Thanks for the free press reference. Checked it out and ilthe couple of articles I've read it appears a lot better than these purported news sites that supposedly aren't injecting bias but providing links to articles from the 'sources' such as CNN, ap, Reuters, cbs, and so on. yep no group think from the these sources right?

In regards to doing something, Peons like myself can quit supporting the outlets that repeat their prescribed narratives over all the mainstream channels, and find alternatives. I'm clearly not a writer or thought leader but I'm pretty much limited to supporting those that are fairly and honestly reporting the current events and world developments.

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And not supporting the 'enslaved media' is a great step. Maybe passing along to friends sites such as Erick's and the Free Press. There must be things we can do and I'm trying to move beyond griping.

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I just have to breathe sometimes… the idiocy of our world is staggering. But all a part of the prep of the Second Coming so I take solace in that fact.

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I could not agree more. The Bible tells us about ALL the things that are happening and going to happen, like the war yet, soon. We are not that far off and we need to let the many others know that He is coming soon.

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And yet, the highly paid, highly esteemed editors at the NYT seem to always spout the same left leaning ideological and DNC-approved nonsense instead of common sense.

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Always, so my request to all commenters here is what can be done? I think Erick somewhat suggested it when he spoke of the rise of bloggers, but the left-wing bias in the media is systemic, to borrow one of their favorite words. I think the WSJ is the only fairly conservative major paper out there, and Fox News and Newsmax are obviously about all we have on TV, with Erick probably leading the way on radio. But are they communicating in a silo? I know there are many free-thinkers in our country that would appreciate a non-aligned source of information. (Today's FreePress substack is very interesting - speaking to you, Joe). I know as a conservative I want the straight skinny. Bet there are some slightly to the left that want the same thing. An investment opportunity?

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Cracks in the Wall – Entropy – Mediocre Media

I am old enough to remember, and dread, when Walter Cronkite came on and droned on about the news of the day. He blocked me from watching my tv shows before bedtime.

When Rupert Murdoc came on the scene he turned news into entertainment, and the money rolled in. Channels sprung up. 24 hours of airtime to fill.

We don’t have news channels anymore but “shows”. And they are unabashed about it. At each handoff on Fox they say “have a great show”. So, no news but just jazzed up talking points. And I skip around the channels to check, and it’s the same on all the channels. All selling a daily talking point that is 1% fact and 99% opinionated nonsense.

But a couple of years ago it shifted again with the move to getting news on our mobiles. No longer a need to buy an evening paper. No need to watch ABC or NBC tell us about the day. No need to watch any of the main cable channels. The world is now at our fingertips and we get what we want in feeds, instantly.

So, once again, entropy set in and now the talking heads were no longer anyone we cared about. Revenues crashed. CNN is on the verge of going under. I have no idea how MSDNC stays on the air.

Then along came the gift of WOKE and COVID and CANCELLATION CULTURE, putting the talking heads briefly gainfully employed. Attack attack attack.

And let's not forget Trump. CNN and MSDNC were making money again. Attack attack attack.

But, as with entropy, I see a crack in the wall in the form of Woody Harrelson. This weekend he hosted SNL (record 5th time) and said he was recently offered a movie script……

“The movie goes like this,” Harrelson said. “The biggest drug cartels in the world get together and buy up all the media and all the politicians and force all the people in the world to stay locked in their homes. And people can only come out if they take the cartel’s drugs and keep taking them over and over.”

“I threw the script away,” he continued. “I mean, who was gonna believe that crazy idea? Being forced to do drugs? I do that voluntarily.”

WOW. Hollywood A listers stepping up. Today the lamestream media are again crapping themselves. Skim the headlines and see them run. They see the crack and the inevitable path of entropy.


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To retain power, one must distract and cow people. A willing MSM is a political WMD.

To quote Harry Reid, "It worked, didn't it?"

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Erick, you coined the phrase enslaved "press".

Yet again, here we have another prime example.

