If you will recall Obama began this trend. Osama Bin Laden didn’t get suddenly “found”, his demise was timed for the best political impact. (Not to mention the White House gloated about it-another big no-no, in my opinion) It’s called treachery, pure and simple. Withholding something good and beneficial when it’s in your power and ability to give it. The Bible speaks to this. There’s a principle that power gained by treachery does not change from treachery once that power is in place.

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And remember that Biden was against taking OBL out. The guy's been on the wrong side of everything his entire career.

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And the willful accomplices in the "media" will spin this as "the right time." A lot of people will willingly go along with that message too.

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I would believe he really wanted to close the border if he could magically put up a fence instantly and could round up every illegal alien he has allowed in and send them home with the provision that if they try to come back they will be jailed for at least 10 years.

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Erick; Does this look like "securing" the border. President Joe Biden is expected to sign an executive action Tuesday that would temporarily shut down the southern border when daily migrant crossings between legal ports of entry exceed 2,500, with the border reopening when the number falls below 1,500, according to three people familiar with the discussions. Did you read the bill? If he can close the border when crossings exceed 2,500, then he can close the border when crossings exceed ONE.

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Joe is just the pupppppet. He is told what to say and the time to say it from the WEF that are in control of this Nation. They want a ONE WORLD GOV. and it is coming soon. But good news, Jesus is coming soon as well so we will NOT have to put up with to many more years of this Nation and the demoflats.

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4

While I don't watch TV and thus don't know if this is covered, I am not seeing the point on any of the usual conservative internet outlets; maybe they can't count, either.

The point here is that regardless whether this joke is slapped down, it essentially changes nothing.

Admitting 2,500 per day works out to 912,500 per year. Add the 5-10% "gotaways" and we have a 'legalized' MILLION per year.

Nothing changed.

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As a country we’re broke morally and financially inflation from over spending then letting in millions of illegals to jack up rents and to also add to food inflation with a big helping of insane regulations all from a corrupt administration full of incompetent people and the head Idiot is Joey from Scranton

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I hope the average American voter understands that is what he’s doing.

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Good morning, I am returning home to Atlanta from not so sunny, June gloom in SOCAL. San Diego was nice but only on the Bay Side and Coronado. The Gaslamp district was abysmal and smelled of urine, closed and boarded up. When I say nasty, I mean a bunch of southern mamas need to go through there with Clorox and Pinesol and a big ole broom. My daughter loves trash tv and I got a real dose while here. If you have not watched the Stormy Daniels documentary it is worth the time. She should have stuck to vet school. She had a full ride scholarship and loved horses. I feel sorrow and extreme sympathy toward her. I hear she is Republican and will vote Trump. Her breasts are incredibly large, waist is narrow with a little flab and butt cheeks are not firm with a little beginning cellulite in the upper thigh area. Disproportion all around. She allowed herself to be used and 130k was not enough. She would have done much better to have kept her sexual escapades a little more discreet and secret like most of us good southern women do. I was struck with how a woman can stick her anus in the air and slither down a pole and men throw money at that. Not very smart. How many panties did LBJ and JFK have in their drawers. Oh well, carry on, the sun will come up, America will be ok, humans will do what they do, my plane will land and I’ll go back to work tomorrow. Trump will be President, Biden will continue his journey into that dank dementia and life will go on.

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That's so sad to hear. I went to SD in the mid-90's and it was one of the few places in the country where I immediately felt like it would be a great place to live.

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Well not anymore, darling, unless urine is your fantasy perfume.

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That is such a shame. I used to LOVE the Gaslamp district as well as taking the trolley down to Tijuana. I just don't understand why the citizens of California refuse to hold these arbitrators to the destruction accountable.

This is a consistent theme that neither side will hold their own accountable for a damn thing, and then make excuse the swill.

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Yep you sure would be shocked today I was there in 2012 and it was so nice , it’s destroyed now.

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Nose ring and nipple clamps, the Village People are in charge.

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Don't forget the ass-less chaps

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He does show his ass every day.

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The governor of Texas should fill Delaware with immigrants. Then ABC can poll them.

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I have always wanted that to happen. Drop them off on Biden’s door step or on the beach where he sits. Let Biden’s neighbors in on this border debacle.

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Ok, so is the clown show ready to make the repetitive point in bold letters that this could have been done at any point up until now? Also that this originated because Biden turned Trump's policies on border security to be their inverse.

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Anyone with a smidgeon of common sense will understand that this is all for show. Great job laying this out Erick. This Biden regime is extremely tiring.

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deletedJun 4
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It'd be great to get the democrats to publicly admit why they have opened the border. They refuse to answer directly, giving word salads when asked. And, if Republicans call this out too strongly, they get labeled as xenophobes and racists. I hope Trump can get this in at the debate. Also needs to press Biden on why he believes, "your body, your choice", inconsistently. He forced vaccine mandates on everyone he could. Trump needs to make him own the border situation and the destructive mandates.

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I'll admit it:


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Jun 4·edited Jun 4

Right. Guess you’re trying to be humorous. Not so funny to the family of those killed by illegals coming over the border with open doors.

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I understand the allure or maintaining power, but how people can think it's okay to purposely allow the country to be endangered boggles my mind.

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He is being led by the folks mentioned in other posts. My concern continues to be people believing that Trump is surging ahead- remember the red wave? Everyone needs to unite and keep this whole from getting four more years to destroy our country.

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Nobody should take one single thing for granted

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4

Nothing like trying to close the barn door after the horses got out. The damage is already done. Millions upon millions of migrants are here illegally. If Biden should win in November and the democrats retain the senate and the house all of those migrants will get the right to vote. I would almost stake my life on it. Plus all of those single males that are here from wherever and they have already started will test our security systems both military and law enforcement. If they’re coming here for better way of life why won’t they assimilate into this country? If I was going to move to a different country the first thing I would do is learn the language and the culture. Just sayin’.

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