Never... ever... underestimate the republicans ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

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I absolutely agree. Let them drown. But from the past we can expect some squishy republicans to exhibit once again that they have no spine for fighting.

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All of this...totally agree! I've seen spoiled pre-school children work better together than these current Democrats. I soooo want the Squad to eventually have to eat some humble pie and eventually be dismantled. Sooner rather than later.

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This is well written and incredibly expressed! Very nice!

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Well written Erick. The question remains--have we crossed the Rubicon as a Nation? The financial aspect is ominous enough--but couple that with social and moral disintegration, and focus on silly things related to gender and race--sure seems like a Symphony of Destruction (to borrow from Megadeth).

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When I saw, "Let. Them. Drown." I thought "Surely Erick's not talking about the people wading across the Rio Grande.

The country is like an airplane in a death spiral. Parts of the plane are falling off as it plummets closer and closer to crashing in a fireball.

But at least the pilot isn't sending out any mean tweets.

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Indeed, Uncle Joe is a kinder, gentler person, who offers word salad gibberish, no joke.

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Give them enough rope.

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As I sit here in sunny southern California on vacation, I say what a mess! Gas is $5 a gallon, homeless people everywhere, my favorite champagne is $76. I’m fortunate to be in mental healthcare and maybe will have employment for a long while. I say, let it all

Fall. This can’t continue. My rent is increasing and I have 9 months to find another place to live or pay 1900$ for a renovated apartment. My wages did not increase. I have to live on a strict budget. Why can’t our country? Another bail out? No! What a mess!

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Sorry about the Recall effort. Seems like Californication is irredeemable. I just hope we can at least hold on to the handful of Congressional seats in the red-der parts of your state.

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My children live in SoCal. I live in ATL.

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I believe Erick made the statement before the election that in the event that Biden won, this would most likely produce a trainwreck for the country. In that event what Republicans needed to do was.....nothing. Let it happen. Take two steps backward to get out of the way of the free fall and wait for the explosion. America needs to see these ideas are the path to destruction and sadly, we are all living with the consequences of it. It has to happen like a combination of a colonoscopy while getting dental work. A feeling that you never want to go through again. Maybe then this will create so much discomfort the memory will stick for every American for, at least, 10 or 20 years.

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Hahahahaha!!! Absolutely perfect phrase..... "It has to happen like a combination of a colonoscopy while getting dental work. A feeling that you never want to go through again."

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You think the Progressives or hard left (the Squad) have no clout; I saw an article where funding for Israel for the Iron Drone was pulled in their spending bill due to complaints by the Anti-Semitic wing of the Democrat Party. I guess they do have some say in what happens. Regarding the January 6th riots; one person was shot by Capitol police; rioters are being held in jail/prison without being charged and without Due Process - some for as long as 6 months - NO REPUBLICAN LEADERS SEEM TO THINK THIS IS AN ISSUE - cowards. On January 6th - the House reconvened at 8:00 to take a vote. Any reports on the LEFT ACTIVISTS' actions through the years - storming, rioting, destroying, threatening, etc. going back to Trump being inaugurated, including some high-profile celebrities? I didn't think so.

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RE Jan 6 rioters being held in jail without due process: This was a part of the reason I opposed the Patriot Act. It gave the Sec of State authority to deem any individual or group a terrorist or terrorist organization, and that was not subject to review. It also gave the Executive branch new powers of detention and surveillance without oversight by the Judicial branch. The Patriot Act was a knee-jerk response to 9-11 and at the time it felt good to say "Hell yes we're gonna' jail you terrorists without due process!" But look at whose been labeled the new domestic terrorists! I'm telling you folks, there is much more at play here than most people realize.


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You’re right. Most ‘journalists’ providing cover. They don’t actually understand, though, what they are enabling.

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Amen! Republicans aren't the governing majority, so they should get over the idea that they have responsibility to "make the trains run on time" when Democrats could care less about Republicans until they're up a creek without a paddle.

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Yeah. But will the republicans have any backbone? I have no faith in either party. I hope they do what you suggest.

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Never overlook Republicans' ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

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Republicans have no backbone. It is embarrassing.

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