This will be short.
Biden’s speech was fine. Expectations were so low that as long as he stayed more than ten minutes and didn’t screw up the teleprompter read, he’d be fine. He did that. He actually exceeded that.
The speech was fine for what it was. He wants this to be about character and competence. That provides the GOP an opportunity to review what actually happened at the DNC that you didn’t see on TV. From calls to defund the police to proposed bans on charter schools, that was the Democratic convention you didn’t get to see on TV.
The GOP has the opportunity now to go for the substance. Polling still shows consistently that people prefer the President to handle the economy, not Biden. They need to play that up.
But to do that, the GOP needs to tackle the virus and they still are not. There are things the President can do just by virtue of using the bully pulpit. He is not rallying the nation. The Democrats sought to focus on that last night, but I just don’t think they were very successful.
Last night’s convention programming was actually the worst of the week. It really was a giant Zoom call with Julia Louis-Dreyfus making bad jokes between. The comedy fell flat. That was just weird. But Biden’s speech was fine. Democrats can get excited even as the GOP has some real opportunities.
Now, to answer an important question.
Yes, I’ve Changed
I feel the need to address this and did it on my front porch last night.
It is frustrating times. Well said Erick. Priorities matter in a country that is so at odds with each other. I quit getting upset with my team losing football many years ago. I vote for the people that best support my conservative belief system. It is hard to find but I lean in and pick the candidates closest. I’m done with politics too- it is a losing game!
Well-spoken on your Instagram. Speck/log point here... wonder how many missed your message while thinking they should point out the nest on your front porch? :)