Excellent. Thank you very much

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This left-wingers are more violent than right-wingers meme is stupid.

From July 2011 to August 2019, white nationalists have murdered 58 on US soil, while Antifa killed one last Saturday.


The point is that either side is capable of violence, and your position Erick, is not defensible.

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I've said for awhile that Trump is more a reflection of our current state of affairs rather than a cause of it. Your post reminds me of this. Everything that is denounced in Trump (whether rightly or wrongly) is something that has already been "accepted" in our media and in our society for awhile. The hypocrisy of the mainstream media is consistently on display.

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Fake News didn't begin with Trump. As Erick's post points out with his Tea Party examples and the current rioting examples, the media clearly has an anti-conservative bias that predates the Trump era. The media certainly distorts the news (in the best case) and arguably deliberately publishes false news stories that align with its progressive goals. Trump may have issues with the truth, but he is far from the only one in the jostle for power to control the future of our country.

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Brutally accurate and I so appreciate the not-quite-masked sarcasm...I live through you vicariously!

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I know that right will prevail.

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Thank you for pulling back and detailing that timeline. Facts are everything but everyone wants their own popular brand of hatred to win the argument. I’m dismayed and disgusted at glib rejections of the facts of these riots going on in the media and, worse, from Biden and his puppeteers who purport to lead our nation. My gut tells me we are going to win this thing but I worry that this will only get worse - no matter who wins!

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Thank you Erick for providing your subscribers with your research, and arming ourselves with the facts.

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I have been worried for years that one day this violence would come and knew the left would start it and blame it on the right. Right out of Animal Farm and I'll bet it's in the Saul Alinsky play book too. The left is trying to get the right to shoot back so they can blame the right for starting a war! What will happen when Trump wins in November? These leftist thugs will be more emboldened to take all this to the next level? There is an adult way to handle grievences but the leftist leaders are just as immature as these socalled protestors. They have no morality therefore no respect for life and view anyone who disagrees with them fair game for target practice! This is getting more dangerous and the blood of innocent people are on the hands of those who refuse to see the truth in all this! God sees all! Lord have mercy on America! I dont think this is going to end well.

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