I'm surprised it's not a national holiday with paid days off for government workers.

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When will Erick be back on the radio?

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Enjoy your well deserved break!

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The terrific website Liberty and Prosperity (NJ) also has a terrific post about this, wholly consistent with Erick's excellent post. https://libertyandprosperity.com/kwanzaa-invented-in-1966-to-destroy-america-starting-with-christmas/

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America has become a country of citizens to afraid to speak out against gross stupidity. I’m convinced it began when the morons in the press allowed Bill Clinton the ability/right to question the meaning of “is”. It all spiraled from there. Now people are derided for wanting to make America great. Go figure. The swan is coming and sadly it ain’t white.

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This is right up there with the idea maps are raciest for diminishing the size of Africa. I see the post on LinkedIn mostly from blacks and all have their pronouns listed. What are you going to do? "Hay, here are the facts..." So you can be labeled a racist? No thanks, not worth it. These people don't want a discussion, debate, or different perspective, they are telling you, you are a racist if you disagree.

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Thank you Eric. I did not know all the background but did know it was a "made up" holiday. I feel the same way about Juneteenth, it is "somewhat" real, but it is made up as a holiday for blacks only. I think as time goes on we will see more and more of this stuff.

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Juneteenth (there are other and better names for the event it celebrates) is real for Texas black folks who want to remember the liberation of Texas' slaves by the Emancipation Proclamation (it actually has been a state holiday for a long time), but it doesn't apply to every state; it shouldn't have been fashioned into a national holiday. The slaves of the four states who stayed in Union weren't released by Lincoln's proclamation. Plus, it overshadows Father's Day and is too close to July Fourth, diminishing both of those. It was passed at a time that was too emotional. If we want to have a national day recognizing the end of slavery, we should designate the day we ratified the 13th Amendment. I wouldn't have a problem with that.

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I agree, but I've noticed in recent years it seems like the "steam" has gone out of this "holiday".

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Oh that sounds terrible. I had no idea. I never had anything to do with Kwanza anyway.

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I just spent five days in South Africa, returning yesterday morning. I saw no evidence of Kwanzaa anywhere nor heard it mentioned. Countless people--even adherents of Islam!!--wished us all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, though.

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Muslims love Jesus. (not sarcasm). Few Muslims recognize recognize him as God, but some do. Merry Christmas.

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Muslims respect and honor Jesus, but no true Muslim believes Jesus is God. In the Dome of the Rock, which I've visited, it reads that Christians will burn in hell for believing in three gods instead of one. The Koran is clear that Jesus is not God and that those who believe he is are infidels.

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Mohammed (who Muslims say was never wrong) commanded his followers to study the Christian Bible. There are some who believe the versions of the Christian Bible are corrupt and should not be studied. If you have this belief, you believe that Mohammed's teaching in this area is wrong. There are many Imams who have addressed this issue. There are literally millions of people in Islam who believe what the Bible says about Jesus Christ true.

Let God sort this out.

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Muslims love Jesus. (not sarcasm). Few Muslims recognize recognize him as God, but some do. Merry Christmas.

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For me Kwanzaa has always been at its best when subject to comedic interpretation. To think that anyone takes this farce seriously makes me giggle with delight.... can you imagine having a conversation with a "believer"?

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Best watch your back, Erick. Hakeem's gonna get you for this column. You may be branded as an insurrectionist.

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Methinks this piece succeeded in thoroughly straightening KS-P's hair; I'm sure she'll be apoplectique well through the New Year. Please let us know what happens when you two run into each other!

And Ms. Gray...you asked "Whatever happened to the truth?" Welcome to the world of Pontius Pilate, who asked Jesus back in His day "What is truth?"

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