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And our research team at the University of Utah’s College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine still can not find one quality study to support masking. We’ve been saying this for more that 3 years and have been entirely ignored. Fact - the corporate media and the Democrats are liars, stupid or both.

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Masks did a few things. First, it reminded us to not touch our faces. Second, it told others to stay away from us because we were sickly. Third, it could stop us from spreading large droplets when we coughed. But now we know that everything else was a lie.

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In that sense, masks were a constant reminder to be mindful of the situation and potential dangers of "status quo" public interaction, I agree. The vast majority of us were not "sickly", and wanted to keep it that way, so masks did keep us conscious of the situation.

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I agree with both of you on this subject. At first, I didn't object to the masks for the same reasons Jim mentions. But when the studies began coming in PROVING that the masks really didn't help, that's when I began agreeing with Vandalii...that it became a "do-something hand wave" to make people feel safer. The "follow the science" crowd were instead following their feelings, and that's when I called BS.

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Masks were a "do something" hand-wave to address the unknown. Hospital staff, surgery rooms et al, wear masks so became the pseudo-scientific "medical" response to a frightened population. Fauci even told the truth initially - masks don't stop viruses. In the absence of tangible, effective options, ineffective but tangible "do something" became policy.

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I was just about to reply the same, Joe. Ditto for acquired immunity.

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Beyond abusive!

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I had a 15-year history of heart issues, including atrial fibrillation, that were finally corrected with open heart surgery in January, 2020. Because of the heart-related side effects for YOUNG males (not my age group), and because I had COVID twice (both times almost asymptomatic), I chose to avoid the vax. But I couldn't talk with ANYONE aside from my wife about my choice without them losing their minds! Now that things are calming down, it's okay to say these things to the "follow the science" crowd, but the panic-induced group-think still baffles me. I guess it really is that easy to stampede the herd. And to think those same people believe another Adolf Hitler could never happen.

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Good to hear that you’re doing well. We’re truly close to the edge of WW lll as well as succumbing to an extremely wicked regime.

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Very good Erick..,,so spot on.

My big question is why the DOE made this statement….was other info /testimony about to be released?

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Have to wonder about that, too. When will we see the Surgeon General, CDC, Dept of Health, medical community sign on to this finding? And who will Biden have to fire for breaking ranks?

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The whole COVID story has as many twists and turns as a spy novel. But one thing is a mystery here: How is the Energy Department an authority on virus R& D? Who knew that the Energy Dept seemingly has intelligence agents? Isn’t the Energy Department’s job to worry about solar panels and grid security? Seems like a bit of mission creep here.

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Keep in mind this is also the minder of nuclear energy, likely keeping a close eye on Iran...shouldn't be a shock to find some manner of intelligence-gathering nestled down in there somewhere.

OTOH, virology is not in their wheelhouse, so yeah, how did this come from DOE and not CDC, et al whose wheelhouse *is* virology?

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Something of that nature. The energy department. Biological weapons is a security threat so they would have an investigative body. Because the virus could have potentially been a security threat they had info seekers. And they found this. Very damning of this turns out to be true.

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Excellent. One can only hope that at some point the media will focus more on truth than political advantage. But the reality is the tail (or should it be "tale") is wagging the dog. The media delivers what its audience demands on the margins. This is a problem on the right as well, as you well know.

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Follow the money. Sensation sells, truth, well, meh. Keep the clicks coming...

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Are there any nonpartisan journalists out there anymore? Journalists have become so lazy that they just repeat the same talking points without doing any investigation. And the when they discover that they are wrong they don’t care. They have done their job of indoctrinating the public with left wing garbage. Whatever happened to facts just facts? It’s all opinions, biased opinions.

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We're dealing with "pool reporting" methods - someone like the AP comes up with the talking points, the rest is "creative writing" to draw viewers and clicks. Works for Pravda...

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Bari Weiss

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Pete Buttigieg and the railroad are regulated by the Code of Federal Regulations . Easily accessible online even from East Palestine. Detailed information on how your train is supposed to operate.Even after a spill.


Title 49

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